Someone sat in the chair next to her, bringing her out of her reverie. Was it time for people to start arriving for George’s first lecture already? She opened her eyes, only to find she was face to face with the man himself. ‘Sleeping? I’m not boring you already, am I?’ George’s deep baritone washed over her.

Melody smiled. ‘Not sleeping, just thinking.’

‘You were right. This is a great lecture room. One of the better ones.’

‘I’m glad.’

‘When I visited Bangladesh, I did this same talk in a small annexe next to the hospital. Dirt floors, tin roof, more like a lean-to, and everyone who came huddled around my computer to watch the slides and short recordings I showed.’ He nodded. ‘It was one of my best talks because I was so relaxed.’

‘You’re not relaxed today?’

He shrugged one shoulder and checked his tie was securely in place. ‘I didn’t have to wear a suit there either. Far too hot. How anyone can be completely relaxed whilst wearing a suit, I don’t know.’

‘You don’t like wearing a suit?’ There was a hint of incredulity in her words. ‘Surely, on this tour, you’ve had to wear one most days.’


‘Then why do the tour in the first place?’

For the first time since she’d met him she saw a hint of sadness in his eyes but he quickly looked away, checking his watch. ‘People should start arriving soon.’

‘Yes.’ A strange awkwardness seemed to settle over them, although Melody had no idea why. She’d asked what she had thought to be a general question and George’s whole demeanour had changed from light-hearted to sad to professional. She wanted to ask why, not to pry but because she was genuinely concerned, but, then, the visiting professor’s psyche was none of her business. ‘Er…you certainly have a great team,’ she stated, taking her lead from him and keeping their conversation to a strictly professional line. ‘A well-oiled machine.’

‘They certainly are. At first it was all rather strange, having people ordering me about every step of the way, but now, after months of travelling and lecturing, I’ve learned to trust them. They’re all extremely good at their jobs, and if we each do our own thing and avoid getting in each other’s way, then things generally run smoothly.’

‘I guess that’s the name of the game when you’re on one of these visiting professorships.’

‘Absolutely. Besides, in spending so much time together, we’ve also become friends.’ He gestured to where Carmel was discussing something with Diana, one of the administrative assistants. ‘Carmel’s amazing. How she keeps all the schedules and travel details and names of people correct, I’ll never know.’

‘It’s definitely a skill.’ Melody was equally impressed. ‘My PA, Rick, has the same knack. Give me a scalpel over a mound of paperwork any day.’ She chuckled. People were starting to arrive and take their seats.

‘Making friends with your work colleagues can be an advantage. Of course, when you’re a small group, it can sometimes be dangerous.’ George sighed as he continued to watch Carmel and Diana.

‘Dangerous?’ She followed his gaze, picking up on the wistfulness of his tone. Was George involved with Carmel or Diana? Relationships were bound to happen in such a small group that spent so much time together.

‘Carmel and Diana.’ George shrugged one shoulder. ‘They’ve been on and off again for most of the trip, I can’t keep up any more.’ As the two women smiled warmly at each other, George nodded. ‘Definitely on again at the moment.’ Carmel finished talking to Diana, then turned and beckoned to George. ‘I’m being summoned.’

‘Off to work, Professor,’ Melody said with a smile, and as George stood, he returned her smile—a bright, happy smile that made her feel all fluttery and feminine. Why? Why would she feel like that because a handsome man smiled at her?

* * *

George listened to what Carmel had to say but his thoughts were still with the delightful Melody Janeway. It wasn’t often he met people he instantly connected with, so when it happened it took him by surprise. He glanced once more at Melody, who was now talking with Rick.

‘George?’ Carmel snapped her fingers at him and he immediately returned his attention to his PA. ‘Focus.’

‘I’m focused, Carmel.’ He chuckled at the way she’d snapped her fingers at him. That usually meant she was in organisational mode. ‘I like relaxed, chatty Carmel better than Ms Hospital Corners.’