‘Me? Or the food?’ Jasper asked, that teasing glint back in his eyes.

‘The food.’ She pointed her fork at him. ‘Now, cut it out. We’re just going to be friends.’


Jennifer’s expression and her tone were quite serious. ‘Because I don’t have many.’

Jasper nodded as though accepting her answer. ‘Fair enough.’ He raised his glass and held it out to hers. ‘Friends,’ he toasted as they chinked glasses before raising them to their lips—both of them hoping they’d be able to stick to this resolve.

‘I feel like I hardly see you,’ Sara complained when Jennifer called her late on Friday afternoon to let her know she wouldn’t be there for dinner again.

It’s only because I’m trying to get everything settled as quickly as possible. The workload will even out soon enough and I won’t be burning the candle at both ends.’ Or having impromptu dinners with Jasper, she added silently. She’d had such a great time with him, simply being out on her own with a man whose company she enjoyed. He was smart, funny and not at all difficult to look at.

‘But what about trying to find an apartment?’ Sara’s words brought her thoughts back to the present. ‘I mean, don’t get me wrong, Jen, you’re more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need to, but I know you want to get a place of your own, have your own space. How are you going to have time to do that when you’re stuck in that hospital during daylight hours?’

‘Actually, Ja—er, a colleague has told me of a place for sale which is close to the hospital.’


‘I’m meeting the owner in half an hour,’ she said, checking her watch.

‘The owner? Not the real-estate agent?’

‘It’s a private sale.’

Sara’s tone was instantly wary. ‘I don’t know, Jen. I don’t like the sound of this. It all sounds a bit…I don’t know…dodgy.’

There was a knock at Jennifer’s door and she looked up, placing her hand over the receiver, and called, ‘Come in.’ A moment later Jasper walked into the room. Jennifer ignored the little spark of pleasure at seeing him. Those sparks were becoming all too familiar of late.

‘Should I come back?’ he asked, but she shook her head and beckoned him in. She pointed to the phone and mouthed, ‘Sara.’ Jasper nodded and sat down, his eyes starting to twinkle.

‘Have you said anything?’ he asked softly. Jennifer shook her head but smiled at him. Jasper felt the now familiar hit to his solar plexus. It occurred whenever she smiled like that and in his opinion, when he didn’t see her all that often, he started to miss it. Last night, though, he’d had a fantastic time. For the first time in a long time he’d felt happy, free and single. Being the father of two meant he didn’t often get that much time alone, especially to spend it with an intelligent woman like Jennifer.

He had to hand it to her. She was a good administrator as well as a brilliant surgeon and while she may have ruffled a few feathers since her arrival, it had all been necessary, and he’d backed her up one hundred per cent. The fact that she was undeniably beautiful, with the most sparkling bright blue eyes, was an added bonus.

‘Don’t worry about me,’ Jennifer said into the receiver, then switched the phone to the loudspeaker so Jasper could hear what Sara was saying. ‘The colleague who’s recommended this property has known the owner for a long time.’

‘Sure, but you hardly know your colleague.’ Sara’s concern was evident. ‘You’ve only been at the hospital for a few weeks. Perhaps you should get Jasper to check out your colleague?’

‘Jasper? You mean Lilly and Lola’s dad? What does he have to do with anything?’ She grinned at Jasper and winked at him. Neither of them had said a word to Sara that they’d figured out her little plan and it was starting to drive poor Sara absolutely crazy.

Sara sighed with exasperation. ‘Jasper works at the hospital.’

‘He does?’

‘Yes, and I can’t understand why you haven’t met him yet. He’s in your department.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me before now?’

‘Well, I, er…Well I didn’t want to…er…influence you or prejudice you.’

‘Against a colleague?’

‘You must have met him by now. You must have. He’s tall, dark and handsome and he told me he was expecting a new boss in the department.’

‘Does he know I’m your friend?’

‘No. I didn’t say anything to him either, and when he picked up the girls yesterday afternoon I tried to sort of hedge around to see if he’d met you, but he didn’t say a word.’