‘Jen. Jen.’ Lola hugged her tightly before letting go and clapping her hands. ‘Lilly!’ She hollered. ‘Come on.’

‘I need to get my bag,’ Lilly said practically, and Jennifer couldn’t help but smile. That was Lil. Completely practical—like her father. From what Jasper had said about Elisha, it seemed Lola was a lot like her mother. Impulsive, direct and a little absent-minded at times.

‘Get my bag, too,’ Lola called.

‘No.’ Lilly protested, walking up while she stuffed a painting into the small bag.

‘Why don’t I take that for you?’ Jennifer offered, smiling at the girl’s determination.

‘I can do it.’

Independent, determined and a little exasperating at times. Jennifer nodded. Just like her father.

Finally, the two girls were in her car, buckled safely into the back, and while they weren’t sitting on their usual booster seats, it wasn’t too far to drive and Jennifer knew they’d be safe.

‘I love this car. It’s so pretty and shiny and it smells nice.’

‘Thank you.’

‘I’m very excited to be going to your house, Jen.’ Lola’s excitement was all but bubbling over. ‘I hope Daddy finishes very, very late so we have to have a sleepover.’

‘But we can’t because it’s Aunty Megsy’s wedding tomorrow and we have to get up really early and get ready,’ Lilly pointed out.

‘Not that early. Jen, can we sleep on your hiding bed? I love hiding beds. Sara has one at her house and she lets us pull it out sometimes and lie on it, but I want to sleep on one all night long.’

‘Well, perhaps we can arrange it for some other time.’ She was touched that Lola wanted to sleep over, knowing that Lilly would also enjoy it.

‘And Daddy, too. He can sleep over, too.’ Lilly added.

‘But where does he sleep? He’s too big for the hiding bed.’ It was certainly a problem and one both girls pondered quite intently.

‘He can sleep in Jen’s bed,’ Lilly ventured. ‘That’s what mummies and daddies do.’ Again, Lilly’s tone held that practical note.

‘Oh, yeah. I forgot.’

Jennifer wasn’t sure what to do or say—so she said nothing and instead concentrated on getting the girls out of the car and into the house. They continued to talk on, covering a wide variety of topics, and were more than happy to entertain each other while she prepared a snack for them.

When Jasper finally arrived the girls were lying on Jennifer’s hiding bed, which she’d somehow been talked into pulling out, watching some television and relaxing.

‘Sorry.’ He greeted Jennifer with a kiss. That was something else she was coming to terms with as well—the fact that Jasper was intent on kissing her at every available opportunity. He was a very demonstrative man. She loved every moment of it but it still felt a little unnatural for her. ‘Theatre just wouldn’t end tonight.’


‘Mrs Verucci’s total hip replacement didn’t want to follow textbook procedure.’

‘I hate it when they do that.’ Jennifer smiled as she spoke and was pleased when her words brought a more relaxed smile to Jasper’s face. That was another thing she liked—the power she had over him. She could relax him, make him laugh, tease him, enjoy quiet moments with him. It was another world and it was a world where she didn’t feel alone any more.

They ordered some food, neither feeling like cooking, and Jennifer was pleased when Jasper was talked into letting both girls have a mini-sleepover on Jen’s hiding bed.

‘At least I’m not the only one who’s wrapped around their little fingers,’ she said as she stacked the dishwasher, delighted to be able to use it. Usually, when it was just her, there was no need to put it on. She smiled, amazed at how a little domestic thing like a full dishwasher made her feel happy.

‘They’ll sleep in their clothes, their teeth won’t be brushed and they’ve missed out on their bath,’ Jasper pointed out as he walked over and took both of Jennifer’s hands in his. ‘And that’s a compromise I’m willing to make if it means I get a bit of extra “grown-up” time with you.’

He bent his head and kissed her tenderly, drawing her closer into his arms. She went willingly, loving the way they fitted together.

Once the girls had fallen asleep, the two of them sat and talked quietly about books, television shows, tomorrow’s wedding and work.

‘Was anything said?’


‘When I left the message. Were there any…interested eyebrows raised?’