* * *
The ceremony was held on deck, beneath a moon that shone down on her brighter than sunshine, and Maddie was once again convinced Smitty was still looking out for her, sending a beacon to light her way. There was also a part of her that wondered if Bass wasn’t up there, too, beside Smitty, watching her.
As soon as Lucky placed the gold band on her finger Maddie became so full of happiness, she feared she might burst. Although his kiss was as heart-stopping as hundreds of others had been, this one thrilled her to no end. She truly was Mrs. DuMont. No other adventure would ever compare.
Afterward she invited Trig, Robbie and the minister to join them at the hotel the following day to celebrate Christmas, asking them to arrive before one. When she said Jack would be there, too, and Homer, Lucky pointed out that the hotel didn’t allow pets of any kind. She told him to let her handle that, at which point he assured Trig and Robbie the bird would be in attendance.
They took their leave then, traveling back to the hotel in the open carriage, with the moon lighting the way.
“Why do I have a feeling tomorrow is more than a simple Christmas celebration?” Lucky asked while unlocking their hotel room door.
She crossed the sitting room and entered the bedroom to place her fur shawl and muff in the wardrobe and then sat down on a bench to remove her dress shoes and stockings. “I’m going to give Ilene, and the other girls she knows from Mrs. Smother’s place, enough money to pay off their debts and find their families.”
“What debts?”
He was removing his clothing, too, on the other side of the bed, and she explained about Mrs. Smother’s charging the girls.
“Trig’s not going to like hearing that,” he said before asking, “How do you know how much money that will take?”
“I don’t,” she admitted. “But I have to start somewhere.” She crossed the room. “When I saw Ilene, I realized that could have been me working at the mayor’s house. And when she told me about her sisters, I realized if not for you, who knows where I might have ended up. Ilene told me I was lucky, and I am, because of you.” She stopped in front of him. “Mad Dog started stealing girls because of me.”
He took her hands. “That wasn’t your fault, honey.”
“I know it wasn’t my fault,” she said, unsure how to explain the understanding that had blossomed inside her. “But since arriving in Seattle many of the people we’ve met reminded me of Mad Dog, all dressed up in fancy clothes, pretending to be Alan Ridge, whereas underneath he was as evil as ever, if not more so.”
“Clothes can’t change people, Maddie. Money doesn’t, either. If they were evil before they had it, they’re still evil afterward.”
“I know.” She squeezed his hands. “You made me understand that. You’re no different no matter how you dress or where you live. I want to be like that. I want to be me, no matter where I am. No matter how much money I have or don’t. I never want to pretend to be something I’m not.”
He folded his arms around her. “I don’t want you to be anyone but you, either. Ever.” Holding her close, he asked, “That’s what’s been bothering you the past few weeks, isn’t it?”
She nodded, then shook her head, and then nodded again.
He frowned.
“I didn’t fit in,” she said, “but I didn’t want to fit in, either.” Looking up at him, she admitted, “I didn’t realize that until tonight. But what bothered me was leaving you.”
“Leaving me?”
“Yes. I planned on setting a trap for Mad Dog. To see he was captured, but I didn’t want you to get hurt again. Once you left for New Orleans, I was going to go to Wyoming and ask that judge to help me catch Mad Dog.”
“You thought I’d just leave you?” he asked.
“No,” she said, all along knowing that would be the tricky part. “I was hoping to convince Trig to take you away.”
He laughed and then kissed her smack on the lips. “Everything I’ve been doing, from going to parties to showing you houses, was to set a trap for Mad Dog.”
“It was?”
“Yes, it was.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
A devilish grin appeared on his face. “Because you don’t like being told what to do.”
She frowned, yet had to smile. “I don’t mind you telling me what to do sometimes. We’re partners.”
He twirled her around and started unfastening her dress. “Yes, we are, darling. Forever.” At that moment, Maddie had to admit she didn’t mind something else: how fashionable gowns fastened down the back.