It was good and dark by the time they arrived at Truman’s store. While the men unloaded the wagon, Jack helped her get Lucky into the cabin.

“You two can stay here,” Jack said. “Homer and I will bed down in the barn with Gunther. So will Abe and Sylvester. Truman only has one bed in his place.”

Maddie didn’t protest as she pulled back the covers, preparing a spot for Lucky to lie down, and she assisted in removing his coat. His deep sigh as he lowered onto the bed told her just how bad he was hurting. Jack started a fire before he left, and she used the time to pull off Lucky’s boots and tug the covers up to his chin.

His eyelids fluttered open for a moment as he said, “Thanks, Maddie. I just need to rest for a minute.”

The tears were back, smarting as sharply as ever. His bruises were turning darker, and both eyes were swollen. There was a cut in the corner of his mouth, too, and all she could think about was how it was her fault. All her fault. She should have known Mad Dog would follow her. The past two years she’d thought Bass had quit visiting, but she now knew Mad Dog had hanged him. During that time, she’d grown lax, and had worried more about Smitty’s illness than Mad Dog finding her. An inner chill made the hair on her arms stand. Smitty had said Mad Dog had gone down to Mexico, and until this moment, she’d never questioned how he’d learned that information. Now she wondered if he’d also known about Bass. How he’d turned himself in to catch Mad Dog. To protect her.

A knock on the door interrupted her musing, and she hurried to open it. Truman walked in, followed by Jack. Both men had their hands laden with plates, cups and a coffeepot still steaming.

“Gunther’s boys brought over some stew, and I made coffee,” Truman said. “You’d best try to get some food in that boy before he falls to sleep. He hasn’t eaten since yesterday.”

Maddie helped set everything on the table, other than the coffeepot. Truman set that on the stove.

“Don’t you worry,” Truman said as he turned to leave. “We got the place well protected. That outlaw won’t get within firing range of this cabin.”

* * *

Tired and sore, all Cole wanted to do was sleep, but saying no to Maddie was impossible, so he ate. He kept his ears pricked, too, listening to the voices outside. The thick logs of the cabin muffled actual words, but he’d recognized the voices. Jack. Truman. Albert. Sylvester. Gunther. They were good men. Better than he could ask for. And not one of them would let harm come to Maddie.

He set the spoon in the bowl, and smiled his thanks when Maddie took the bowl. She’d removed her coat, and he couldn’t help but appreciate how lovely she looked in the yellow dress he’d bought for her. It fit her like a glove, like he’d known it would, enhancing all her mystical curves perfectly. The same curves he’d enjoyed exploring, and longed to do so again.

“Come lie down,” he said, missing her more than ever.

“No, you’re hurt.”

“It’s late and you’re tired,” he said. “Blow out the lamp and come to bed.” Maddie, being Maddie, would argue, so he added, “I won’t sleep until you’re beside me. I’ve grown too used to it.”

Her lips curved into a tiny smile. He scooted over, making room, and watched as she stacked the dishes and stoked the fire before blowing out the lamp. His eyes adjusted to the darkness in time to see the yellow dress slip from her shoulders and down her back. She folded it over a chair and then removed her socks and shoes.

Extremely slow and cautious, she eased onto the bed, hardly making the mattress move, and his grin broke free. Barely moving himself, he slid his arm under her head.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“Shh.” He shifted slightly to kiss her temple. “Just close your eyes and go to sleep.”

She snuggled closer. “I’m afraid to touch you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Your touch will never hurt me.” He pulled her arm across his chest.

Cole didn’t remember falling asleep, nor did he know what woke him. It was still dark, stars twinkling outside the tiny window. An electrical jolt shot through him as Maddie snuggled closer. Her hand, soft and gentle, was rubbing his chest. If there was any pain in his ribs, it disappeared beneath her touch, and he became fully aware of what had awakened him. He slid a hand inside her pantaloons, caressing the smooth, silky skin of her backside.

She let out a husky little moan.

He kissed her closed lids, the tip of her nose and then her lips. Her response was all he’d hoped, until she pulled her lips from his.