He grinned. She wanted to ask why he hadn’t told her about the hurricane, why he’d needed gold so bad, but in truth, it didn’t matter. She knew now, and she was going to make sure he had the funds to help his grandmother.

Maddie started to unbutton his shirt. Even with all the gold, all the while they’d been working, one thing had been on her mind. Her unabashed actions brought a smile to Lucky’s face.

“I missed you,” he said.

“I missed you, too,” she answered.

After unfastening his last shirt button, she led him to the bed and there, she refused to let him take control. Not this time. He was masterful, though, pushing her hands aside at times to undress her as swiftly as she undressed him. When they were both stripped down to nothing but bare skin glistening in the moonlight, Maddie gave him a hardy shove, and laughed as he landed on the bed. He pulled her down on top of him, and enticed by the position, she stayed atop him as he scooted toward the foot of the bed, drawing his legs up from hanging over the edge.

She slid down then, until sitting on his knees, and stirred by all the times he’d pleasured her so, she knelt down and took him in her mouth. His swift intake of breath and low growl was all the encouragement she needed to continue. Knowing she was providing him the gratification he always gave her increased her pleasure.

Not until Lucky grabbed her by the arms and pulled her upward did she release him. Then she straddled his thighs, positioning herself above him as he had her many times.

Their coming together was exquisite, and Maddie arched her back, lowering onto him until their merging could go no farther. She pulled up then, drawing herself over him slowly and tightening her thighs at the perfection of him gliding inside her.

He growled her name, and she giggled, delighted beyond belief. When he reached up, played with both of her hard nipples, it was her turn to groan at the sweet glory his touch created.

Maddie, in the midst of transformation, overwhelmed by the thrill of being transported to another time and place through their union  , continued to be the one to lead the way, rising and lowering herself onto Lucky. As her inner journey climbed upward, grew more intense, she escalated her speed, bringing Lucky with her, and when her destination grew near, she held her breath and pressed deeply against him, locking them tightly together.

Lucky grasped her hips, but fully engrossed in her fiercely liberating moment, Maddie refused to allow their bodies to separate, and experienced a completely new sense of fulfillment when his muscles went hard and he bucked beneath her, giving in to his own release while they were still one.

Spent and exhausted, Maddie sank onto his chest and stayed there, still connected to Lucky in the most intimate way until sleep overtook her.

She found herself alone and chilled a few hours later. Instantly afraid, she sat up, but then sighed when she noticed him easing off the edge of the bed.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Lucky whispered. “The fire went out.”

“We don’t need it.” She wrapped her arms around him. His body was so warm, so perfect. Sighing, she rested a cheek against his back. “We won’t freeze to death before morning.”

He twisted, wrapping his arms around her and tucking his legs back under the covers. “I suspect we won’t.”

“No,” she agreed, “we won’t.”

Hours later, euphoric from spending a night in paradise, Maddie stretched her arms over her head as she watched Lucky build a fire. Her contented sigh had him looking toward the bed and smiling, causing her heart to swell. He was so handsome, especially when he smiled.

“Gonna stay in bed all day?” he asked.

“No,” she answered. “Just until it warms up a bit.”

His laughter had her cheeks growing flush. For the one who claimed they didn’t need the stove, she certainly relished the heat it provided and he knew it.

Fully dressed, he lifted his coat off the back of the chair. “It’ll be warm in a few minutes. I’ll go gather eggs for breakfast.”

Biting back a grin, Maddie nodded. When the door closed, she threw back the covers and dressed quickly, near the stove that was already giving off heat. She moved to the table then and, staring at the gold, drew in a long breath.

This was the mother lode. She just had to figure out a way to tell Lucky it might take them all winter to mine all of their outhouse gold.

Chapter Eleven

Cole questioned his sanity. Six weeks, at most, was all the time they had before winter set in. They had to be on a boat then, or soon after, while the waterways were still open. Turning about, he settled his gaze on Maddie. Face flushed and blue eyes full of pleading, she’d never looked more woeful or charming.