“I will try,” she said, looking at Rufus. “I might not always succeed.”

“What!” exclaimed Rufus with mock indignation. He crossed his hands over his chest. “You will find yourself in trouble if you don’t behave. And, if I think you need an extra pair of hands spanking you, then Felix will offer his, you can be certain of that. He isn’t going away forever. This is his land, not mine. I’m only its caretaker.”

“So…” She twisted her hips from side to side, and demurely dropped her eyes. “You will be my husband and master, and Felix is my chief?”

“Exactly,” Felix confirmed with a hearty laugh. “We shall start a new tribe.”

Bethan risked circling her tongue around her mouth and lips in a blatant taunt. “So, my two mighty gladiators still need a wench to bed… together.”

“Why, you are a naughty girl!” Rufus scooped her up and over his shoulder and with his spare hand, drummed it on her backside.

“Ow, ow,” she squealed, giggling between each exclamation.

They tumbled down onto the bed and she ended up on top of Rufus with her legs astride his waist. She lifted the stola over her head and tossed it to one side. Her breasts dangled in front of his nose. He growled softly and cupped them in his palms.

As she leaned forward to kiss Rufus, Felix had her arse in the line of his sight. When her lips met Rufus’s, he raked his hands

through her hair, along the length of her spine, then down into the furrow of her bottom. He parted her cheeks, giving himself a perfect view of her sex and rosy bottom hole.

“She’s wet,” Felix remarked. “Our girl is dripping.”

She was ashamed to admit it, but since Rufus declared his intent to marry her, then Felix added his own demand in her ear, she’d gone from trepidation to open neediness.

Rufus pulled up his tunic and swiftly removed it over his head while she shuffled down to meet his thickened cock. His erection had sprung through the wrapping of his loincloth and freed itself.

Slowly, she lowered herself onto the rod, feeling her way down inch by inch until the length of it had disappeared inside her pussy. She moaned and tossed her head back. With little more than a rock of her hips, she gently rode him, allowing him to grow bigger and harder.

Felix approached from behind and kissed her throat. He trailed his hands down her sides and around to touch her breasts. Instinctively, because she now knew what she must do, she leaned forward while keeping Rufus’s erection locked inside of her.

A naked Felix planted behind her back and held her waist tight and still. Her dangling locks of her hair brushed against Rufus’s ear as she rested her cheek against his.

Felix dragged her nectar up into her bottom hole. The few circles of his fingertips were enough to encourage her to relax and open. Bursting with a yearning to be filled twice over, she held her breath.

“Yes, yes,” she muttered as he nudged forward.

He slipped in, passed any residual resistance with no more than a gentle shove, then onward. She immediately wanted to come. The pulse of blood rushing to her clitoris nearly undid her resolve to be good and wait for the command. However, she was weaker than she imagined.

Her cry was a prelude to the peak of the orgasm. As both men fucked her—Rufus using his hips to move up and down, while Felix thrust with agonisingly slow pummels—she arched her back and held her head aloft, muting any further cries with sheer determination. The dying spasms of her orgasm caused her to clench, trapping two cocks deep inside her, and they held fast, allowing her to complete unimpeded.

That night she spent with them was like her most wonderful dream come true. They both loved her and it was apparent in the way they took turns to spoil her with kisses and caresses. They were generous with their hands, gentle with their teeth and lips, and firm with their cocks. When eventually, they elected to come, Felix claimed her bottom and Rufus her already drenched pussy.

Overcome with fatigue, she slept in both of their arms until morning light, when Felix rose, dressed, and went to tell the others they were free.

She and Rufus dozed for another hour. When she stretched, opening her mouth into a big yawn, one final doubt crept into her sleepy head.

“What if the child I am to bear isn’t yours?” she asked cautiously, know that her body was telling her something special was happening.

Rufus shot up in the bed. “What? You’re with child?”

“I’m not sure,” she confessed. It would take several weeks to be absolutely sure. “It is likely, though, given how often you two fuck me.”

He rubbed his chin. “A baby. Our baby!”

“Our?” she queried. She had no clue as to which of her two lovers could be the father.

“Yours, mine, and Felix’s.” He lay back down and drew her across his warm chest. “Does it matter? We shall raise the child together.”

She snuggled closer. “Oh, good, because… I don’t think any child of you two would be anything other than brave and strong.”