His cock pushed aside her weak resistance. As he stretched her wider, far wider than his fingers had, she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. The concoction of sensations, both pleasant and painful, threatened to overwhelm her. In the midst of it, her clitoris burst into life, reminding her she loved being fucked and that she loved these strong men with their dominant ways.

The ring of hot pain that came from within her assaulted ass bloomed and then…

A ball of light filled the room. The instant it struck, it vanished. Felix’s cock stilled, its penetration barely begun; he’d not had an opportunity to sink deeper.

“What the…” Rufus straightened up. Above his head the roof tiles creaked and groaned with a sudden gust of wind. A low rumble filled the air. Then another flash of bright light.

“A storm!” Rufus declared.

Felix withdrew the head of his cock from Bethan’s tender ass and she exhaled, unaware of how much she’d been holding her breath in anticipation.

Dancing noisily over their heads, hailstones pelted the roof.

“Rain!” Felix shouted. “Thank gods. The rain has come.” He untied the bewildered Bethan, snatched her into his arms, and pressed his lips to her dry mouth. The kiss was fierce and b

rief. “It seems all the goddesses needed was your willingness to accept this punishment. They are generous, are they not?”

She nodded, stunned into silence. Could it be true? Had they taken her submission as a good omen and reprieved her role as the earth’s proxy? She blinked. Across the room, the sheer joy on Rufus’s face was very apparent. He clapped his hands in a duet with the hail and thunder.

“Then, you don’t need to fuck my arse?” she said cautiously.

Felix cupped her face in his hands. “No, girl, not tonight. However, I think it might be wise for me to consider using your arse in the future. Just to keep the gods happy, don’t you think?”

She wasn’t sure. “But, that would mean punishing me, would it not, Master?”

He stroked his finger down her cheek. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”

He confused her. Either fucking her bottom was not a punishment, or he’d something else in mind.

With the roof tiles under bombardment, Felix left the room to assure himself that they weren’t going to spring any leaks. Rufus draped a cloak over Bethan’s shoulders.

“Thank you,” she said sweetly.

“Your bottom isn’t too sore? He spanked you hard.” Rufus cocked his head to one side with a gleeful expression. The sparkle in his eyes lit up his face.

The storm had eclipsed the throbbing soreness lingering in her backside. “No. Not too sore.” The thunder seemed to move into the distance, but the rain continued to pour down.

“Then, let me take you to bed. You should rest, perhaps.” He led her by the hand to his chamber.

Bethan didn’t want to sleep. What she wanted was completion. The spanking had excited her; she didn’t want to acknowledge that, but it had. Then Felix’s prize erection had nearly claimed her and she wondered what it might feel like if done with consideration, instead of bluntly.

“Rufus?” she said nervously as he slipped the cloak off her shoulders. “Would you be angry if I asked you to… do what Felix nearly did…” she stuttered, embarrassed by her request.

He chuckled. “No, sweet. I would not be angry in the slightest. I would be honoured to claim you there.”

“It’s just… I’m curious, and if it would please my master to do it properly next time, then perhaps I should…”

“Be prepared?” he finished her sentence with an accompanying squeeze of her hand. “I’ll fetch the oil.”

He bounded out of the room and his eagerness told her everything she needed to know. This was something he wanted to do.

Upon his return, he instructed her to lie on the bed. She crawled over the mattress and found a soft spot in the middle. From there, she watched him undress. He unhooked his belt and the scabbard he used for his smallest dagger, which he carried wherever he went. He tossed those on a wooden chest in the corner of the room. Smiling, he removed the finely woven tunic over his head to reveal his bare chest. He had fewer scars compared to Felix; she’d explored all of them with her lips.

Kicking off his sandals, he unlaced his leather shin guards and the ones around his wrists. The loincloth hung loosely around his waist and groin and bulging in the middle of it was his prominent erection.

Bethan swallowed hard. What was she thinking! Rufus possessed a similar physique to Felix and she’d just asked Rufus to fuck her untested channel.

“Don’t fret,” he said, picking up the bottle of oil. With one hand he whipped off the cloth and exposed his upright cock, and then liberally sprinkled oil along its length. Slowly, as if to make a performance, he massaged his shaft until it was polished into a sheen.