The market was on the outskirts of the town. Felix told her to sit on a small stool and out of the way while he went to inspect the slaves. She remembered herself what that felt like—degrading examinations of her teeth and hair. She’d been poked and prodded, questioned to ensure she could do the most basic of things, like cooking and sewing.

While she waited, she listened to the other traders discuss their recent sales. Two men, both Briganti, were immersed in conversation and unaware that she was close enough to hear them.

The lanky man with spiky black hair swung a whip in his hands. “I sold a few to the Romans. They’re greedy. I gave them my best lad for a high price.”

“Oh,” snorted the other with his thumbs tucked behind his belt. “Why best?”

“He’s nearly a man now, not a boy. Good teeth. But it’s his eyes that seem magical to the Romans.”

“Eyes? Painted, are they?”

“No. They are two different colours.”

Bethan’s heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be possible! How many boys were out there with two coloured eyes? It had to be him. She’d been convinced he’d been killed during the raid on their village. She’d held his hand for as long as possible before they’d become separated in the confusion. His screams were the last thing she’d heard on that fateful day.

“One blue, one brown,” said the man with the whip. “The gods have some purpose for him.”

“So where’s he now?”

She leaned toward them.

“Bethan! Girl. We’re going,” Felix called out, drowning out the man’s response.

She crushed her hands into fists in frustration. The two slavers were walking away from her. She’d missed her opportunity. All she knew was that her brother, Ceadda, was with the Romans somewhere.

Felix pulled her to her feet. “Stop daydreaming, girl.”

She expected a slap across the cheek or something, but he merely frowned.

“Sorry,” she whispered as meekly as possible.

“Mm. Come. We’re leaving.” He strode ahead of her and she scampered behind him.

He’d bought three men, all of his age or older, and destined to work in the fields, and an older woman of her mother’s years. The four of them were crammed into a wagon Felix had acquired, which was based on the Roman coach style with a wooden roof, support struts, and curtains draped around it.

“It’s a long walk and I won’t have my slaves unnecessarily weakened,” he explained to Rufus. “They can take it in turns to walk alongside. Load our things onto the back and harness your horse to the wagon.”

Rufus obeyed his friend without question. He stroked the mane of his horse as he worked, and Bethan envied the creature for the soft words he spoke.

The woman was called Awen and said little. She was from the northern side of the wall. Her long nose and cheekbones gave her a sour expression. However, when Bethan offered her a blanket, she smiled.

As the horse plodded along the road, they took their mandatory turn at walking alongside the wagon every hour or so. Felix rode ahead while Rufus drove the wagon. The new slaves muttered to each other. They’d been slaves for many years, worn the collars of their masters, and seemed resigned to their fate. They quietly agreed that Felix had been fair in his haggling and that they would wait and see if he was a good master or not.

Bethan had other things on her mind. She had to find Ceadda as quickly as possible. If he was with the Romans then eventually, he might be sent abroad and she would never see him again. His life was all that mattered. If she stayed with Rufus and Felix, she might have some kind of decent life as a slave, but she’d have to live with the guilt of never helping Ceadda to escape.

They made camp by the roadside, using the wagon as shelter. Felix went into the nearby woods and hunted with a small bow and arrow. He brought back rabbits and squirrels to eat. Rufus skinned them and roasted them over a fire he’d made. Everyone huddled close to the flames and ate in silence.

Bethan wasn’t hungry. She had to leave, while she still could. If she ran into the woods, then along the ridge of hills, she would eventually come to the coast and the land of the Cornovii, who were friendlier than the Briganti, and they might help her find Ceadda. She glanced over to Rufus. The twinkle remained in his eyes and he hummed to himself. The sensation in her pussy returned as she imagined herself beneath him as he fucked her over and over.

No! She closed her eyes and ignored him. She mustn’t go there.

As for Felix, he rested a few feet away from the others. He chewed on some bones and licked his lips. When he caught her staring, she flinched. He was such an imposing man and so mysterious with it. She fancied him, too, she couldn’t deny it, but with Felix it was harder to understand why she was drawn to him. She should fear him, yet, she didn’t.

They lay down to sleep while Felix kept guard. Bethan couldn’t sleep. When Felix woke Rufus for his turn, she waited for Felix to fall asleep.

Rufus sat against the trunk of a tree and rested the back of his head against it. He yawned and closed his eyes.

Bethan continued to wait, breathing as quietly as possible.