“Doesn’t that bother you? Seeing me with another man?” She didn’t think she could be so generous. She couldn’t bear it if they sought out another woman to share.

“No.” He ringed his arms around her waist. “Actually, quite the opposite.” He leaned into her and she felt his cock poked against her bottom.

“Oh,” she gi

ggled. “Then I shall please you by being a good girl for Felix.”

“I should hope so,” he said with mock indignation.

Felix rose to his feet and tossed his cloak to one side. Bethan tensed. With his square shoulders and dark hair, he reminded her of a stalking beast, a wild wolf or bear. His eyes were dark pinpoints hidden beneath his eyebrows. He pressed his lips tight together and stood with his feet planted firmly astride.

“Magnificent, isn’t he,” commented Rufus, unperturbed. “He would stand like that before a fight, right under the emperor’s balcony and swear his allegiance. He is a man of his word. He fights. He fucks. He does things with a passion no man can match.”

“Except you, Rufus. I think you can match him.”

He dropped his arms away from her and allowed her to walk toward her master.

By the time she’d reached the sheepskin at his feet, she’d divested herself of her clothing, leaving a trail of them behind her back. She’d gifted Rufus a fine view of her sashaying hips and Felix one of her swaying breasts. He cupped both of them in his hands and lowered his mouth onto hers. She needed the reassurance of his warm kisses and caresses, which he generously offered until she was so wet, she thought she might leak down her legs.

Sliding his hands down her back, he spanned each buttock in his palms and lifted them apart. She understood his intentions and moaned in appreciation.

“Kneel before the altar and spread your legs,” he said gruffly, but not unkindly.

“Yes, Master.” She assumed the position with her nipples touching the soft wool of the temporary rug and her knees comforted by the mossy ground that lay underneath the sheepskin. With a care for his view, she jutted her bottom up and bowed her head to the ground.

Felix tossed aside his clothes with an eagerness that almost amused her. Only his greaves and armbands remained, and the leather breastplate. The evening air was surprisingly balmy and warm given the shade of the trees and breeze. The air wafted over her bottom and kissed her plump folds as it invisibly navigated around her legs and arms.

“There is no finer sight than this arse,” he growled, slapping a cheek hard.

She twisted around to see him smiling. He’d knelt behind her and the elevation of his cock was at his maximum. That beast she’d come to admire was about to ride her once again, and in both holes.

Rufus had taken shelter under the shadows of the branches, his outline barely visible. She took comfort in his presence and some excitement that he was going to watch her lose herself to Felix.

With his hands on her waist, Felix wasn’t going to wait a moment longer. He thrust hard into her pussy and her liquefied tunnel ensured his passage was unhindered by unwanted nerves. She relished the pace, which built from short thrusts to long dips. He knew how to gyrate his hips to maximise the penetration, and how to tickle her softest spots with the head of his cock.

The shrine, probably one made by Celts to honour their gods before the Romans arrived, was the focus of his words. He called to the goddess and each time he cried out, she joined in. With his hands cupped around her breasts, he withdrew and dragged his cock up to meet her puckered hole. She tried to relax, which wasn’t easy. He nudged her gently and the urge grew to welcome him in.

“That’s it, open for me,” he said softly, draping his body across her back.

Enveloped and warm, she found what she needed—willingness. And obedience. When he disciplined her body, he’d also disciplined her mind. She cast aside her doubts and slid her body backwards, impaling herself on his member. The fullness was sensational and as he stretched her, she rocked back and forth.

With his cock buried in her arse, he grasped her hair and held her head up high. She saw the wooden shrine and prayed that she and Ceadda would one day be free. She also saw something else. Somebody moving between her and it. Rufus!

His cock was out and in front of her nose.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded.

She obeyed and dropped her jaw. As Felix started to fuck her, Rufus lowered his cock into her mouth and pressed it down on her tongue. She savoured Rufus’s taste and texture in her mouth. The veins pulsated with heat and energy and she felt liquid trickle out of the tiny slit. When he slid his cock along the groove of her tongue, she held her breath and closed her eyes.

She’d never thought that a cock could go in a mouth, but it did, and quite well too if she concentrated on sucking it. Now she was filled front and back by two splendid gladiators under the night sky. If it wasn’t for his cock, she’d shout out how much she wanted to come.

Finally her fantasy was close to being realised. Two gladiators, two magnificent barbarians were claiming her simultaneously. If she had the blessing of their cocks riding her together into oblivion, it would be a dream come true.

Felix achieved his release and it nearly eclipsed her own with its ferocity. The goddess of the wilderness had infected them with her vitality and as she swallowed Rufus’s offering she tumbled down from the pinnacle of her orgasm and slipped into both of their arms, exhausted.

Chapter Sixteen

Felix stoked the fire. It crackled and spat. The wood was damp. He and Rufus stared into the flames in silence. On the cart, protected by the makeshift drapes, Bethan slept on the sheepskin.