“If you disobey me, Bethan, the consequences will be severe. Your safety as we travel is paramount. If you put yourself at risk, then you put my farm and people at risk too. I shall continue to claim you hard and often.”

She shivered and the very tips of her nipples tingled with unparalleled excitement. He still wanted her. But what of Rufus? She daren’t look at him.

Felix’s hand slipped out of hers. “Perhaps she needs reminding of her place, Rufus?”

“Yes,” Rufus spoke quietly. “Now?”

“No. She needs to rest a little. But soon. I’ve heard from the locals that there is a shrine in the woods to the east. It is on our way.”

“I would like to see that.” Rufus stood. He moved to stand over her and rested his hand on her head. A gesture of both comfort and ownership.

She bowed her body until her forehead touched the floor. “Yes, Masters.”

She belonged to them both. She was certain of it.

The preparations took three days. Felix would ride his stallion ahead, while Rufus would use his horse to pull the wagon. They loaded enough supplies to last a week. For those three days, Felix resumed his swift fucks of her pussy, while Rufus continued to train her arse to respond to his cock until he only had to touch her puckered bud to have her open and show willingness.

What she longed for was for them to claim her together. But would they?

The overseer arrived from the south and after receiving lengthy instructions from Felix, took command of the villa. What little time Bethan had with the man proved to her that he was fair, but strict. The other slaves muttered some disapproval until stern words from Felix reminded them of their duties.

It was to Awen she sought to confide her anxieties and a secret.

Awen rolled a sheepskin into a bundle as she listened. Handing Bethan the roll, she spoke. “Your dilemma is difficult. But, why must you disobey the master?”

“I only seek news. I’ve promised not to run away. So my plan can’t be so bad, can it?” Bethan kept an open mind on what Felix might think. He’d softened toward her greatly over the last few weeks.

“Our master will not take to any kind of bad. You know that, Bethan.”

Bethan’s chin dropped in disappointment. She had to hope Awen was wrong. Awen kissed her cheek and helped her climb into the back of the cart amongst the hay, bags of salted meat and unripened apples. A meagre diet for the road.

The rain had come with appropriate frequency since the night of the storm, just as it should, and the land had stayed lush with vegetation. Whatever had upset the gods seemed to be in the past. However, Felix was adamant they should visit the shrine of Feronia. The goddess was supposed to help free slaves, according to legends, Rufus told her, and was honoured by freed men, like Felix. She also brought abundance and health. Bethan liked the sound of her.

“Where is this shrine?”

“In the woods in a remote spot. She protects the wildlife.”

“Quite a lot to take on for a goddess,” she quipped.

Rufus laughed and flicked the whip across the back of his horse. “She needs a gift. Felix is bringing you.”

Bethan would offer up her own prayers. One for her and one for Ceadda and then they both may be freed.

Felix tethered his horse to a bush. The cart could go no further into the dense woods; its wheels kept sticking in the mud. They took the valuables, including the jewellery Felix intended to sell, and their weapons, and walked deeper into the woods.

Rufus hacked at the undergrowth with his sword, clearing the path for the other two. The air was thick with the smell of damp moss and pinecones. Just as she began to doubt they were on the right path, the canopy overhead thinned out and the sun shone through to reveal an opening.

In the heart of the clearing was a fallen tree that had been hollowed out into a shrine. They hadn’t been the only visitors. There were gifts left—carvings and woven vines in the shape of dolls.

They ate a meal under another tree until dusk arrived, then Felix lit a fire near the shrine and laid out a sheepskin on the ground.

Rufus stood behind Bethan and ran his hands up and down her arms, soothing her.

“He wants all of you,” he whispered in her ear. “He hopes it will bring a good harvest.”

“But what of you?” she asked quietly.

“I want you too, but not here. I need no shrine to love you. I shall watch.”