“Now, is there anything else I need know about my colony?” asked Ridley with a grin.

Lysa glanced over her shoulder at her husband and he squeezed her shoulders. “There is one other issue. But it isn’t to do with the mine itself. It’s matter of personal safety and is to do with a certain man who regularly threatens the women on this colony.”

“Ah,” said Ridley resting his hands on the desk and leaning forward. “What can you tell me?”

Chapter Thirteen

Lysa clutched the coffee cup in her hand and leaning across the table, stuck her nose up against Jen’s own. “How dare you spread rumours about me? I would never go behind Blake’s back!”

Jen shrank back in her seat. “That’s not what I heard. You’ve been keeping secrets.”

Lysa glanced over Jen’s shoulder to where Sym stood watching, her eyes darting about the bar area. She kept her distance, not interfering as the two friends argued. Sym’s eyes locked on somebody else behind Lysa then she gave a swift nod, before turning away.

Lysa took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the cup, steadying her shaking hands. “Prove it,” she snapped at Jen.

“Don’t have to,” Jen smirked. “Yuri told me.”

Words escaped her mind. What to say? She should have planned it better. “You’re a lying… you… bitch!” Lysa shouted and sprung to her feet. The coffee spilled onto the table surface. She hovered, staring down at Jen, whose own lips trembled as she peered past Lysa.

“That’s rich coming from you. You’re the troublemaker. Look at you now. What you gonna do, throw that coffee all over me?” Jen sneered, folding her arms across her chest.

“Yeah, just watch.” Lysa held out the cup above Jen’s head and began to tilt it.

Jen stayed still, frozen to her seat, but her eyes remained not on Lysa, but somebody else.

A drop of coffee landed on Jen’s hair. Lysa fought her nerves, the excited energy that coursed through her body. How far should she go to make a scene?

“Wait,” whispered Jen, snatching a glance up at Lysa. “She’s off, look at her go.”

Lysa lowered her wobbly arm, straightening the cup of cold coffee and snuck a peek at the other side of the bar. She caught sight of Millicent’s heels disappearing around the corner as she scurried off. “What now?”

“Keep going, or else why would he arrest you?” Jen had leant forward, so only Lysa could hear her muttering.

“Okay, um,” Lysa raised her voice. “I’m not wasting my fucking coffee on you, bitch. You can say what you want, I don’t care, you’ll be the one watching your back from now on.”

Opposite Lysa, Sym stiffened. Her body went rigid, the colour drained from her face and Lysa knew who had arrived. Jen tapped Lysa’s arm. “Move, now.”

Lysa nearly dropped the cup on the table in her eagerness to leave. Jen darted off, her nimble feet taking off towards the back exit. Lysa, gathering her wits, prayed she’d done enough, then spun about and walked straight towards the charging constable.

“Got you,” he growled, snatching at her wrists.

She glared at him, lifting her chin up. “What the hell are you doing?”

“You’re not going to learn, are you? Always stirring up trouble. I’m arresting you, that’s what I’m doing.” He grabbed her elbow and marched her out of the bar. A small gathering parted, as he pushed her through the crowds, away from her friends. Lysa sighed with relief, at least they hadn’t been arrested, too.

“What for?” she demanded.

“Starting a fight. I’ve a witness who saw you bad mouthing. Disreputable behaviour in a public place. You know the law. Now move.”

He propelled her towards the security block and she ducked her face out of sight. Should she cry, resist him or even shout out for Blake? However, what was the point? She had been arrested on a trumped up charge and that was all that matter for what she had planned. Once he took her before Harkess, all the two men had to do was say something inappropriate or damning, something that could be used against them. It would be over in minutes.

“In here!” he barked.

Lysa blinked in disbelief. They weren’t standing outside the adjudicator’s office, but the cell block. This wasn’t part of the plan, she’d assumed she would be summoned straight away.

“What about Harkess?”

“He’s busy. I will be dealing with you, first.” He gave Lysa a shove between the shoulder blades.