“Can’t touch you and he knows it. He’s fuming mad. That’s why we have to leave quickly. You’re going to walk with your head held high and not look back. Move.”

She shuffled alongside him, gradually finding her strength. “I’m fine. Although my backside, fuck…” She reached behind.

“Don’t touch it.” He barked. He knew what coated her posterior and why she grimaced with pain.

She sniffled. “I’m so sorry, Blake. I never intended things to end up like this—”

“Here, you’ll need this.” The constable approached them before they made it through the door. He held out the switch. “For her punishment. You’re required to administer twenty-five hard strokes, just like I would have done.”

Blake ignored the switch. “I’ve my own cane. I’ll use it. There is nothing to say I have to use that.” He pointed at the blunder of sticks.

“You’ll have to present her to the adjudicator so he can see for himself the punishment has been carried out, or else I’m within my rights to bring her back here.”

“It will be done as I see fit.” He pushed the door open and escorted Lysa down the corridor, not looking back or paying attention to the dispersing crowd who wandered after them. Jen caught up with them.

“Are you all right,” she asked her friend.

Blake didn’t want anyone else interfering between them and Jen hadn’t exactly come across as an innocent party.

“If you don’t mind, Jen, please leave me to deal with Lysa. You can trust me to look after her. And please thank Yuri for his help.” He strode forward, propelling his wife as he went. Jen took the hint and moved away.

The quicker he got Lysa to the pod the better. Then he’d have to do the deed himself and immediately—what was the point of waiting?

“Blake,” she muttered, struggling to keep up with his stride.

“Be quiet,” he snapped. She’d put him in a difficult position. Required to complete the punishment, he’d no option to carry out the sentence, but Jen’s explanation of what had happened left him wondering how much had been Lysa’s fault. What he truly wanted to do was hold her tight and remind her she was his, but until the outstanding caning had been dealt with, he couldn’t dare show his real feelings—he felt nothing but remorse for leaving her and not being there when she needed him. At least he’d not broken his promise, but it had been a near thing.

Entering the pod, he let go of her arm.

“Lysa, lift up your dress and bend over the table.”

Her mouth hung aghast. “Blake—”

“Now, Lysa!”

* * *

She stumbled over to the table, eyes misty with unshed tears. She’d read him all wrong. He didn’t love her. He’d raced back to punish her, remind her how she’d let him down and caused trouble in his absence. She lowered her body over the table, touching her nose to the cold surface. Her bottom blazed with heat, the residue of the terrible lotion the constable had applied remained potent.

Blake disappeared into the bathroom. He’d not kissed her or done anything remotely comforting.

She lifted up her skirt, gathering it about her waist and spread her legs.

He returned holding a cloth. Resting a hand on the small of her back, he wiped it over her exposed hind. “This damn stuff has to come off. Is that better?”

The heat dissipated as the damp cloth removed the remnants of the cream. He sniffed the soiled cloth. “Evil, that’s all this is.”

The burning sensation went. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I can’t feel it anymore.”

He leant over her, placing his hands on either side of her head. “I can’t get you out of this punishment, but at least if I do it you won’t suffer unnecessarily. We’ll get it out of the way. You can kick and scream, I don’t care, but you stay in position until I’m done.”

She twisted around, staring up at him. The skin around his eyes was grey and drawn. He’d probably had no more sleep or food than she had in the last few hours. He curled a lock of her hair behind her ear, sighing heavily before speaking again.

“I don’t think you’ve been a saint while I’ve been away, but this isn’t how I would have dealt with the matter. If you’ve any sense of guilt, then this will end it. Afterwards, we’ll see Harkess and then you can remind me why it is I love you so much. Understood?”

She nodd

ed. His words calmed her. He’d spoken of love. Thank heavens, she hadn’t lost him. How could she have doubted Blake? He’d come back and saved her from the cruel constable. His reassurances triggered a wave of tears. He stroked her back, hushing her, repeating the action until she stopped sobbing.