Page 32 of Driven Wild

Releasing Leah, he had discovered spanking made her extremely pliable and willing to be taken further. The rug beneath their feet—made from soft sheepskin—formed a natural bed and he carefully manhandled her onto it, positioning her on her knees. With legs spread wide, bottom raised and upper torso nestled in the soft animal hide, she invited him in with her gaping entrance. Somehow, she had nurtured an athletic ability to mould her body, bend and shape it to his needs. Manoeuvring her about, he fucked away, keeping her under him at all times so he could see her rouged bottom and the oozing wetness leaking about his cock. He remained mindful of her vulnerability, ensuring he could judge her willingness to comply with his forceful thrusts, the depth of his penetrations, and the firmness of his grasping hands.

Her orgasms were explosive, uncontrollable, and he felt her copious juices drench about his cock. He watched her claw at the rug on the living room floor, unashamedly debasing herself. He spilt himself deep inside, but didn’t feel completely requited—the need remained, if a little tempered by fatigue. Seeing her drift in a haze of post-coital delight, lounging on the sheepskin, letting the softness caress her skin, he fingered his cock, willing it to come back to life again. Leah, powerless to move her exhausted legs, was carried to bed and there they continued in the same fashion: sex, cuddles, and occasional swats when she was cheeky with her words.

* * *

Waking up, Rick lay on his back in bed, his arms tucked behind his head and a broad grin of satisfaction on his face. The morning light shone through the fabric of the curtains, brightening up the bedroom. Next to him, Leah was curled up into a tight ball, fast asleep.

Satiated by a night of frenzied sex, he sprawled his body across the bed, thinking about breakfast. His stomach rumbled and he had a fancy for a cooked breakfast.

For afters, he had formulated a plan. Something different for their Sunday, something he hoped she would enjoy.

* * *

The first surprise of the day for Leah was the car parked in the driveway: her midget MG.

“I’m not allowed to drive,” she said as they left the house.

“I know, but I can,” he said, opening the passenger door for her.

“I don’t understand,” she said. She hadn’t forgotten how small the car was after the luxury of the Mercedes.

“You’ll see. Patience, Miss Leah,” said Rick.

Formalities were returning; it meant she had to be on her best behaviour. He slotted himself behind the wheel, adjusting the seat to allow his legs to stretch before him. He had opted to wear sunglasses, even though the sun had disappeared behind the clouds. There was no sign of rain.

“Where are we going?”

“Ormskirk. Near Ormskirk,” he clarified.

The town lay further north, inland, so that meant it wasn’t the beach. “You’re not going to tell me.”

Rick grinned. “Nope.”

The landscape opened up into fields and villages. She rarely headed into Lancashire. A few trips to Manchester, London, and one to Paris with her mother. She would love to travel further afield.

She fidgeted, restless in her seat and a little nervous about his secret plan. Rick drove right through Ormskirk and onwards to a small village and then he pulled off the main road onto farm tracks. They passed a few farmhouses, barns, and tractors, unfamiliar territory for Leah. She stared out of the window, peering at the view ahead. Over the tops of the golden cornfields she could see larger buildings, some made of brick, others of metal sheeting, great barrel-shaped structures.

Not a soul could be seen, the land deserted and covered in overgrown grass and untamed nature. A rabbit shot across the road in front of them and above their heads, a sparrow hawk cruised, waiting for some suitable prey.

“What is this place?”

“An aerodrome.”

That was the second surprise of the day.

Rick turned the car off the farm track onto a wide stretch of tarmac, heading in a straight direction for nearly a mile.

“It’s a runway,” announced Leah, recognising the features. “Is this an old RAF base?”

“Actually, it’s naval.”

Rick drove towards one of the largest structures, a dilapidated hangar. Its curved roofing with slanted sides formed a covering and the frontage was blocked off by large sliding full height doors. The steel structure struggled to stay intact after years of neglect and weathering.

Leah laughed. “We’re nowhere near the sea!”

“It was used to store aircraft during the war, while the carriers were in docks at Liverpool.” The car halted in front of the huge hangar doors. There were gaping holes in the corrugated walls, grey and rusting, with massive weeds growing up around the base.

“How did you find this place?”