Page 3 of Driven Wild

“I’m fine,” she said in a strained voice. “I didn’t need your help,” she blurted out.

“You didn’t?”

“I could have told him to get lost myself,” she said indignantly.

“Would you?” he asked, his hazel eyes holding her in his gaze.

Leah fidgeted with the edge of her skirt, picking at the hem. “Yes, of course. I can look after myself.”

“I don’t think so,” he said calmly.

“You… what’s it got to do with you?”

“Me, and your father, don’t think so.”

“My dad! I knew it, you’re spying on me.”

“Good job too,” he said. “Now, I think you’ve been very rude to me over the last few weeks. Never asked me my name. Keeping the back of the car like a tip with sweet wrappers and the like. And now, when I save your sorry self from a good-for-nothing, you don’t even say thank you.”

Leah blushed pink, her mouth opened and shut, trying not to take offence at what he was saying to her. “I know your name. It’s Rick. I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to call you that,” she said almost apologetically. Her skin kept bursting with tingling sensations. He had been paying attention to her and she had failed to notice. Now she recollected all the times he held doors open for her, called her ‘miss’ with a wry expression of near amusement, helped her with overladen shopping bags, and kept an umbrella above her head during the frequent showers.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured. “I do appreciate you. I mean, your driving and…” she stumbled. “Thank you.”

“Good,” said Rick. “That is better, isn’t it? Because the next time you are discourteous to me or put your safety at risk, I’m going to put you over my knee, here in the back of the car, and give you a good spanking.”

Leah’s jaw dropped. “Spank me?”

“Yes,” said Rick.

“You wouldn’t dare,” said Leah, aghast.

He raised his eyebrows, arching them high into his forehead.

“It’s a bluff,” said Leah. “You’re just pulling my leg.”

“Shall we put that to the test, here, now?” said Rick, unmoved by her reaction.

“Here!” she repeated, looking out the window into the blackness.

“There is nobody about. Clive wanted somewhere discreet, so I delivered, except it wasn’t what he was expecting.”

“Nobody has spanked me before,” said Leah, her thighs locked tight together, hands gripping the hem of her ridiculously short skirt.

“Not the redoubtable daddy?” asked Rick.

“Certainly not! Daddy has never laid a finger on me,” she scoffed.

“Um. Perhaps that was unwise.”

Leah glared at her driver. “You shouldn’t say such things.”

“Nobody, eh? Not even at the fancy school where they taught you to speak properly?”

“The headmistress used a tawse on the hand,” said Leah.

“Sounds like you are familiar with that punishment,” remarked Rick, almost breaking his stony face with a smile.

“No, yes, I mean, just once,” said Leah, losing her confidence slightly.