Page 41 of Driven Wild

“Not like this,” he croaked.

Rick lifted Leah’s head off him; snatching her up under the arms, he backed her towards the long sofa, pushing her back down onto it. She watched, silently mesmerised as he stripped naked. His erection sprung out, almost resting against his belly, such was its firmness. Her own remaining clothes he spirited away with a few brisk actions of his strong fingers, the knickers torn away like the dress.

He steadied his hands on either side of her head, smiled at her flushed face, and nudged her legs apart. He didn’t check her readiness, he didn’t need to. She knew she was gushing and open for him. With one firm swoop, he thrust and climbed deep inside her, propelling her a few inches up the sofa. Taking each of her wrists in his hands, he held them above her head and began to rise and fall, dipping his cock back and forth.

She relished the initial slow pace. It would change soon; she knew his preferences. Drawing up her knees, she draped her legs around him, hugging his body closer. Their lips met again, a leisurely kiss as he delved inside her mouth with his tongue, rhythmically intruding in time to the thrusts of his cock.

The speed changed, shifting up a gear; he quickened and began to pound into her, letting go of her mouth so he could focus on his need for air in his lungs. Her hands clutched his buttocks, helping him to slam into her deeper and she didn’t mind the way his cock hit her inner belly. The discomfort she could tolerate, it made her feel alive.

They came together, coordinated by his subtle words of encouragement, “Wait, wait,” and then he commanded her with a growling, “Now!”

They shuddered together, intertwined and sweaty, letting their orgasms linger for as long as possible.

Rick flopped down onto her belly, his weight momentarily crushing her breasts. Aware of the pressure on her, he flipped over, taking her with him, so he lay on his back and Leah rested on top.

She could hear his thumping heartbeats clearly and the wheeze in his lungs.

“I’m not going.”

* * *

Rick cursed under his breath. He had let her seduce him, and he understood why and what she hoped to achieve by letting him take his pleasure in her. Leah, quite naturally, was desperate for him to change his mind. He didn’t doubt the intensity, the passion of their love-making, it never crossed his mind it wasn’t genuine, but it was borne out of that desperation to bind him to her.

A hand wandered down her back and came to a smooth buttock, a familiar piece of her flesh, the first he had ever touched, nearly four years ago. The weight of his palm rested on it, his fingers spread out and he slowly began to squeeze the soft cheek. Leah groaned, shifting a fraction on his chest. Her own fingers curled about his chest hair, anchoring her body to his further.

Rick tightened his grip on her, grasping her until his fingers must have been crushing her flesh.

Leah went rigid on his body, her lustful little moan ended and was replaced with a gasp.

“Are you going to spank me for refusing your request? For being defiant?” she asked slowly, her head still firmly planted on his chest, but her breaths had quickened with his actions. He sensed her anger rising—it was understandable.

Could he spank her? He would have to toss her over his lap, hold her down, lecture her, warn her about the perils, paint a ghastly picture of possible torture, just like the one he had witnessed in Sicily, something to scare her. He would have to spank her hard, many severe smacks to make his point, and it would have to be especially painful to break her resolve.

The more he composed the picture in his mind, the more he knew it was wrong and unfair. Placing her life in danger was entirely his fault. He had embroiled himself with criminals, ignored the warning signs until it was too late, left Sicily abruptly with no clear plan, and returned to Liverpool, bringing with him his past and his foes. None of it was due to Leah, her life, her choices. He had exposed her and left her vulnerable. Spanking her would be unreasonable and he doubted she would give in easily; rather, he fancied she would dig in and hold out, entrenching her defiance. Her tolerance of spanking had grown considerably over the last few weeks.

Rick had to think of another way to convince her. His hand remained fixed on her bottom as he thought.

“No, I’m not going to spank you,” he finally said.

Leah relaxed, but he didn’t let go of his grip on her.

“When I first came to Liverpool, looking for a job, I met your father in his study. A rather imposing room, I recall.”

“Yes, it was,” said Leah quietly.

“I had been appointed by the agency, but your father wanted to check my credentials in person. I stood before his desk, like an errant schoolboy. I actually stood to attention. He reminded me of my dad. Eventually, after a bloody long wait, he looked up at me. I won’t forget what he said.” Rick paused. Nothing he was telling her was a lie. The indelible event was bound to his memory of her father.

“Go on,” said Leah.

“He told me about you. Your upbringing, your schooling. He didn’t mention your mother, other to say he was divorced. He sighed, a sad kind of sound. He hated the fact you were no longer his little girl, that you were finding your independence and moving on in life. He regretted the lack of time he had spent with you as a child. He believed it was too late for him and that you would continue to see him as distant.”

Rick felt something warm and wet on his chest—a tear, trickling down her face, had landed on him.

“He asked me, Leah, to keep you safe and protect you. I have always been your bodyguard. He didn’t want you to know. You probably guessed and it is true—I’m not just your driver. He wanted me to protect you, not just from others, but from yourself too. He understood how tough growing up can be and how tempting the world about can be. I gave him that promise. I swore to look after you until you were ready to look after yourself. I’m still bound by that promise. It is why I came back. I couldn’t go on not knowing if you were alright.”

Leah could not hide her tears; they flowed uninhibited and silently. “I will go to Italy. I won’t dishonour my father’s wish or let you break your promise.”