The library shelves were mostly empty, and barring a few books on the rarer species of plants, there was nothing to keep her occupied.

“I’ve been exploring those rooms where Oswald has hoarded his collections.”

“Ah.” Elias’s eyes twinkled in the lamplight. “They should be catalogued.”

“So I thought, but…” Heat rose into her cheeks. “There are some very peculiar items, and I would not know how to describe them.”

Elias stood and took her hand. “Show me.”

The three rooms at the back of the house were brimming over with boxes, and what did not fit in a box had been left on tables and inside glass cabinets. Much of it had collected a layer of dust. Jenny wandered around the largest room and pointed out various things, most of which Elias could not fathom as to their purpose.

“I suppose it is a cooking utensil,” he surmised when faced with something shaped like a spoon. “Or a paddle.”

She lay it back down and moved onto the next cabinet. As she opened the glass door, her hand trembled. She could not help it. She had spotted something that was unbelievable and potentially very lewd. If her blush deepened any further, she would need to fetch her fan. Behind her, Elias cleared his throat with an awkward cough. He had seen it, too.


“What is this?” She pointed at the object.

Elias picked it up. The ebony wood had been carved into the perfect representation of an augmented male member. The surface had been polished and was so smooth it glided over his hand. At the base were two flattened balls that allowed the artefact to stand upright.

“I believe it is to please the gods of fertility. Or maybe it’s use is more practical,” he dared to say.

She blushed a rich crimson, and her lower lip quivered. She wanted it in her—he could see the curiosity the object had evoked in the way her bosom rose and fell with increasing rapidity. He imagined her legs wide open, her labia exposed to him, and the dildo sinking into her molten passage. He would hope she would whimper, beg a little, then come on it with such an intensity she would scream. His balls ached so much with the imagery, he had to close his eyes and concentrate hard on dismissing the scene.

“Put it in me,” she whispered into his ear.

His eyes sprung open. She was next to him, on tiptoes, still flushed about the cheeks.


“Because you desire it. I have been selfish with my demands on you. Take whatever you like from this room and do as you please. I trust you.” She licked her lips.

“Jenny, do you know what thoughts go through my head when I see you naked? I am a man with many needs, and some will be strange to you.”

“Teach me.”

He had said the same thing to Dona Maria. He had been billeted in her house, and his first thought upon arriving had been a proper bed and good food. She had offered far more than the basic necessities. For the month of his stay while the Spanish allies dithered and his future was uncertain, he distracted himself with many lessons.

He perused the room and selected a few more things, placing them in a satchel bag. By the time he had made his choices, his cock was upright in his breeches and Jenny was agog with trepidation.

Outside the bedroom door, he paused. “You’ll not regret this, I think.”

“I’ve never regretted a single moment with you,” she said sweetly.

How could he have become transfixed by her beauty and guile within a few days? What magic did she possess about her person? She was no different from many pretty girls he had met, and he had resisted their temptation. Perhaps Maria had done more than educate him in the ways of pleasuring a woman. She had laid the foundations of his relationship with Jenny by being exactly the kind of woman he needed as a prelude to Jenny. First, he had courted the mistress of the bedroom who had guided and encouraged him, and now standing before him was the nubile innocent who bent to his ways. Although, less innocent than when he had first caught sight of her in her aunt’s house.

“Obedience is the key to this night,” he reminded her.

Her lower lip trembled, and she nodded. “I will be a good girl for you, sir.”

He opened the door, and she followed him in.

“Take off your clothes and bend over the bed,” he said with bold firmness.

“Please don’t spank me,” she said, her eyes as wide and as dark as the night sky.

“I shall do as I please,” he ventured and waited for her to baulk or complain.