She gave him a spin, and the skirt floated away, showing her bare feet. “I found petticoats, too. But, um, no drawers.”

“You’ll not need them. You’ll need to keep your arse cool after that spanking.”

He winked, and she blushed.

“I also found this.” She held out a silver box that sat in the palm of her hand.

“What is it?” He moved closer, but she turned away.

“Wait.” She kept her back to him and fiddled with the contents of the small container, humming to herself. “I found it in the same room as the clothes. In a drawer, probably left by Oswald’s sister.”

With her head bowed, she turned to face him. Slowly, she lifted her face and presented to him two vermilion lips. She had used a salve on her mouth to add a rosy glow to her kissable face.

“Very pretty,” he remarked, taking a step forward.

She mirrored him by stepping backwards until the wall hindered her progress and she rested her back on it.

She daintily chewed her bottom lip and fluttered her dark eyelashes. She had left her hair down so that the longest locks of redness draped over her shoulders. The colour matched her lips perfectly. He could not wait for the evening and why should he? They had this time together for a purpose, and ever since he had met the hypnotic Jenny, he had suffered no nightmares and cold sweats. The screams of dying men had not haunted his sleep.

Taking her slender wrists, he raised them above her head and pinned them to the wood panelling. Already he could hear the little pants as she fought to control her own urges. He bent down and captured those waxy, tasty lips, and kissed her with the passion she had come to expect from him.

“Oh,” she murmured, exhaling warm breath into his mouth, twisting her hips from side to side in mock protest, but also as if to encourage him to thrust against her body.

“Very kissable,” he whispered between kisses.

His cock refused to tame itself, and he wanted nothing more than to be buried inside her. The yearning brought with it an idea.

He released her outstretched arms. She immediately pouted with disappointment. He tapped her lips with the tip of his forefinger.

“Very kissable,” he repeated. “Very fuckable,” he added.

She blushed as radiantly as her hair and lips combined. When he pressed his hands on her shoulders, she responded to his silent command without a quibble. She sank to her knees, and her skirts formed a circle around her. With her nose level with his flap, he unbuttoned it and presented his prominent erection.

“Open wide, Jenny,” he encouraged.

She gaped at first then obeyed him by sticking out her tongue and tilting her head back.

The innocent creature had probably no experience, but he was happy to teach her. “Good girl. Now, take a breath and don’t panic.”

She acknowledged him with a slight nod. He slid the glans of his cock along the moist groove of her tongue until it reached the back of her mouth. The sensation of soft flesh curling around his hardness was delicious. He swelled and expected a swift climax. Bundling her hair into his fists, he directed the tempo as he glided the head of his cock in and out. He went no further, aware of her novice status. Yet, to his delight, she seemed capable and willing to open her throat to him. What a splendid discovery. Jenny was the most perfect creature he had ever fucked. He could no longer compare her to Dona—his previous mistress had fulfilled her duties, and now it was Jenny’s time. The next few days were going to be immeasurable and worth the risk of further ruining their reputations.

The spurt was sudden and engulfed her mouth until the liquid dribbled down her chin. Withdrawing, he waited for her to catch her breath and swallow. Her eyes were half-open, and he supported her head as she floated in some distant place in her mind.

“Shall we to bed?” he suggested.

She nodded slowly.

It was not even midday, but he did not care to keep track of time. The night for them had already begun.

Chapter 9

The days passed too quickly, especially as they spent much time of it in Elias’s bed or recovering from their exertions with sleep. When they were dressed and presentable, Elias sat behind Oswald’s desk trying to make sense of estate’s accounts. Jenny decided she would sort out the household, and she began her mission in the kitchen. The food served by the cook was the blandest she had ever consumed, and Jenny wanted to know why.

Mrs Smythe was muttering to herself as she kneaded dough on the kitchen table. She curtsied upon Jenny’s arrival but failed to hide her aghast expression.

“Miss Templeton, I…what…” She flapped her arms about her and sent flour flying in all directions.

Jenny seated herself at the table and attempted to look affable. The kitchen was in a good state of cleanliness, so she concluded Mrs Smythe was not that incompetent. There had to be another reason for the limited menu on offer.