She saw his thin lips pressed together, as if to suppress an angry outburst. His manner alarmed her. “What are you going to do?”

In the corner of the garden stood a wooden structure. A small gazebo with a timber frame and slatted roof, which had ivy woven into its slats, casting a shadow over the interior. Inside the small alcove sat a white marble bench. Edmund continued to lead an uncertain Alice towards the seat, and then turning, he seated himself upon it. Released from his grip, she backed away slightly.

His shoulders straightened. “A child is spanked. So shall you be until you learn appropriate behaviour towards me and honour your vows.”

She couldn’t believe her ears. His idea inflamed her further. Heat rose about her face with her anger. “Spank me! You shall do no such thing. My father never took the rod to me—”

“Perhaps that is where the fault lies in your upbringing. He did good as say so to me. He knows of my intentions to discipline you and he didn’t express any grievances or objections. Now, lift up your skirts and bend over my knee.”

“No!” squawked Alice shaking her head vigorously. She looked about the walled garden, hoping the gardener would appear and thwart Edmund’s plans, but they were quite alone and invisible behind the high walls.

“Very well,” said Edmund placing his hands on his hips. “If needs must, I will force you over my lap and bare your bottom.”

Alice went to back away farther, but his sword arm was swift and strong. Taken by the upper arm, he easily dragged her down and over his lap. With both hands upon her, he imposed his will and even managed to take hold of her skirts and pull them towards her waist.

She kicked, struggled and tried desperately to heave her body upwards and away from him. Her right arm he held on to tightly and pinned it across her back while the other continued to seek out her naked flesh.

His speed surprised her. Try as she may, she couldn’t shift his heavy limb. Panic-stricken, she resorted to pleading. “Please, Edmund, please don’t do this.”

“It is too late for such petitions,” he said gruffly. “You called me pig-headed.”

“It was spoken in haste. I didn’t mean it,” she rebutted, praying her recanting might work.

“Words spoken cannot be taken back. They were in your thoughts and I am sorely disappointed in you, Mrs Seymour. You will not be the wilful, petulant nineteen-year-old, who was spoilt by her generous parents. Not with me.” He used her newly acquired title and it reinforced her position—she had sworn the previous day to be his obedient wife and now she understood its significance. Her life before had gone. Now she belonged to her husband.

He hoicked up the petticoat and shift, gathering it about her waist and a cool rush of air shot across bottom. She held out for him to change his mind. He would not go through with it. Any moment now, he would release her and admonish her in another way.

The smack, loud and forceful, reached her ears before the pain. Then she felt it. A sting, neither sharp nor dull in nature and before she could assimilate it, another landed on the other cheek. Without pausing, he switched his flat palm between each buttock in rapid succession.

Alice howled, sobbed and wriggled. His actions had humiliated her and made her feel no more than a child, which she knew to be his intention. Now she regretted everything she had said to him.

“It hurts!” she wailed.

“Punishments generally do,” he confirmed. “If you lie still, and stop fighting me, it will hurt less and be over quicker.”

Alice didn’t want to do as he said. Why should she? Then, she recalled the spanking she had witnessed outside the tavern. The barmaid had baulked noisily and the soldier had ignored the protestations and put the girl over his knee. Alice remembered she had wanted to dash over and rescue her. Now, faced with the same humiliating predicament, she didn’t know what to do. The barmaid had resisted until she admitted her fault. Should she do the same? She had foolishly claimed her marriage vows were of no importance, yet, did struggling and fighting back help recover her dignity?

Another walloping slap of his hand jolted painfully across her tender buttocks. Her legs went to move, to kick back and she realised it served her no purpose. Instead, she gritted her teeth and bit back a cry.

* * *

Edmund immediately spotted Alice’s transformation. Instead of frantic struggles and cries, she went limp. The silence—other than his unrelenting smacks—brought about by her stillness endured until his own palm stung from his numerous blows. Her cheeks, having quickly turned pink, were now a deep crimson from crease to lumbar. He held her firmly in place across his lap, ensuring she didn’t fall off. Each spank pressed into her generous flesh, an endowment quite unlike her narrow waist and shapely legs. His hand virtually bounced off her globes and the heat rose up to meet his descending hand.

Now that she was calmer and accepting his punishment, he slowed his pace and began to rub her toasted buttocks every few blows. Gradually his anger abated. He hadn’t intended to punish Alice while filled with such negative emotions, but needs must and he could not delay his discipline. A point had to be made swiftly and he re-iterated his feelings to her clearly.

“I am a man of discipline, Alice. I demand obedience from my men and they give it because there are consequences if they do not. I do not wish to demand obedience from you. I expect it. You have vowed to be my wife and you will take those vows seriously, just as I take mine to this country.”

“I’m sorry, truly. Please stop!” Her shoulders shuddered in time with her sobs. “I will never insult you again, sir.”

“When you can show proper decorum to me, I will believe you are ready to face society and then, and only then, will I consider hosting such a ball.”

Alice sniffled. “I understand.”

Edmund stayed his hand and released his grip on her restrained arm. Rubbing her flaming cheeks with his own sore hand, he waited for her tears to cease flowing. She shuffled off his lap and her skirts fell back down to her ankles. He looked up, straight into her puffy eyes, and he noted the tear-strewn face and trembling lips. Her exceptional beauty transcended the drying streaks of tears and indignant flushed cheeks, but seeing her upset, he ached to comfort her in his arms. His actions caused him no guilt, but

the consequences tugged at his burgeoning heartstrings. However, she had to understand his desire for obedience, as well as love.

“I hope I never have to spank you again, Alice,” he said sombrely. “I do not enjoy punishing you, but if you defy me, I will do so without hesitation or compunction. Now,” he said lightening his voice. “Let us continue with our tour.”