Page 26 of Theirs to Share

Standing before the mirror, she twirled, admiring the contours of her figure and the smoothness of her skin. In that moment, something unexpected clicked in her head.

Why the hell was she here, on an alien world, preparing herself to be fucked endlessly for a strange species? What was she gaining, other than the adulation of her people back on Earth who had no clue what was really was happening to her? The days of sacrificing humans had long passed, and yet, she was just that, a sacrifice, given up to aliens in exchange for what? Early civilizations did it for their gods, whereas she was expected to maintain the peace between two vastly different worlds. That was one hell of a burden to place on her shoulders and unfair, too.

She backed away from the mirror, feeling both hot with inexplicable arousal and shivering with nerves. She wasn’t up to this, surely. Fuck them! Fuck everyone who wanted a piece of her, including those back on her Earth. She’d put in a request to go home; they’d let her, wouldn’t they? She’d go straight to her father and warn him that there was nothing in it for the nestors but sex, lots of fucking, and that was it. Hardly worth sacrificing countless women. Innocent women, too. Had any of them really understood what was expected of them?

But... the shame of it. She’d be labeled a failure and shunned. What future awaited her back on Earth?

Creeping closer to her reflection, she examined herself again. She was good-looking; everyone told her that, it wasn’t just her opinion. She had curves in the right places and flesh where it was needed. Nothing surplus, no scars, no blemishes. She had two generous breasts and longish legs. She wasn’t an athlete, but she was well-toned. As for her eyes—okay, perhaps too round—and her nose had a teensy-weensy button shape to its end. Her lips she was especially proud to own. Every bit of her face was natural; she’d not had to undergo any cosmetic alterations.

They wanted her. Kriss and Jago. Every time they came home, within minutes of arriving, they were inside her, clamoring for her orgasms, heating their loins against her hips and driving themselves to their apexes, the minor orgasms of pleasure that never delivered any seed. Nobody would ever want her like that back on her Earth. She was something special to her aliens and that was because she was a woman, one of a handful on the planet, possibly.

And there was her answer. That was what was missing from their relationship. They didn’t understand her or what it meant to be feminine. Admittedly, they’d allowed her clothing, which helped, and hadn’t expected her to be like a servant to any of their other daily needs. Jago in particular liked to chat with her, and even Kriss had lost his hard edge when he spoke to her. But did they really know what made her tick and what she could offer them? So, could she educate them to need her in other ways? What if she helped them discover what it meant to have a real woman?

However, first of all, she had to have their complete confidence in her, and that meant satisfying the Hunger. Today mattered more than she realized when she awoke that morning. Get this right and she would have them eating out of the palm of her hand. Of course, she grinned at her reflection, they mustn’t know that. They had to believe they controlled her, and through her obedience, they would have faith in her. Meanwhile, she would pick away at their attitudes and change them, make them better men, real alphas. T

hen, she would have the opportunity to work on her mission.

She walked into the main room and stopped on the threshold. They were waiting for her, side by side, stark naked and... different. Something had happened in the hour or so she’d been absent from their sides. Their skin had darkened into a rich copper hue; their eyes were lighter, though, and brighter. She was sure she could see the outline of the beating hearts through their chests. But most noticeable were their cocks. She’d expected the size—the girth of her wrist, and the length—two magnificent poles. What she’d not seen before was the extent of the coloration. The purple veins ringing their erections glowed, luminescent lines that formed intricate patterns, much like tattoos. The heads, the smooth glans, were a vibrant shade of indigo. As for their balls, she gaped—the weight of them and the tautness of the skin clearly indicated they were full and ready to burst.

“Don’t be afraid,” Jago said.

Afraid? Was that why her adrenaline was ramping up to new levels? She hoped not. She really wanted it to be excitement that was rushing through her body, aiming straight for her lower belly. Don’t kill me with those huge cocks, was what was racing through her mind. Don’t leave me broken.

She remembered her pep talk in front of the mirror—be a woman. Overwhelm them with feminine guile and the illusion of control. Own them, while letting them take her, claim her. She relaxed her arms, shaking off the trembles, and flattened her bare feet on the cool floor. Slowly, she walked toward them, sashaying her hips and allowing her breasts to sway with the movement.

Would they grab her, throw her onto the cushions or over the back of the chair, and ravish her without a care for her needs? They could so easily crush her small form under theirs. She was nearly an arm’s length away, but they hadn’t moved. Both of them stood like stunned statutes, their mouths agog, their eyes burning with desire.

“What can I do for you, gentleman?” She added as much seduction to her tone as she could muster, “My lords, my noble warriors.” She embellished them with praise, praying they would remember they were not beasts or animals, but honorable men.

Kriss rose up onto his tiptoes as if to pounce on her. Jago grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. “Remember,” he whispered.

One of them was using his head, the other probably wasn’t. How dangerous was Kriss? Was she prepared for what he might unleash upon her?

Kriss groaned and lowered his heels. “Sure,” he said. He cleared his throat. “Why not lie here, Shayla.” He pointed at the nest of cushions.

So there were would be foreplay, kisses, and sensual touches, like they’d done previously. Did she really need all that? She was conscious of the trickle slithering down her inner thigh, the steady pulse of her pussy as it clenched in anticipation. Everything that needed to be happening in preparation was happening naturally and plentifully.

Now was her moment. Own it, Shayla.

“Is that what you want me to do, sir?” she asked Kriss directly.

“What I want, you couldn’t possibly do,” he said, cocksure. His erection twitched, springing closer to his flat stomach.

She inched closer, keeping her hips swinging and her chin low, appearing demure, but thinking something different. Act submissive, but be sassy, confident. Nobody had taught her that, but it made sense. The nestors had no idea what a human female felt inside, they were open to whatever she suggested.

“I need you, Kriss,” she said softly. She sidestepped, and with her eyes peeping out from under her long lashes, she stared at him. Her confidence grew. This was the way to tame them. She walked around the pair, forcing them to twist and crane their heads to keep sight of her alluring figure.

Kriss grabbed his cock and growled.

“Cool it,” Jago said. “She’s playing her game, let her.”

“My game?” She returned to face them. “I don’t have a game, sirs. I’m entirely yours, am I not?”

Jago laughed. “You think you can play us like a programmed droid?”

“I’ve no idea what a droid can do. I’ve not met one.” Nearly the truth. She rested her hand on her waist and used the other one to stroke up and down her hip. “Do they do this?”

“They bend,” Kriss said, his lips curling upward. “They cry if I tell them to. They scream, too, if that’s what I want.”