There was a long, brooding silence.
“Sorry.” But he didn’t sound sorry in the least.
“That’s the best you can do?” demanded Victoria.
“I accept his apology,” Suzy said quickly. “I understand why he’s upset.”
“I’m not upset,” he growled, and gave Victoria a killing how-dare-you stare before stalking off in Michael’s wake, the basket swinging incongruously at his side.
“Jerk!” Victoria fumed. To her astonishment she found that her hands were trembling. She brushed them over her hair, more to regain her composure than to smooth the style. She was too tired to be tactful. “What does Michael see in the man?”
“Make allowances for him.” Suzy put a hand on her arm. “His girlfriend just dumped him for his business partner. It can’t be a good time for him.”
Victoria gave a derisive laugh. “I don’t blame her one bit. No sane woman could live with a jerk like him.”
“He’s hurting,” Suzy protested.
“Didn’t you hear the way he said ‘love’? Like it was something foreign to him. Connor North feels as much emotion as a slab of granite.”
“Michael says he doesn’t share much, so maybe he did love her. He’s been very good about it, even letting her keep the house.”
“I’m sure she deserved it.”
“Shh.” Suzy’s grip on her arm tightened. “He might hear you.”
“I don’t care.”
“Well, I do. C’mon, Tory, Michael and I were seriously hoping the two of you would become…well…friends.”
Friends with Connor North? Friendship implied affection, warmth and loyalty. Victoria couldn’t imagine Rock-Face ever exhibiting any of those qualities. She stared down at the person who knew her better than anyone in the world and gave a snort of disbelief. “You’re dreaming, Suz.”
Had Michael and Suzy been planning to match-make?
“Okay.” Suzy held up her hands. “I’m not going to argue, so let’s change the subject. I’ve been meaning to ask you, Tory, if you wouldn’t mind popping past the cottage to water the potted plants while we’re on honeymoon. Connor might forget.”
Victoria frowned suspiciously. “What do you mean ‘Connor might forget?’”
“He’s been staying with Michael this past week and the two of them have been working like dogs every evening to get the house all painted inside. And Connor will look after it while we’re on honeymoon—Michael dotes on that house.”
“I suppose I can drop round in my lunch hour—that way I won’t bump into him.” Then Victoria clicked her tongue. “Suzy, you’re not intending to start off your marriage with a houseguest, are you?”
“Oh, no, he’s not the type to be a third wheel—though he’s helped Michael heaps with the house. Michael could never have done as much alone. No, Connor will find a place while we’re on honeymoon. Michael just felt he needed a few days to get over the shock of losing his woman, his home and his business in one shot.”
Victoria steeled herself against a sneaky twinge of sympathy. However hard a time he’d had, it was no reason to attack Suzy. “I’m sure he’ll recover.”
“Please be nice to him, Tory.” Suzy stretched her blue eyes wide. “I don’t want the wedding photos ruined because the maid of honor and best man have a fistfight.”
No sane woman could live with a jerk like him.
Telling himself that the dislike was mutual didn’t stop the maid of honor’s words from rankling as Connor marched across the car park tucked away behind the church hall. He came to a stop where Michael Mason rummaged in the trunk of a modest Toyota parked in the dark shade of two tall pines.
“That woman is a menace.” Connor dropped the basket filled with hymn books into the trunk next to the black rollaway bag.
The groom’s head came up, and the brown eyes of a man Connor met twice weekly for a killer game of squash grew cool as Michael said with deceptive mildness, “Suzy is going to be my wife, Connor. Watch what you say.”
Connor did a double take. “Wow. You’ve got it bad.” His mouth slanted as Michael tensed. “Steady on, I was talking about the maid of honor.”
“Victoria?” Michael slammed the trunk shut. “She’s been friends with Suzy for decades. In fact—”
The sudden gleam in Michael’s eyes had Connor bringing his hands up in front of him to ward off the inevitable. “Don’t go there—she’s not my type.”