“What about Dylan?”

“I’ve arranged for Anne to come in.”

“But doesn’t her mother need her in the evenings?”

“I booked a nurse to look after her mother.”

“Oh.” It was flattering that he’d gone to so much trouble. And that left her with no room for protest. “It looks like you’ve got everything covered.”

“I have.” He tossed her a knee-weakening grin. “Give Dylan to me and go shower and get dressed.”

Victoria obeyed, feeling like she was stepping into a void.

In the soft glow of the candlelight that gave the restaurant an intimate ambience, Connor studied Victoria. She was wearing a yellow, sleeveless dress with a scooped neck-line that left her shoulders and elegant neck exposed. The golden flame reflected in her eyes, giving them a mysterious sparkle.

He shifted, and keys jingled in his pocket. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was…how much she meant to him. He didn’t know where to start.

“I offered Bridget Edge my resignation today.”

Her words shocked him. “You didn’t.”

She nodded.

“But why?”

For an instant uncertainty glimmered in those lovely eyes. “So that I can spend more time with Dylan. So that you don’t divorce me, and take him away.”


“Are you pleased?” She looked worried.

He tried to figure out what he felt. After Michael and Suzy’s deaths, he’d hoped that she’d resign and spend all her time with Dylan—like his mother had with him and Brett. Yet now there was only relief at the thought that the terrible pressure that had been on Victoria would ease. What with Suzy and Michael’s death, minding a baby, doing a demanding job and now her father’s heart attack…something had to give. And he didn’t want it to be Victoria who suffered.

But he knew she loved her work—and the independence it gave her—something he hadn’t understood when he’d met her two years ago.

“It’s not about whether I’m pleased—it’s what you want.” He chose his words carefully. “If you want to stay home all day with Dylan, you must do so. But if you want to work, then don’t feel you need to resign.” Had she resigned because she thought that was what he expected? Had he put that much fear into her?

God, he hoped not. That was the last reason in the world he wanted her to do it.

“Bridget was surprised, too.”

The waiter chose that moment to bring their meals—Tory’s steamed salmon and his steak. Connor waited impatiently for the waiter to finish tending them and leave.

“What did Frigid say?” he asked as he cut his steak.

“Don’t call her that,” she admonished, “she was very understanding. She suggested that I cut my hours back.”

“How do you feel about that?”

Victoria paused to swallow a mouthful of fish. “I think it might be a solution. If I go in the mornings it will give me all afternoon with Dylan.”

“Sounds feasible.” Already she was looking more at ease. And Connor was delighted.

“I had an interesting day, too.” He told her about the visit he’d gotten from the chairman of an infertility support group to whom Suzy and Michael had left a modest legacy. “Turned out that’s where they met.”

“It was driving me nuts—no one seemed to know.”

“They didn’t want people to know about what they saw as a humiliating flaw.”

“Neither of them were flawed,” said Victoria with some heat.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Connor finished the last bit of steak as Victoria down put her knife and fork. “I thought we might have some dessert.”

“That sounds lovely.”

But before he could signal to the waiter to bring the dessert menus, he heard someone call his name.


He looked up. Dana was standing next to their table.

“It is you. I thought it must be, from the shape of your head.” Her gaze went past him and settled on Victoria. “I heard you’d gotten married.”

“Dana, our table is ready.” Paul came up behind her, and he didn’t meet Connor’s eyes. “We need to go through.”

She pouted prettily. “Soon, darling.” And turned back to Connor. “I didn’t think you’d ever marry.”

“The right woman came along.”

Annoyance flared in the dark-blue eyes. “How romantic, darling. I want to hear everything.” She shifted into the booth beside him, her black dress hiking up, and a stockinged thigh brushed his.

Instead of desire, all he felt was distaste.