“You came, Victoria!” His eyes lit up as she halted beside his hospital cot.

“Yes, I came,” she said lamely. “Juliet called me.”

“Ah, Juliet. She’s my guardian angel.”

“How did you meet her?”

“I started going to church,” he replied. “She was one of the first to welcome me.” He must’ve seen her shock because he added, “Hard to believe, I know.”

His skin held a yellow cast marred with liver spots that she’d never noticed. He looked old and tired. A broken man. Nothing like the feckless, handsome man who’d ruined her mother’s life and made her childhood a battlefield. A sliver of pity pierced her heart.

Whatever he’d done, however enraged and disappointed she’d been with him in the past for failing her, he didn’t deserve this.

His hand inched out and closed over hers, the tightening fingers telling her without words of his fear and desperation.

“Frank, this is Victoria’s husband, Connor North,” Juliet said from the foot of the bed.

Frank lifted his head with a struggle. “You’re married?”

And she’d never told him.

It hung between them, yet another recrimination.

Victoria nodded miserably. Connor had been right. She should have invited her father to the wedding, despite their differences.

“Remember my friend Suzy?”

“Of course I remember Suzy. I was sometimes home through the years.” His mouth twisted. “Even though you and your mother probably wouldn’t believe that, not that I blame either of you,” he added as she clenched her fingers under his grip.

“Suzy died in a car accident. Her husband was killed, too.” How to explain it? “They had a baby—”

“Oh, poor mite,” exclaimed Juliet.

“His name is Dylan…Connor and I were appointed his guardians—”

“And you fell in love.” Juliet wore a dreamy expression, and Victoria didn’t have the heart to disillusion her.

She searched for something to say that wouldn’t make their marriage sound like a cold, convenient arrangement.

Juliet took Frank’s other hand. “Your father has been wanting to call you. He’s got something to ask you.” A smile lit up her cheerful round face, and Victoria found herself warming more and more to the other woman. She had a brisk lightheartedness that was contagious.

“Juliet wants us to get married.” Her father’s eyes were oddly anxious as he waited for her response.

What did he expect her to do? Refuse permission? She would never do that. Even though she believed Juliet ought to be warned what she was getting herself into.

But it wasn’t apprehension that lurked in his eyes. It was something infinitely more basic….

Her father wanted her approval.

Deep within her something gave. He’d never sought her approval before.

“That’s wonderful,” she said. “When will the wedding be?”

The lines around his eyes eased fractionally. “I’ve still got to propose. Maybe Juliet won’t have me.”

“It’s been difficult enough to get you to this point, so I’m hardly likely to bolt now.” Despite her tart tone, Juliet’s eyes overflowed with emotion, tears not far away. “You silly, stubborn man. You had to almost die before you saw sense. Now you’d better hurry up and ask.”

“Worried I might croak?”

“Don’t joke about dying.” Juliet gave a visible shiver then leaned across the bed and brushed her lips across his furrowed brow. “There’s nothing remotely funny about it.”

“You could do so much better, my dear,” Frank whispered and Victoria’s own eyes grew dewy.

“Don’t sell yourself short, honey.” Juliet straightened. “Now hurry up, before the nurse comes back and chases us all out. I’ve got witnesses now, so you won’t be able to back out later.”

Victoria exchanged looks with Connor—his eyes were gleaming with humor.

“Juliet, my dear, I’ve wasted a lot of time because I was afraid I’d let you down. I’m certainly no Romeo, but you will bring light to my life if you marry me.”

A funny sensation shot through Victoria.

Juliet loved her father. The emotion in her glowing eyes was unmistakable as she gazed at Frank. But Victoria’s stomach hollowed out at the certainty that Juliet was heading for heartbreak.

Her father wasn’t capable of living up to anyone’s love. He’d even admitted that he hadn’t wanted to propose because he knew he would let Juliet down.

Yet before she could protest she heard Juliet reply, “Of course I’ll marry you, Frank. Tomorrow if you wish. You only ever had to ask.”