The warmth of his body against hers flooded Victoria with a rush of emotion. She blinked frantically as he held the garden gate open for her, determined not to cry any more. This was Connor, why was he being so darned gentle? It made her want to cry all the more.
The rain began to fall in stinging drops. Connor dropped his arm from her shoulders and hurried to get Dylan into the back of the Maserati.
Victoria stood on the sidewalk, unmindful as the drops turned to sheets of water. She’d won. She could hardly believe it. He wasn’t going to force her—or Dylan—to go into the cottage. Conner was taking them both home.
So why didn’t she feel a thrill of victory? Why did she feel so terribly lost?
“You need to get out of that wet dress.”
Connor jerked his gaze away from the sodden material that clung to Victoria’s skin, blatantly revealing the gentle curves and the tight tips of her brea**sts as she shivered.
“But Dylan—”
“Is perfectly dry. I got him into the car before the heavens opened.” Connor’s attention fell onto the baby still sleeping in his infant seat.
“He’s exhausted.”
He knew without looking that she’d followed his gaze. Victoria must be exhausted, too. After all, she’d been holding the baby for most of the day. But if he said anything more, she’d only deny it. So Connor settled himself down onto a couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table. “Why don’t you go have a hot shower. I’ll watch the baby for a while.”
Edging forward, she said, “Why don’t you make yourself at home?”
“Not now, Victoria.” Weariness crept into his voice. He’d had enough of all the sniping between them.
She stared at him for a long moment, then bowed her head. “I’m sorry.”
Connor nodded and closed his eyes. Hearing so sound of movement, he cracked them open. She hadn’t moved. She stood in front of him, looking every bit as drained as he felt.
“You’ll feel better after a shower.”
“Maybe.” Her hazel eyes remained fixed on him. “But right not I don’t really want to be alone.”
“Oh, Victoria!”
Her reluctant admission moved him. She was so fiercely independent. Connor knew for her to reveal any weakness at all meant she must be feeling utterly empty. Dropping his legs down, he reached forward and scooped her off her feet. She landed across his lap with a squeak, a struggling mass of arms and legs.
“I’m wet!” she wailed. “I’m going to soak you, too.”
“Shh.” He bent his head over hers. “Just relax.”
Her body softened instantly. For long minutes he held her, not speaking, not thinking, simply savoring the scent of her, the softness of her body under his soothing palm that rubbed along her back in long strokes.
At last she shifted. “I must be heavy.”
Connor almost groaned as her bottom moved in his lap. Heat shot through his spine and he fought the urge to shudder in reaction. If she’d only stayed still…
Victoria froze. Her head came up, and startled golden-green eyes met his. Connor knew she’d felt his unmistakable reaction. He waited for her to pull away. She didn’t.
With a groan he pulled her toward him. Her parted lips met his, and he sucked in the whisper of her breath. It was a hungry kiss, full of pent-up emotion, of passion long resisted. Connor licked the soft sweetness of her bottom lip, tasting her deeply, and she wriggled closer.
His fingers found the zipper of her dress, and he broke off the kiss. The rasp of the sliding zipper cut across the sound of their ragged breathing. Connor peeled the wet fabric off her shoulders and slid the dress over her hips, down her legs, his gaze all the time holding hers, watching as a flush of passion flooded her pale cheeks.
When the dress was off, he pulled her atop him so that her bare legs straddled his hips. Her naked skin shimmered in the evening light, as pale as pearl against the seductive black satin bra and panties. Connor’s breath caught at the sheer grace of her long limbs and sweet curves.
With shaking fingers she reached forward and undid the buttons of his shirt. “Your shirt is damp, too.”
“Just a little.” He’d gotten wet holding the car door open for her.
Pulling the edges apart, she murmured, “Then it will also have to come off.”
Connor leaned forward and shrugged his arms out of the sleeves. “Anything you say.”
A glint lit her eyes, and her lips curved into a delicious smile. “You should always be so amenable.”
“I’m at your mercy.” He stared at her rosy lush mouth.