“You do?” She watched the illuminated numbers climb. They were nearly there.

“Yes. The question is, what about you?” He raised his eyebrows just as the car halted with a slight bounce.

They stepped out straight into the lobby of his suite, which occupied the whole top floor.

“Wow,” she gasped as he led her by the hand into the open plan room. There were no partitions between the seating area, bedroom, and small office. Only the bathroom was behind a closed door. She suddenly needed to use it.

“May I?” She pointed at the door.

He nodded. “Make yourself comfortable.”

She hurried over. By the time she’d finished and returned, he’d divested himself of his jacket and shoes and was pouring a drink.

“Just water, I think,” he said, offering her a glass. “We both need a clear head. Take a seat, Paige.”

She sipped on the icy liquid and it cooled her throat. However, it couldn’t calm her thumping heartbeat.

“I will be your aide?” she asked, setting the glass down on a table by her chair. She had to show some backbone or else he’d start to think she hadn’t any strengths.

“An adjutant. We call them hanjins.” He finished his water and licked his lips. “They perform many duties.”

“I see. Like clerical work?”

“Among other things. You will prepare me for meetings, ensure I have everything I need on a daily basis.”

She tried to picture what his office might look like and where she would sit—outside the door or somewhere in a different part of the building? What about his staff, would she fit in with his team?

“It is a demanding role and highly sought after by females.”

She started at the significance of what he might be implying. No, it couldn’t be possible. “Women? Only women perform this job?”

“It is a necessity.” A faint smile shaped his thin lips.

She liked his lips. They looked very kissable. She tried to ignore them and concentrate on what he was saying. “You don’t have men working for you?”

“I have advisors and investigators. Their role is to go out and gather data. Then, I use this to make informed decisions. Your role would be more personal. I expect you to be available all day, and every day.”

She swallowed hard. The more he talked, the more he alluded to something more than clerical work. Perhaps she had to massage his shoulders or file his fingernails. Men could do that job, though. “Administrative work surely doesn’t require that kind of attention.”

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. “Did I say it was entirely administrative?”

“No. What else then?” She needed a fan, or something to cool her heated skin down. He fixed her with his expressive eyes and she couldn’t let go of his gaze. The silvery pools he conjured up in his irises were too tempting. She wanted to leap into them.

“I shall be blunt, which I think suits you. You will also be required to attend to my comfort and pleasure. This means submitting to my sexual demands.”

What an incredible proposition! She gaped in disbelief. She had thought he was teasing her, but this description went beyond anything she might have anticipated. He was talking about fucking her whenever he liked. Such a bizarre role, if it existed on Earth, would end her career and ruin his, too. But, she wasn’t going to be on Earth and Jamen wasn’t human.

She snatched the glass off the table and downed the contents in one greedy gulp. She wished it was wine or something stronger.

“A hanjin is a highly respected position,” he continued, unabashed by her reaction. “You will have your own office adjacent to mine, quarters next to my private apartment, medical backup, language tuition so that you will learn Vendu, and a salary that will be translated into Earth’s currency when you leave. Usually, hanjin are unpaid aides, but I appreciate this time away from Earth will deplete your income.”

He’d thought of nearly everything, except one thing: her consent. Her absolute agreement, and if she changed her mind out there, what would happen to her?

“If I say no to the sex part, would you still take me?” she asked, regaining her voice.

“Yes. Since you would gain much from the experience. However, I think you would gain even more to agreeing to be my hanjin. I would require others to fulfill those functions, which would be a pity, as I think you would perform them satisfactorily. Perhaps even with excellence.”

She had to be blushing. “How do you know?” she snapped. “Just because you’ve seen me nearly naked and being spanked, doesn’t make me some kind of sex fiend. I’m not a whore.” She rose to her feet. She was making a mistake; he couldn’t possibly understand her needs.