His cock dove between her wet folds and she clenched in anticipation of his penetration. When it came, he met no resistance and glided into her pussy. The head of his erection massaged her walls and she arched beneath his bridging body, allowing him deeper. No demanding thrusts followed in the wake of his entry. Jamen was content to rock against her pelvis with the palm of one hand tucked beneath her thigh, the other planted by her head. She hooked that raised leg around the back of his and anchored herself there, clinging to his body with her arms.

They came together in a medicinal orgasm. The pain of her spanking was stripped away and the anguish she’d caused him obliterated. Forgiven by him, her act of foolishness was erased and the slate wiped clean; a curative step she had never received in the Bow and Tie. The spanking there had aroused her, but never satisfied her as deeply as this sweet lovemaking.

If Jamen desired more from her, he kept his needs well hidden. His climax, which delivered a warm sensation in her belly, was muted and pleasing—he smiled at the apex and let out a soft cry of delight. As for hers, it sent her spiraling into a place of bliss. Exactly where he needed her to be.

With her eyes shut, she basked and Jamen moved away. He made the final and necessary preparations with no preamble. The oils he applied were scented and they contained a potent, sweet aroma that further aroused her. Both his cock and her neat hole were well-lubricated and the warmth it provided aided her mood. She was keen and excited. And if there was a hint of anxiety, she kept it at bay.

“Don’t let me hurt you,” he said. He took up position behind her and drew her up onto her knees. “I’ll go slow.”

She nodded, brushed aside the remaining dregs of nerves and burrowed her face into the soft pillow.

“Let me in, sweet Paige,” he said, knocking his cock at her tiny door.

She expelled a long exhale and lifting her hips slightly, she pushed backwards against his bulb. The size of it was apparent as she opened and with the pressure came a moment of anxious panting.

“Relax,” he reminded her. “I’m not forcing my way in. It’s all down to you.”

He’d gifted her the control and she used it to set the pace—very slow. He seemed to enjoy it, because he groaned and at the same time, he fisted a handful of bedding and dragged it toward him, ruffling the surface like ocean waves.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

She stretched, allowing him to slip deeper. The days of inserting the colorful butt plug had paid off. It wasn’t as painful or as challenging as she once feared. With the right man, the best preparation and a positive attitude, anything was possible. Jamen was the only man she could ever trust in this endeavor.

Her final virginity was conquered and she relished the occupation. If there was discomfort, it was nothing compared to the stripes on her bottom.

“Yes,” she gasped.

She’d given him the green light to move and he did, but with a tenderness that surprised her. He held in check his energy and power, and with a leisurely rise of his hips, he stroked the insides with his cock.

“Thank you,” he murmured. “So beautiful.”

The compliment bolstered her confidence. Now, she wanted the vigor. To feel him claim her thoroughly. However, Jamen was vastly more experienced than her and he was in the best position to decide when and if she could bear his rigorous fucking.

“Take me, like you would a Vendu,” she implored, succumbing again to her more irrational nature.

Jamen shook his head. “You’re not Vendu. You’re human. And that’s what makes you special.” He cupped her breasts in his hands. “It’s why I love you.”

She couldn’t believe her ears—had he really said it?

He eased out of her, as gently as he’d arrived and turned her over to face him. His cheeks were flushed and glowing. “Did you hear me, Paige?”

She nodded, stunned by his simple admission. “I love you, too,” she said quietly.

He tilted her chin up, so she met his dark moon eyes. She could swim in them forever. “We’re going to find a way to be together. Here, or on Earth, I don’t care. But we will stay together. I promise.”

She believed him. Tears of joy stung her eyes. “Yes, anywhere. I’m yours anywhere.”

He smiled. “You’ve changed me. I don’t mind admitting it.”

“Me, too. I feel alive.”

He kissed her lips. “Let’s bathe, then make love all night.”

“Make love?” She raised her eyebrows—what if she wanted the old Jamen back?

“Your way… and mine,” he grinned.

She sighed with relief. “Phew. Because I never intended to change you. Just enhance you.”