“Oh, no. But it’s humiliating. For those of us who like it, it’s okay, but I’m not sure I want my parents or friends to know. They might think I’m nuts.”


“Crazy. Mad.”

“Oh.” He leaned back in his seat. “How did he find out about us meeting?”

“He watched us walking along the street together. He thought it suspicious. Then, before I got home, he pulled me into his car and demanded I told him what was going on. I had to tell him about us meeting.” She chewed her lower lip. “Sorry.”

Demanded meant coerced—she was vulnerable. “Don’t apologize. Nillson wants to know what exactly?”

She hung her head. “I shouldn’t tell you. I’m supposed to be loyal to him, not you.”

“By spying on his behalf? That is not good. Just ask me. What have I to hide? I’m a politician, not a general. I don’t work with the military or intelligence. My expertise is in lawmaking.”

She lifted her face. “He wants to know how the Vendu pass laws without involving your citizens. Kind of behind the scenes. Without due process.”

“I see. Well, we don’t pass them behind closed doors. We debate them publicly and citizens can express their concerns with a senator. However, it is the emperor’s final decision. What does he think happens?”

“I don’t know.”

Jamen grimaced. Nillson was a dishonorable representative of his people. Using Paige to do his dirty work and threatening her was not acceptable.

“I shall report him to a higher authority—”

“Oh, no, please don’t!” She raised her voice in alarm before dropping it back to a whisper. “I don’t want to make trouble. I just want my internship.”

“By spying on me? Hardly a respectable start.” He shook his head. “You seriously want to work in politics?”

“Yes. But, I suppose I wish I could be interning somewhere else.”


She guffawed. “I’ve marked my card with Nillson. He’s going to be all over me once I start at City Hall. I’d go anywhere if I had the chance.”

Gustave reappeared with her steak, looking triumphant. “Voila.”

“Eat,” said Jamen. “And relax. I won’t tell him and I’ll give you stuff to keep him happy. Nothing secretive or confidential.”

She picked up her cutlery and sliced off a chunk of meat. “Looks good.”

Jamen ate slowly, watching her appetite gain as she realized he wasn’t going to ruin her life with accusations, or let Nillson think she’d failed. However, the ghastly man had marred her future prospects.

He swirled the wine around his glass and pondered the opportunities that awaited her. Jamen knew without a doubt he had chosen her and unless she refused him, she was going to be his for some time to come. The reason he knew was the hardening of his balls, the tautness in his belly, and the constant reimagining of her spanking. His version was much better and she’d probably enjoy it more.

He decided to make a proposal. If she accepted, he would have to make arrangements. If not, then he would have to find a way to empty his mind of those recurring images.

Chapter Five

“Come with me to Halos.”

Paige’s knife and fork clattered onto the plate she’d just finished scraping clean. She thought the churning in her stomach at the start of the evening was bad enough, but now the rush of adrenaline was jet propelling her to new levels of anxiety. For three days, she’d waited to meet Jamen in a state of turmoil, wondering if she could pull off the inquisition needed to save her reputation. She’d failed dismally in her mission; there was no way she had the guts to interrogate a man like Jamen. After all, he wasn’t a man, but an alien.

“To, to Halos?” she stuttered. What had possessed him?

She knew what possessed her and it wasn’t natural, surely, for her to feel like this so quickly? She couldn’t help the way her pulse raced every time he spoke to her, even if he had a blunt style, and then there were his dark eyes with their black centers and long lashes, two things she found highly seductive. Throw in his presence, so commanding and self-assured, and he practically invited her to say yes to anything he suggested. He certainly had no difficulty in expressing himself.
