“It’s a fantasy of mine. You’re going to strip naked and I’ll tie you to the chair. Then while I whip those dainty tits of yours, we can conduct a special interrogation.”

Paige wanted to vomit. “That’s your fantasy? Torturing me?”

“Torture!” he exclaimed with a mocking tone. “I’ve no intention of harming you, Paige. But, you did say you needed a thrashing, didn’t you?”

She pivoted, wondering whether to leg it out of the door. However, she’d gained nothing from him, only his perverted idea of a consensual scene. “The club’s cameras—”

“Aren’t active in this room. An arrangement I have. The walls are so wonderfully thick; nothing can penetrate them. No infrared, x-ray, or pesky listening devices. I often use this room to—” he stabbed two fingers in the air—“interrogate anyone who thinks they can get the better of me.”

She swallowed hard. “Better of you?” He’d brought others here and perhaps they’d not come as willingly as herself. She took the bait. “Who could possibly get the better of you, sir?”

He laughed. “You’d be surprised. This is how I deal with it.” He tapped the chair.

“How?” She slouched, seemingly in a sexy pose. “I have to admit, you’re turning me on. You know how I like discipline. Wh

o likes coming here?”

“Likes!” Another deep rumbling belly laugh.

Stay cool, she told herself. He’s an ape with an ego the size of a mountain. All she had to do was get him to talk and Nillson liked talking about himself.

“I assume you bring your girls here,” she said, maintaining the ruse of cooperation. “Those that like it a little rough?”

Her legs were shaking so badly, she had to lean hard against the wall and fold her arms to hide her trembling fingers.

“Girls, yes. Now if a man causes trouble, then here isn’t appropriate. I take them somewhere else.”

“Another club. Boys only?” she snickered, forcing the laughter out through her nose.

“Not quite.” He opened the crate and rummaged inside it. “I have a place, nothing more than a shed, out in the desert, close to the Brier Oasis. It’s hot, and frankly, not as comfortable as this place. The last girl I brought here, a silly, stupid clerk, who thought she could outwit me, discovered she had quite a pain threshold. I breached it, of course.”

Paige could feel the color drain from her face. “You brought your staffers here? I thought you meant a girl, you know, like me.”

“You’d lap it up, my dear. Your type always does. This one was such an innocent. She cried her heart out, begged me to stop.” Nillson retrieved a whip. “This one works really well. On men and women. Although, when it comes to the men, I get somebody else to do the flogging, while I watch. And listen. All those words come tumbling out of their mouths as they confess how they’ve foolishly tried to betray me.”

The glee in his eyes was nearly unbearable. “You do this often?”

“Not often enough, it seems. The last time was that idiot Raphael—a fresh-faced speech writer I employed to spice up my words. He thought he could outwit me by having me say things that weren’t true. He expected me to own up to things that I’d done. Appear meek to my voters. When I refused, he planned to go to a news outlet instead. He failed. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stand the heat of the Brier Oasis.”

“Where is he?” she whispered. She stared at the chair. Why was Nillson telling her all this? The answer petrified her. He really believed she was a nobody, totally forgotten, according to her lies. In fact, the EDC were well aware of the reasons for her return and her parents, too, although they wished she had visited them first, instead of aiming her sights on Nillson. The mayor was convinced she could be ‘made to disappear.’ Which worked to her favor; she needed him to believe she was weak and ineffectual. “There’s no harm in telling me. I’m just a stupid girl who can’t impress a mouse.”

He shrugged, seemingly agreeing with her remark. “In the cold ground. His own private cemetery.” Nillson’s eyes glazed over, and he shook his head, as if in disgust. “Forget him. It’s you I’m interested in. Tell me, did you meet the emperor?”

“Yes,” she answered. He’d almost said it, given her the last piece of evidence. “He’s an evil tyrant. He would like this room.” The lie worked. Nillson looked ecstatic.

He tapped the tip of the whip against his boot. “I knew it. He plays by my rules, doesn’t he? Tell me more,” he said eagerly.

She had nothing to tell him that would feed his warped mind, only more lies. “He kills people all the time. You understand? But, I guess, you’re not like that.”

“I bet he doesn’t do it with his own hands, though. I bet he has some henchman do it. I killed Raphael with my hand around his throat.” He thrust his hand before her eyes, proudly displaying it.

Paige wasn’t sure she could take any more—she turned her face away from his wild eyes. The fear was almost unbearable. She opened her mouth to speak, to let them know that she’d had enough.

“No more games, girl,” he snarled. “I think we should just skip to the fun part.”

He reached out to snatch at her arm and she scuttled closer to the door. “Or what? What if I refuse?”

“If you don’t want to help me, then perhaps I should bring that lovely Katie in here. See if that loosens your tongue.”