Change didn’t happen quickly on Halos. It crept forward and involved a chain of command. However, realizing his own city, Frezna, was potentially at risk had spurred Jamen into action. There was a need for haste and given the military force fields could withstand huge blasts, then they were the best choice for replacing the oldest sections of the barrier.

Paige applauded his efforts. Since they’d returned, they had worked hard and the days had skipped by with only brief moments for simple pleasures. He had ensured her dainty behind had received a few smacks in warning when she drifted astray from the path of obedience. She pouted her pretty lips in reply sometimes, but mostly he noted her eyes smiled and her demeanor remained excellent. She was a worthy hanjin and so much more, too.

He hadn’t enjoyed punishing her. He never would. He had taken pleasure from her subsequent submission and the amazing sex. She’d given her heart and soul in those hours of lovemaking, trusting him to use his strength and passion to their mutual benefit and in the heat, he’d said the words he’d held back from saying. Now, she knew.

“Paige!” he hollered a second time. What was keeping her?

She had her own little projects. The welfare of Halos’s rare animals had become a passion. Using her own initiative, she’d tracked down numerous experts and a cohort of animal fanatics who showed an interest in her plan. He didn’t dissuade her, but he worried that she might be disappointed if she failed to pull it off because it required the cooperation of many institutions on Halos and back on Earth.

As for the other activity—the quest to create female senators—she’d continued to talk about her experiences on Earth. He doubted she was advocating insurrection, but the whispers had spread from Yulta to Yulta. Whether the emperor knew about the quiet debates, Jamen didn’t inquire. He kept a watchful eye on things using Gawen. So far, Paige had not stirred up trouble and remained suitably diplomatic. She would make an excellent diplomat.

He rose and strode across the floor to the door. “Paige—”

He stopped in the doorway. Hunkered behind her desk, she was staring at the console and crying. He hurried to her side and crouched next to the chair.

“What is wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked, touching her arm and she reacted with a loud sniff. “What has made you sad?”

“I’m not sad,” she snorted and wiped away the tears. “I’m so angry.”

Human emotions continued to confuse Jamen. There seemed a multitude of reasons for tears: grief, pain, pleasure, and now she had added anger to the list.

“Tell me,” he said.

“It’s a message from home. From Katie.” She tapped her console.

“Your friend. The one who works at the City Hall.” He had heard snippets about Katie from Paige.

“It’s… it’s Nillson.” She hissed his name, turning her cheeks a fiery red. “He’s forced Katie to work for him.”

Jamen frowned. The mayor had managed to reach his deplorable tentacles across the galaxy and upset his girl. “And this has made you angry?”

“She knows about the Bow and Tie. He tried to take her there and she refused.”

“Does she know you worked there?”

Paige shook her head. “She knew I worked at a private club, but she thought I served drinks.” She chewed her lips. “I wish I’d told her.” Her shoulders slumped and the tears reappeared.

“There’s more?” He took her hand and led her to the couch. Sitting side by side, he put his arm around her and hugged her until she stopped crying.

“He’s bribing people. Blackmailing others. He has corrupted the City Hall. Nobody dares touch him. A speech writer disappeared.”


“Katie thinks he’s been murdered.”

“Killed?” He straightened his back.

“That’s the trouble, everyone is too afraid to find out. He’s paralyzed the city. I worry about Katie. She’s too nice, too kindhearted for all this.”

Paige’s loyalty to her friend was admirable. How far was she willing to go?

She stared across the room and out of the window. The giant moon, full and glowing, formed a backdrop behind the buildings. “It’s beautiful.”

He agreed. “And also destroying us,” he reminded her. “Beauty can be destructive. It can change things. Mostly for the better, though.” He had firsthand experience of that outcome.

“What are you going to do?” he asked tentatively, knowing the answer already.

“I should go.” She didn’t sound convinced. He was holding her back.