Another six, and it happened—the tears loosened and fell. With those tiny droplets came relief and she knew exactly why she felt it—she was shedding the burden of guilt.

“I’m pleased. You’re doing well,” he said, stepping back and lowering his arm. “Now, this punishment isn’t just about disobedience, is it?”

“No, sir,” She blinked away the tears. “I stressed you out, sir.”

His face relaxed into a subtle grin. “Yes. I don’t want to have to worry about you doing stupid things when I’m not around. So this,” he rotated the handle and flicked a switch, “should help you.”

He’d turned the shape of the energy into a thin rod. A flock of butterflies filled her belly, and she forgot about her throbbing behind for a second. She had to prepare herself for something different—the sting of a million little bees on her bottom.

“I will be very good,” she chimed.

He cupped an ass cheek and squeezed it. She winced.

“I’m sure you will be. Especially, if you want my hot thing.”

She smothered a giggle with her hand. The mood was shifting away from austere to where she wanted him to go—sexy play, followed by passionate fucking with no holds barred and lots of pantie-melting dominance.

He removed his tunic and bared his chest. The lines of the striking tattoo, with its elongated coils springing out of his breastbone, reaching across his abdominal muscles and down toward his groin was something else for her to focus on while he applied his wicked implement.

She flattened the soles of her feet onto the floor, pressed her bosom into the bed, and held her head aloft so that he could see her face in the mirror.

“Nice and slow. Think about what I’m going to do to you later,” he said seductively, and swept the sparkling rod to one side, then cracked it against her upturned ass.

“Ow—ee,” she squealed.

A row of tiny stings formed across both buttocks. She wanted to hate it, but couldn’t. If felt deliciously painful, almost on the edge of intolerance. Paige sank her teeth into the bedcovers and bit hard for the next one, and again for the third. The lines formed rows, one above each other.

She admired his accuracy and diligence. Mostly, she loved the way he ran his palm over each lobe and fingered her slit with its swollen, aching folds. Her toes curled under and she braced herself for another swipe.

The rod scorched a line and she bent her knees, bundling her arms underneath her breasts until the searing sensation ceased and died away. She screamed into the makeshift gag, allowing herself the pleasure of what she loved so much—a well-spanked ass.

Jamen dropped the device on the floor and leaned over her, resting his knuckles on the bed. He whispered into her ear, “What do you want?”

“You,” she said clearly. “Please take me. All of me. Every bit of me.”

He nuzzled his

nose in her hair. “That’s what I want, too.” He sighed with a modicum of frustration. “There are rituals for the first time—”

“Can’t we just… do it?” She twisted her head around, pleading with her eyes.

“Of course. Why not,” he smiled. “I’ll soothe those marks first, then—”

“Don’t worry about them. I like to feel them while you fuck me. It makes it… so sexy.”

She shuffled up the bed and waited for him to undress. Slowly, as if to tease her, he inched his way over to her with a mischievous expression on his face. He lost years from his face with those twinkling eyes and twitching lips.

They tossed and spun themselves into a bundle of entwined limbs and hasty kisses before settling on one position—her mouth around his cock while his tongue fluttered over her clit. The pain in her ass, the hot stripes were forgotten as she licked the swollen veins of his erection. Jamen’s face nestled between her thighs and he darted inside her pussy with his tongue.

So far, they had done nothing unfamiliar. The playful foreplay was typical of their lovemaking. Jamen, who once would have plundered her pussy as quickly as possible, was now a different kind of lover. He stretched out the foreplay, ensuring she was aroused to the point of desperation. The mellow nature of his warmup ensured her she was ready for the more ardent fucking that would follow.

His cock slipped out of her open mouth as she gasped on the cusp of an orgasm. Jamen lifted his head and removed his flitting tongue, preventing her from tumbling onward to completion.

“Oh,” she said, slightly disappointed.

He shifted and turned to face her. With his lips in continuous contact with her flesh he skated his chin over her belly, between her breasts until he reached her exposed throat. She sighed as he kissed her neck and tenderly nipped her earlobes. A warm, fuzzy feeling entombed her and she lazily draped her arms around his neck and shoulders then trailed her fingers up and down his smooth skin.

The tattoo was alive, it seemed. It reminded her of an elaborate silky spider web with its circles and lines. But no spider. However, she was trapped in it; they moved as one body. She moaned and licked her lower lip. She tasted him, his distinct flavor that lingered in her mouth, and she hungered for more of him.