He undressed Paige, and she let him without protest. By the time the doctor arrived, she was bathed and had drunk some water, but he’d given her nothing to eat until the doctor had assessed her. With efficiency, the medic collected a blood sample and using a portable analyzer, checked it for contaminants. Throughout, Paige lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, her lips pressed together. They were both holding back their emotions, not daring to show them in the presence of others. As soon as he had the chance, he would take her back to Frezna, and there they could talk openly and deal with the unspoken issues.

When the doctor declared her bloods were normal and the lack of any lasting damage, Jamen felt a huge wave of relief wash across his body. Paige smiled, as if she had known she was okay, but hadn’t wanted to interfere with the examination. She was at least being cooperative.

She was tired. The walk, the heat and excitement, had left her sleepy. As she drifted, her heavy eyelids drooping, he watched from the comfort of a chair until satisfied she was asleep. Then, he bathed himself and went in search of his mother.

“Tell me again what happened,” she said, her bright eyes missing nothing. He wasn’t the same man, a warrior turned lawmaker, who’d left years ago to work in the capital. Paige had changed him.

He gave more details this time, adding that Paige had refused to let go of the sparkfur until she was sure it would be safe.

“They are pretty creatures,” Astrina said. “And rare.”

“She told me about how Earthlings protect rare species. I think that is why she acted as she did. She believes that if she saves just one, she saves them all.”

“Admirable. But, as you point out, foolish. She must learn to respect your judgment, too. Especially, if she wishes to be your mate.” His mother’s eyes sparkled.

Jamen swallowed a mouthful of icy water, letting it cleanse his dry throat. “You think I’m inflicted like Galen?”

“Galen is not my son,” she said matter-of-factly. “But, if this is the future, then embrace it. Allow her into your life and if that means forever, then so be it. Who am I to dissuade you. But you must ensure she knows that you are bound to her. Don’t let her weaken what makes you strong.”

She meant his dominance, the alpha in him. He smiled. “I don’t think that is the issue. She craves it more than she knows. What she wants is reassurance that her future is safe with me and that no one will force us apart. Here, and on Earth.”

“Can you give those assurances?”

He had plans and he’d sat on them, waiting for some indefatigable sign that he was sure of his feelings. “I think so. Seeing her on the other side of the barrier, alone and afraid, I would have done anything to save her. I hated being helpless.” Perhaps that was the signal he’d been waiting for, he thought.

“Then, you know where your future lies, too.” Astrina smiled. “Good,” she said simply. “Now this barrier…”

They discussed the problem and he promised to raise the matter with the emperor in person. “It’s worse than any of us thought,” said Jamen. “The barrier needs new technology invested in it. We’ve concentrated too much on weapons and defensive shields.”

“And, we must build a new home world,” she added.

He leaned forward, enjoying the discussion as it distracted him from other unresolved issues. “Which means cultivating better relationships with our colonies. The emperor will listen. I trust him.”

Astrina called for food and they spoke into the night, until he was too tired to think. He respected his mother and she, like so many women, had useful opinions and good advice. Perhaps Paige was right—women should be lawmakers too.

He lay next to Paige and listened; her breaths were peaceful and regular. As he closed his eyes, he pictured a scene—his girl, his sweet Paige, living with him not as his hanjin, but his wife. It was possible. All they needed was to iron out a few remaining concerns—like her disobedience and how to punish her.

* * *

She stood before him in the bedroom of his residence in Frezna. She felt good—fit, rested and in control of her emotions… mostly. Maybe if her heart wasn’t pounding so hard, she might believe she was in control. However, she wasn’t afraid. What the rush of adrenaline gave her was the familiar sense of trepidation. It nearly reminded her of waiting in the back room of the Bow and Tie before a session. Except, she was on alien planet facing somebody who was nothing like any dom she’d ever met.

He looked splendid. She rather wished he didn’t as it confused her further; she wondered if she was supposed to act coy and sexy. Dressed in his clan clothes, the ones that exposed the emblem inked on his robust chest and defined his muscles with amazing clarity, he might as well be in a tuxedo at the Bow and Tie. She was going to submit to him, she knew it from the way her body fizzed with excitement. But first, they had to have that conversation. She wasn’t going to let him walk all over her or miss the chance to express her viewpoint.

He folded his arms across his chest—a mean thing to do, because it made her heart flutter—and to add to the arousing portrait, he straightened his eyebrows into the neat line of a stern expression.

Fuck it! She had to keep her cool… somehow.

“You ignored my warning,” he began. “You disobeyed me. Why?”

She thought she had a good answer prepared, but when it came to the crunch, she stumbled on her words. “It’s this human… thing. The compulsion to act irrationally.” Hardly a scientific answer, but it was genuine.

“Because of your emotions.”

He made them sound unwanted, ridiculous. Given how he’d reacted yesterday to her little adventure, he was capable of overt emotional responses as well. “Yes, I suppose,” she said. “I know I ignored your warning, but I had to do something.”

He clucked his tongue. “You’re right; it was irrational. Infuriating. I had to stand by and watch you risk your life for something inconsequential. However, I think I understand why you did it.”

A bubble of optimism formed in her mind. She’d feared that he might dismiss her actions as so stupid that he would revert her back to simply being his hanjin with no special privileges or worse, ignore her heartfelt feelings.