Jamen erupted seconds later, filling her until his essence spilled out. He slowed his thrusts, turning them into gentle massages. He wasn’t finished. She’d learned that, too. The difference now was pace. Gone was the urgency, and instead, he mellowed. The frantic fucking became more akin to sensual lovemaking. They rotated in a tight embrace before allowing her the opportunity to ride him. Finally, they came to lie side by side with him spooning her, his cock still locked inside her pussy.

The hours ticked by. Darkness descended and Jamen summoned Hopp to bring them refreshments. She didn’t care that she was naked and sprawled across the bed. She was in that wondrous state of bliss and nothing else mattered.

Chapter Nineteen

Paige was mesmerized by their matching eyes. The color of their pupils, even the length of the eyelashes was a perfect copy of Jamen’s. It was something of a comfort to see familiarity in Astrina and Tonya’s appearance, otherwise there was little to identify them as belonging to the same family.

She lifted her head fro

m the customary bow of greeting. Tonya was fixated on Paige’s fair hair, which was something that the Vendu always found strange, while Astrina was staring at her son, her lips twitching with either amusement or curiosity. Paige couldn’t decide which.

After a hectic few days conducting business out of Jamen’s district office in the heart of the city, they had finally escaped to visit Astrina. Jamen’s mother lived on the outskirts of the city in what was her father’s house. The custom for daughters to live in their fathers’ homes was unusual; most stayed within the influence of their mothers. But, there again, there wasn’t a cohesive family unit like on Earth. Jamen and Galen’s father had come from another part of Halos where the Hosta clan was prevalent, while Tonya’s father was a visiting Vendu dignitary from an off-world colony. The rarity of marriages made for complicated relationships. At least, Paige thought it did. Jamen merely considered it typical.

“Welcome, Paige,” Astrina said with a sweep of her arm.

Paige followed her into a pleasant reception room that had chairs and a low table. Above their heads an old-fashioned rotating fan wafted cool air across their faces. The heat outside was oppressive and nobody walked the streets of the city; instead they used linked shuttles that formed long snakes hurtling around the buildings.

Tonya wasn’t a giggly young woman like Katie. She had a serious expression that reminded Paige that she worked as an investigator. However, she seemed relaxed as she sat and crossed her long legs. Paige opted to sit as close to Jamen as she could. She was jangling with nerves. Why was it so hard to chill out? It wasn’t as if she was marrying Jamen. But it felt like this was an important meeting and one that might determine her future.

Astrina perched on the edge of her seat, her long nose pointing in Paige’s direction even though she was talking to Jamen. They spoke about his work, the success of his new legislation and then, he mentioned Paige.

Paige jumped slightly, not expecting her name to crop up in the context of his work.

“Paige has been instrumental in helping me. She has a good eye for detail and organization. For example,” Jamen continued enthusiastically, “I had to see petitioners and many came with similar issues, especially about the water supply. Paige organized them into groups so that they could voice their concerns together and save on time.”

She knew she was blushing—the heat bloomed across her face and neck. “Oh, that was the obvious thing to do.” She waved a dismissive hand.

“Except, you took the initiative and ensured my time wasn’t wasted,” Jamen persisted.

Tonya’s eyes twinkled. “Take the compliment, Paige. He’s not usually so magnanimous.”

Astrina laughed. “Tonya is harsh. Jamen is like Galen—fair-minded and judicial with his praise. They are both like their father.”

Jamen nodded, but said nothing.

Tonya clapped her hands and an orange-eyed woman appeared carrying a tray of refreshments. Paige wondered if the woman was related to Hopp—they looked alike.

The conversation was the beginning of a good day. They ate and talked, mostly about Earth, because both women were fascinated at meeting an Earthling. Using her portable device, she played her music, which Astrina politely applauded. Tonya surprised them all by leaping to her feet and joining Paige in a bop across the floor.

“I’m doing this right?” she asked, swaying her hips almost in time to the beat. “It feels strange, but good.”

Jamen’s eyes sparkled as Paige entertained them. She’d even briefly changed into her jeans to show them to Tonya, but then finding them too warm, she’d returned to wearing her dress. He wore not his work clothes, but an informal version of his clan regalia—pants and a sleeveless tunic with a deep V-shaped neckline that exposed part of his tattoo. His biceps bulged, as did his muscular thighs when he sat. She focused on a few seductive dance moves as if they were alone.

He raised his eyebrows and coughed when she twisted her hips and wiggled her breasts. She’d gone too far, it seemed. The song ended and she switched off the device.

The conversation drifted and eventually the topic of the barrier arose.

“More breaches have been detected,” Astrina said. “But the air quality remains acceptable. The water, less so. We need new aquifers.”

“I know,” Jamen sighed heavily. “Meeve has lost theirs too. It is time to access the caves.”

“The caves?” Paige asked.

“Further south there is a network of caves. There is plenty of water in them, but there is no way to replenish the source. They’ve been kept in reserve.”

“The supply will last many years, though,” Astrina said. “We cannot keep holding onto the idea that things will magically improve. If only the emperor would consider melting the snow caps.”

“The mountains?” Paige blurted. “Oh, no, that would ruin them.”