“I mean, where is he from?” She smiled at Hopp as he bustled about the room, muttering to himself in some strange tongue.

“Colony Nine. A passive species.”

“A slave,” she said with unabashed disgust.

“No,” Jamen said swiftly. “The Hopp volunteered to serve us. Their world was primitive and one of the first to be conquered. They saw the Vendu as gods. We brought them civilization, better food and medicine. They make terrible soldiers. He’s served the senators of Frezna for many generations. He’s nearly two hundred years old.”

Paige gasped. There wasn’t a wrinkle on the man’s face. “Really?”

Jamen hooked his arm through hers. “Very discreet, too.” He guided her out of the atrium, down a long corridor to the back of the house. Flinging open a door, he showed her the master bedroom.

Unlike the apartment with its hidden storage, this room had furniture, including a closet and cupboards. It was also equipped with mirrors on the ceiling.

Jamen closed the door behind them with a nudge of his shoulders. He’d a wickedly inviting smile on his face. Reaching out, he drew her closer to him, spinning her around to face him at the same time. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and felt the familiar warmth that came when he touched her with intent.

“We have time,” he said softly, easing his mouth onto hers for a kiss. “The petitioners arrive in the morning.”

She folded, bending backwards to accommodate his tall frame and he supported her with the firm palm of his hand in the small of her back and his other hand cupping the back of her head. As the kiss intensified, displaying all the qualities she’d come to adore about Jamen, she felt her scalp tingle as he raked his fingers through her hair.

Slowly, he edged her backwards until she knocked against the edge of the bed. After he released her, she tumbled back, laughing as she collapsed onto the soft mattress.

“I want you,” he murmured, his shadow occupying the whole length of the bed.

Her smile froze on her lips, not through fear, but anticipation. Sex was a serious matter for Jamen. Laughter came afterwards, when they were satiated and content with orgasms. Urgency meant vigor and energy, and little time for small talk or foreplay.

Lowering himself over her body, he hitched up her skirt. Revealing her bareness—the lack of underwear was common—she fumbled with the fastenings of her dress, her fingers shaking with excitement. It had been days since they’d last fucked. Jamen had been busy clearing his diary in readiness for their extended visit. Even the soft couch in her little office had been ignored and their daily routine disrupted by his preparations.

He continued to pepper her with kisses on her mouth, cheeks, and throat, and throughout, he ably kicked off his pants and top. The flurry of hand movements ended with him in position between her spread legs and his hard cock resting at her entrance.

He gave her the look, the one that meant he was going to do it. She replied with a tiny nod of acknowledgement, closed her eyes and grasped a handful of the bedding with her hands. The thrust swept aside any residue of resistance. She was wet, a monsoon had happened below, and there was no hiding her lust.

“Oh, fuck,” she moaned, as he leaned into her deeper, stretching her pussy until he occupied her fully.

She’d improved her stamina since their first encounter in the hotel bedroom many moons ago. A lifetime ago, it felt sometimes. He might have helped her along back then, but now, she didn’t need that assistance. She could come easily, and repeatedly, if she wanted to. But, she preferred the thrill of begging, then the denial, which he used to hold her on the cusp for as long as possible. The longer the better. He knew that because when she did come, she screamed the place down trying to contain her joy.

“Please, please,” she rasped in his ear, as he dipped down.

“Wait,” he growled breathlessly.

She matched the rock of his hips with her own countering ones. They slammed into each other and the head of his cock met her barrier without the hindrance of friction. He continued his thrusts, and when she opened her eyes to stare up at him, she saw only his chin rising and falling above her head, because the size of the man meant she was eye level with his shoulders.

He might suffocate her with his power and weight, but he didn’t. He balanced himself, ensuring his muscular gyrations neither crushed nor swamped her. When he clamped his hand around one of her ass cheeks and squeezed it, she willed him to flip her over and smack it hard. The imaginary scene she conjured up was enticing and she clenched her pussy in response.

Jamen groaned, acknowledging her little act, but said nothing to rebuke her. Neither did he spank her for teasing him.

She missed it. She’d never thought she’d missed the pain or humiliation to such an extent that she craved a spanking above nearly anything else, barring a stupendous orgasm. He might have her permission to punish her, which he hadn’t done since she’d been rude to Leesa, but that wasn’t the same as a thorough spanking for no reason other than her need to submit to a dominant man. Yet, he hadn’t done anything other than pat her a few times or playfully smack her as she swung her hips while passing his desk.

Spanking for Jamen was about discipline and control, not sex and fun. He hadn’t done it because she’d not given him reason. Nor had she asked him. As he fucked her into a frenzy, she opened her mouth to ask for a spanking—what had she to lose?

“Such a good hanjin,” he said abruptly in Vendian, then in English with almost a sigh of delight. “My beautiful girl.”

She snapped her mouth shut. She couldn’t ruin the moment by asking for something he clearly didn’t need from her. She might crave a hard spanking, but he didn’t. He wanted something else from her and if it was love, then she mustn’t crush it with silly notions of kinky sex. What did it say about her if she chose pain and stern discipline over this? She was crazy. She shut out the scene in her head and focused on him and his wishes. Wasn’t that what a good submissive girl did?

“Please,” she implored again.

“Yes, come, sweetheart.”

His endearment took her by surprise and triggered an emotional response that outdid the physical one. She blinked away tears of delight as she came, willing the spasms to last forever as they spiraled out of her belly and into her breasts and thundering heart.