He exemplified physical strength. Jamen was packed with lithe, dense muscles, the kind that

crippled anyone’s knuckles if they dared to give his abs a punch. She knew there were subtle differences beneath the surface—the slight rearrangement of internal organs, but the exterior was human in form only bigger in scale.

He stretched his body over hers, covering her. One firm jab of his cock and he would be inside her. That wasn’t his plan. While he might have pinned her wrists above her head, preventing her from touching him, he wasn’t going to miss out on the carefully orchestrated buildup. His kisses trailed from her lips, down her throat and around her pert nipples. He pecked at them and fluttered his tongue before sucking each pebble into his mouth to savor her taste.

She giggled; it tickled and infuriated her. She wanted him inside her!

“Please,” she implored.

He stared into her beckoning eyes with a yearning expression and slowly, he entered her pussy. The friction never materialized, he glided as if on heated ice and she lifted her hips to meet his achingly slow penetration. Only when he had the full measure of her, his girth stretching her to the limits, did he begin to move. He rocked, easing in and out with long strokes that massaged her to her core.

Releasing her arms, he took the weight of his body, allowing him to lie closer to her rising breasts. She cradled her arms above her head, closed her eyes and basked in a sensual stew of pleasure and submission. No, he wasn’t being forceful, as he’d almost implied he would be when he burst into the room, but neither was he relinquishing control. He commanded her body as if she were a puppet on strings.

The furniture was put to good use. He changed positions, shifting her over the back of a chair and reengaged his cock from behind. She loved the sound of him smacking into her raised bottom and the way he sank deep inside her when he leaned into her. She whooped a few times when he picked up the pace and sighed when he slowed. Then, as she teetered on the brink of a tremendous orgasm, he shifted her again.

Only when they were tangled in a knot of limbs and with her legs hooked over his shoulders and her head hanging off the other end of the couch, did he sink his mouth over her clitoris and tip her over the edge. She tensed, overwhelmed by the intensity of the orgasm and in that state of spasming, she accepted him back and this time, he pummeled until he came. She gave him her all in that hour and showed him her versatility.

Breathless in a dreamy state of post-orgasm, wondering how often he would do this daytime activity, she realized he’d expected it from the outset but had waited until she was ready and capable. The Vendu had the might and physical power, she wasn’t going to win on this, but humans had greater adaptability. She thought about Sava and Elga, the other women in the Yulta; how many of them would be able to go to a strange planet and immerse themselves in a different world? They probably could, if they had the chance.

Nestled in the crook of his arm, and having caught her breath, she rolled onto his chest and parked herself there. He opened his eyes.

“Why are there no female senators?” She folded her arms and took advantage of her position by staring down at him.

He blinked, surprised by her abruptness. “Because men make the decisions on their behalf.”

She rolled her eyes up, then down. “Women can make decisions. Why are you stuck in these… old ways?”

Jamen gripped her waist with both hands and flipped her onto her back with one deft move. Now, he loomed above her, his arms planted on either side of her head. “They have influence.” He lowered his face and kissed her lips, undaunted by her line of questioning. He rolled his hips against her and she felt his stiff cock, still hard, skate over her thigh.

“Influence?” She tried to resist his charms and failed. She looped her arms around his neck and anchored her ankles on his lower back.

“Mmm,” he murmured. “They whisper in the ears of their men while taunting them with their wetness.” He delved inside her pussy and gyrated, teasing her sweet spot with his cock.

“So this is working?” She arched her back slightly, shifting the angle of her pelvis and he speared her deeper.

“Something is working,” he admitted with a long dip.

She groaned with annoyance, remembering something that hadn’t worked.

“What?” he said cautiously, pausing mid-thrust.

“I deleted the data by mistake.”

He glanced briefly over his shoulder at the abandoned console. “We can work late together,” he suggested. “Then, you can sink into the tub in my bathroom.”

She smiled, regaining the mood and the lovely tingles erupted once more in her belly. Jamen wasn’t anything like she thought he might be. Stern, yes, but also considerate and caring. Which also meant her feelings for him were stronger than she’d anticipated. Much stronger.

Was it possible? She’d never been in love before. Was this what it felt like?

“Nothing else bothering you?” he asked, stilling in mid-action.

Now wasn’t the time to worry about women’s equality and barriers. She was quite content to continue.

“No,” she said. “Absolutely nothing.”

Chapter Fifteen

The man stalking her looked a lot like Gawen. Paige was convinced he was using the shadows of the tallest buildings to follow her to the Yulta. Except, Vendu men wore similar clothes, were of the same height and given she couldn’t see his face clearly, so she might be mistaken. She nearly asked Sava to check and changed her mind. They were off to the Yulta for some fun and she wasn’t going to spoil things by worrying about Gawen’s covert activities.