The big planet at the center of the Vendu Empire—Halos. He had come a long way and here he was, chatting up a student. Why? And where was Nillson?

“The mayor?” She rose up on tiptoes and peeked over his shoulder.

The corner of his thin lips twitched. “I escaped. He offered to take me back to the hotel, but I prefer to walk. Would you accompany me?” He pushed himself off the wall.

“Which hotel?”

“The Canyon Oasis? Not too far for you?”

She shook her head. He was staying in the grandest hotel in town. She’d never stepped foot in it. Most residents of New Phoenix lived in the high rises built after the Vendu invasion had destroyed most of old Phoenix. The hotel was a recent addition and part of the ongoing rejuvenation of the city. It had taken decades to recover from the destruction and slowly, cities all over the planet were re-growing and people were returning from the country, where they’d lived in relative safety. The Vendu hadn’t touched the rural provinces and left much of it unspoiled; consequently, more and more virgin land had been cultivated. They were running out of fertile soil.

He held the door open for her. The sun was dipping behind the tallest buildings, casting shadows down the street. Canyon Oasis was three blocks away from the campus.

Senator Hosta strolled while she practically jogged to keep up with his long legs. “Why were you waiting for me?” she asked.

“I am curious. Nillson thought I would enjoy visiting the Bow and Tie.” He slowed and she ceased trotting.

“And you didn’t?” She moved the bag to the other shoulder. Her books weighed a ton and the heat of the sun was cooking her.

“Allow me.” Before she could protest, he slipped the strap off her arm and effortlessly carried the bag as if it was made from feathers. “No. I had not asked to go.”

“Oh.” She felt slightly disappointed, but not surprised. Hardly anyone would claim to have her fascination with spanking. It was her dirty little secret. Nillson knew about it, but only because he liked to visit. He never spanked anyone, just watched. Or gloated, as one of the other regular girls commented once. His creepy behavior was well-known.

The senator continued to alter his pace until he matched hers. “I assume you like going there?” he asked.

There seemed no reason to lie. Nobody knew Paige Lester that well. Unlike the mayor, who was an honorary member of the club. If Nillson had taken him, then the mayor was also at risk of adverse publicity.

“I find it enjoyable. I don’t always, you know, get…”

“Spanked?” The word rolled off his tongue unfettered by nerves. “Because you are good?”

She guffawed. “I’m not sure my getting spanked has anything to do with being good or bad. I get money, you see.”

“You’re paid!” He halted and took her arm, spinning her to face him. He had furrowed tramlines forming on his forehead. “Somebody pays to beat you?”

“Not like that. The guests pay a membership fee to the club, and I and a few others go along and in return for spanking, we get our expenses paid and tips, good tips. It’s more like a job and it helps pay for my rent and stuff.” She eased her arm out of his grasp. “I don’t want my friends to know.” She tugged on the bag and he handed it to her. “Look, I should get back home. I’ve exams coming up.”

He pursed his lips. “I’m sorry, I’ve offended you—”

“No, oh, no. I’m just shy about it. I don’t usually tell anyone.” Except she’d just told an alien from somewhere far away. It was turning into one hell of a bizarre day. “My roommate doesn’t know.”

“On Halos, there is no shame in having such needs. If you enjoy pain with your pleasure, then it is the responsibility of a mate to fulfill those wishes. Naturally, we also discipline offenders. Disobedient soldiers are whipped. Prisoners are punished.”

They weren’t speaking loudly; even so, the sidewalk was deserted. Thank goodness, she thought. However, she was intrigued by what he said. She wanted to know more.

“Would you join me for an evening meal? In the hotel?” he asked.

A hundred tiny shivers erupted down her warmed back. “Why?” she whispered.

“I’d like to know you. I think we can learn much from each other.” He spoke so naturally, unhindered by the social norms of her species. Clearly, the Vendu spoke what was on their minds.

“Sure,” she said. Would she tell her friends that an alien had asked her out on a date? They’d never believe her. She hardly believed it herself.

He smiled—a charming one, too. The Vendu had all the facial features of humans, and something more. Maybe what set him apart from human males were the dark moons of his eyes and the sheen of his skin.

She swung her bag onto her shoulder. “I have to go that way.” She pointed to a side street that led to the student accommodation block.

He stepped out of her way. “Three days’ time, I have an evening free. I don’t have many left. Eight in the evening. I shall see you?”