She squeezed her eyes shut, as if hiding from him would make it easier. “Okay. On my knees, fucked from behind, held down.”

“That’s it?” he said, surprised.

She opened her eyes.

“Well, it’s not something a typical human male would do. We make love, remember?”

“And that is not lovemaking—your needs being fulfilled?”

“Not really when it looks like I’m being used. Any way, you asked for my dark side and I need a dark, alpha male to help me. I’ve not had much success at finding one.”

“Until you met me,” he grinned.

His smile was affecting her; it probably always would, given its power over her. She warmed to it with one of her own.

“Used. That is an odd choice of word. My skills in your language are not perfect yet, but it implies you are not human in nature.”

“Like an object, some might say. I don’t mean it quite that harshly. Rather, you take me. Claim me. Make me yours. I could go there, but probably not yet. Maybe, if we knew each other better.”

“A wise answer. I like it. I will seek to claim you, but first, another fuck. You riding me. Up you get. My cock is already aching to fill you.” He wasn’t lying—she felt the warmth of his erection.

“You’re a monster,” she laughed. “Don’t you sleep?”

“I’ve been in stasis, traveled around your planet and no one, until you, has infected me with the need for a woman’s company. Now, I wanted to make up for lost time.”

She slid over to his side and swung her leg over his hips. Rising high, she aimed her pussy at his upright cock. Slowly, she descended, adjusting to his girth as she slithered into place with her pink ass cheeks resting carefully on his thighs.

“There.” She stretched her back and combed her fingers through tangled hair. “Lovely.”

“And, you’ll move, won’t you?” He tickled her belly with a finger. She giggled.

“When I’m good and ready.”

He growled. “Move, Paige. I’m bursting.” He gripped her hips, ready to bounce her up and down.

She leaned over him, draping her hair over his forehead and rested her hands on either side of his head. He peered into her beautiful eyes—the color of sand, like her hair.

She pursed her lips before speaking. “Just to be clear—you have only one hanjin on your staff? No troupe of girls waiting to serve you?” She clamped down harder on his cock.

He suppressed a groan of delight. He might have had more than one in the past, but now… “Only you. My choice.”

“Then take me to Halos.”

Chapter Six

From up high in the exosphere where space began to fade from black into indigo, the planet below was a patchwork of colors, some oceanic blues and pockets of white clouds.

“Wow, Halos looks amazing,” Paige exclaimed.

Sitting next to her, Jamen agreed with a squeeze of her jittery hand. She was too excited to feel nervous.

“But, I thought Halos was a dying planet?” she queried. The planet looked perfectly healthy from up in space.

“Ah,” he snorted. “It is dying from the inside out. And, this side of the planet is in better shape than the other side.” He stretched his legs out before him. The private cabin was comfortable and for his personal use because it seemed that Jamen could break through impenetrable barriers of bureaucracy wherever he went. The day they boarded the craft, he requisitioned the cabin using his status of senator and immediately the crew fell over themselves to accommodate his every wish. “Nausea gone?” he asked.

“Just about.” She’d not enjoyed waking up from stasis. Unlike Jamen, who’d clearly done it many times, Paige had been disoriented and sick.

The whole whirlwind of the last two weeks on Earth caught up with her as she stared out of the window of the spaceship. Unbelievable!