“This is how I will spank you, punish you when you displeases me, Paige. I want you to think hard about how it makes you feel.” He accompanied his stern words with a deluge of rapid slaps. “And, how important it is to rectify any mistakes you make. You will not be a naughty little human. You will have to adapt and grow. Be stronger, won’t you?”

“Yes, I’ll try,” she agreed with a soft wail as he targeted the hottest spots on her ass.

“I believe you can do it,” he said.

She wept. She’d cried during spankings, but not like this. It was more than cathartic; this one had the essence of something deeper, more meaningful. As she sobbed, Jamen changed tactics again. No longer was he rattling his smacks down onto her bottom, he delivered them with measured pauses in between. He rubbed away each mark with the flat of his hand and inspected her sex, as if to ensure he was not hitting there too hard. Her pussy was hot, but not hurting. Her ass was on fire, though.

Slowing the pace only made her more aware of the soreness. She thought about Nillson. How he told her in the car that she would be ruined if he told the dean of the university what she did in her spare time. He was probably lying, but it made no difference—she’d felt ashamed by her need for kinky pleasures. It was that shame that made her do his bidding.

“Please,” she said softly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t stand up to him. I could have threatened to expose him. I know things about him.”

Jamen stopped spanking. “Nillson? That’s dangerous. You did the right thing.”

“I let him intimidate me.”

“And this spanking doesn’t?”

“No. It’s what I need, isn’t it?”

He swung her up. “You’re remorseful and brave.”

She hung her bottom over the edge of his lap. With one arm looped around her waist, he held her steady. She blinked away her tears.

“I didn’t disappoint you. We don’t know each other well enough, really, do we? I let myself down. I should have retaliated and told him I would say something about his visits to the B and T.”

Jamen’s nose twitched. “Ill advisable. He is potentially dangerous. I shall feed him some spurious information through you. Then, that is the end of the matter. You mustn’t go back to the club.”

“It’s my last week, anyway.” She couldn’t risk working there and at the City Hall. She had sailed to close to the wind too much and Nillson’s influence was everywhere. With her eyes drying, her heartbeat comforted by Jamen’s unexpected kindness, she rested her head on his shoulder. “This is weird. Me, here, with you. An alien who should be my sworn enemy.”

He stroked her arm and the fine hairs stood to attention in the wake of his caress. “We are a new generation. An adventurous one.”

“I guess we are.”

He pecked the crown of her head. “I want to take you back to bed.”


“Is it too much?” He moved his hand between her thighs. She didn’t chase it away.

“No.” She slipped one foot onto the floor, parting her knees. His touch had invigorated her. The spanking might not have aroused her core, but it had kept her in tune with his desires. Hers too.

They twirled their way to the bed, lips never far apart and arms continuously moving as they maintained a physical connection across the expanse of floor space. He lost his pants along the way. She crashed onto the bed, giggling. Whatever happened with his idea of taking her to the other side of the galaxy, tonight was all about fun.

* * *

“Stay the night,” he implored softly. “Let me fuck you again, but this time, you tell me how you like it.”

“How I like it?” She paused, twirling a finger around a lock of her hair. “On top, riding your big cock.”

“You in charge?” He pursed his lips. He’d imagined she would say bent over and bound. “Doesn’t seem your style.”

“So I can see your face when I come, and you can see mine, too,” she added hastily.

“Ah.” He ran his finger up and down her spine. She craved the emotional connection that humans sought. Maybe he’d phrased his questions poorly. “Then tell me, how you like it in your fantasies, when you feel submissive.”

She cringed. “I can’t. It’s too—dirty. I mean, dark.”

“Vendu women are comfortable with their dark side. They are expected to express it so that we males can help them explore it. I’m born into a warrior clan; we have some of the most submissive females serve us. I can tell you, there is nothing that you can say that I wouldn’t have heard already.”