“I was naughty, sir. Bad. I should have explained what had happened with Nillson.”

“Yes. Lying and dishonesty won’t be tolerated if you come with me to Halos.”

Being reprimanded by a naked man was somewhat disconcerting. She wanted to laugh, but at the same time, she was in awe of his physique and the way it made her heart flutter.

“I guess you have some way of dealing with it.” She propped her bottom up on the back of her heels. He had not helped her up, but neither had she thought to stand.

“I do. A disobedient hanjin is spanked,” he said.

Her eyes widened. This was why he’d chosen her, surely? He knew she was amenable to the idea of discipline. She’d given him exactly what he wanted. What if he did spank her? She had fantasies, what submissive didn’t, but none of them involved being spanked by an alien. Her arousal shot up a notch.

“Spanked?” Was he really talking about what was in her head?

He bent down and took her hand, drawing her up to her feet. With both palms cupping her face, he brought their faces as close as their respective heights allowed. “Real punishment, Paige. Do you understand? Not this game you play at the Bow and Tie. If you lie to me, hide your thoughts and worries, pretend to be something you’re not. If you spy on my people—”

“I won’t,” she said.

He clucked his tongue and smirked. “I could add interrupting, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for the time being.”


“The point is, I shall spank you and it will be a punishment. There is a difference.” He dropped his hands and folded them across his chest. She tried not to look at his cock and focused on his stern expression—it was as genuine as her wish to please him. However, the Bow and Tie was more than a game to her and the pain was definitely real.

“I do know what a real punishment is like,” she said slightly haughtily.

“I don’t think you do. Because I want to make it plain—you will be spanked by me when you are bad. What you did in the restaurant from now on will not be acceptable. Consequently, I’m going to spank you now.”

“Now!” She backed away from him. This wasn’t about being naughty. She hadn’t expected him to go this far with his demands. A playful, consensual spanking was fine in a controlled environment, but alone, with a man she’d only just met, it was too soon to agree to it.

He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows together. “You’re accustomed to discipline.”

“Discipline for me is a thing that I consent to and I can withdraw from when I wish.” She crossed her arms and hid her flushed bosom. “I get what you say about punishment. I do know it’s about demonstrating contriteness and receiving retribution. What I want is discipline, something that makes my behavior better. Call it correction, I don’t know. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I do it where I feel safe. Where I’m in control. I have words, safewords, monitors who watch—”

“You don’t feel safe with me? I just fucked you to high heavens.”

“I do, I mean, I have this feeling I can trust you.”

He moved to close the gap between them. “I think you fear the anguish brought on by humiliation rather than the pain. I think you want somebody in control of your life, but you’re not ready to let go yet.”

Her lower lip trembled and waft of cold air caused her to shiver. “I don’t want to disappoint you by failing. That is what a punishment means.”

“Ah. Then, why not see it as something that clears the air between us. A fresh start. A guilty conscious purged? Um?” He tipped her chin up then lowered his lips. The kiss was warm and affectionate.

“I guess,” she muttered as he released her mouth.

“Let me make a suggestion. I will spank you, punish you, but for this occasion you may ask me to stop if it gets to be too much. We will both learn from each other.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly.

A reasonable request and one she could go with, except she really couldn’t work the idea of a naked man spanking her. “Could you put your clothes back on? It’s just…”

He laughed, a hearty kind of chuckle. “A shower, too, I think.”

When she emerged from the shower, smelling of roses and mint, he had pulled on his pants. He beckoned her over with a wag of his finger. She thought it funny for a second, except, he wasn’t planning on the fun kind of spanking. What she hadn’t made really clear to him was she had been punished before. She’d fucked up royally with an obnoxious guest at the Bow and Tie by nearly revealing his name in a public setting outside the club. This was in the days when she was just coming to terms with her submissiveness and struggling with issues. She was sometimes a little too feisty and hot-headed. It didn’t happen often, but if riled, she could lose it and have a tantrum. She’d put it down to inexperience and youth—barely nineteen. Now, twenty-one years old, she was much more confident.

The punishment had been simple—bent over a chair and six hard swats with a paddle. The man who’d done it, the boss of the Bow and Tie, had lectured her and that had been it. It hadn’t been too hard. Her bum ached for a few hours and then they were in the bar laughing and joking about things, as if nothing had happened.

Jamen looked austere. De

ad strict, like a disciplinarian should and it sent an electric bolt through her body. A burst of energy that both thrilled and filled her with trepidation. He sat on a chair and patted his knee. No paddle this time, just his hand, which had to be easier. Except, it was a long-fingered hand with a palm the size of a plate. Perhaps, she might come to regret the comparison.