Zara’s legs turned to jelly and she nearly collapsed against the wall. Things were about to get worse.

Chapter Three

It wasn’t to the courtroom that the guard took her, but to an adjoining office overlooking the city of New Ayers Rock. The top of the rock was just visible through the window and slightly hidden by other buildings and trees. The tranquil view didn’t calm her nerves. Why was she here?

Judge Hosta was behind his desk. Hanging on the wall was the ceremonial sword of his office and the sharp edge of the blade gleamed. The Vendu venerated their past, including their ancient symbols of power and the kind of rituals that humans had ended centuries ago. Its presence reminded Zara how barbaric the Vendu were when it came to their attitudes towards discipline.

He rose as she entered. “Remove her shackles,” he instructed the guard.

Once the cuffs were removed, the guard was dismissed.

The judge approached Zara. He was taller and bulkier than she anticipated. The last time she’d seen him, he’d been sitting behind his high bench in the courtroom with a protective shield of glass. She suspected he packed plenty of muscles behind his formal suit. He stopped a few feet shy of reaching her.

“You’re shaking,” he noted. “Would you like a drink of water?”

She smacked her dry lips together. He was showing her kindness—it was a little unnerving. But, she was thirsty.

“Yes, please,” she replied.

He poured a glass of water from a jug on his desk. She clasped it with both hands and sipped a few mouthfuls. It helped. “Thank you. Sir.”

The judge folded his arms across his broad chest. “I’m High Judge Galen Hosta, Warrior of Halos.”

She knew his name, but hearing him introduce himself formally was reassuring because for some reason he had felt it important to explain who he was. He removed the glass from her trembling fingers and placed it back on his desk.

“And you are Zara Webb. Exchange student from the Institute of Climate Studies in New Phoenix, now resident at the Technology University of New Ayers Rock where you study our weather-altering apparatus. You came highly recommended, I gather.” He stayed by his desk, creating space between them. She needed it. It wasn’t just his voice that had presence; neatly dressed in his black jacket and straight pants, he made a striking figure.

“I’m so sorry about all the trouble I’ve caused, I—”

He lifted a finger, signaling her to hush.

“Your conviction stands, Zara. It will not be quashed.”

She slumped and bowed her head. She shouldn’t get her hopes up. The kindness he showed was obviously short-lived.

“You fear that a public whipping will cause dismay back at home, that your reputation will be destroyed, that any sympathy you might gain for the harshness of the whipping will be lost when your fellow humans find out you were drunk and behaved badly.” He described the situation with accuracy.

She raised her head. “Yes, sir.”

He perched on the edge of his desk and crossed his legs. “I’m proposing an alternative sentence. Are you familiar with ordeals?”

She shook her head.

“Not surprising as they rarely happen. It is part of our ancient history. Each ordeal relates to a legend. The legend of Astra tells of a princess, the youngest of the first emperor. She craved his attenti

on, but failed to win his affection as he was too busy fighting wars. When his greatest enemy, Brynt, came for peace talks, out of bitterness, she stole the jewels of Brynt’s dead wife from his chamber while the two men met.” The judge paused.

“She got caught?” Zara bit on her lip. She’d interrupted him. However, he didn’t seem to mind.

“Yes. A maid saw her sneak in and out. The emperor was furious. She jeopardized the peace talks. She was sentenced to a flogging, then exile to a distant world.”

Zara swallowed hard. It didn’t sound like a promising story.

“She pleaded for mercy. But, it wasn’t the emperor who saved her, but his enemy, Brynt. He agreed to take Astra to his camp and punish her himself. He would claim her for his pleasure and discipline her alone until he considered her debt paid.”

“Did she go?” Zara tensed. The story almost bore some resemblance to her situation. Was she going to be sent somewhere? An off-world prison colony was unacceptable. So where?

“She had no choice. She went and humbled herself for him night after night. By the time he finished, she was both contrite and an accomplished lover. And also a thoroughly spanked one.”