The words weren’t quite spoken through gritted teeth, but neither were they freely given. He would have to work on her respect, too.

The energy she’d unleashed during the spanking was strong and affected him. He had to touch her. Impulsively, he bundled the hair at the back of her head into his fist, drew her up onto her knees, and lowered his mouth on hers.

A hard kiss. Long, too. She hadn’t the capacity of his lungs and started to gasp for breath as he savored her taste, her moist lips and tongue.

His cock burst upward and strained to be released. He couldn’t remember the last time it had ached so hard. With his empty hand, he fumbled with the fastening and exposed the smooth head. He let go of her hair and disengaged his mouth from her lush lips. She inhaled deeply and he noted her eyes were half open. When she caught sight of his erection poking out of his pants, they widened.

The temptation was strong to grab her, drag her mouth onto his cock, and demand she sucked him dry. His palms itched to do it. However, the look on her face was one not of horror or disgust, but amazement.

“It’s so… big,” she said.

He ringed the shaft with his hand and gave it a tug. By now his cock was nearly fully erect and it possessed the potential to grow bigger. However, she was not quite ready. The wonder in her face reminded him she was a novice.

“You must have seen—”

“Oh, yes, and…” She ducked her head down as she blushed. Kneeling next to him, with her pants around her ankles and her neck flushed pink, she looked sweet and innocent. “And touched it. Just some guy I knew…” She was speaking so quietly he could barely hear her.

He tipped her face up. “Would you like to touch it?”

The blush deepened with a crimson flare across both cheeks. “I… I…”

“Kiss it.” He hardened his voice. He could hold off fucking her for now, but she needed to learn that his needs took precedence.

“Kiss it?” she repeated. “Like cock-sucking kiss or a peck?”

He laughed. Perhaps not as innocent

as he’d assumed. “Have you sucked a cock?”

“A little… not very well.” She tried to hide her face again, but he wouldn’t let her; his finger remained rigid under her chin.

“Then I shall teach you. Kneel between my legs.”

Unlike the spanking, where she had balked and struggled, she obeyed immediately, shuffling around on her knees. He straightened in his seat and adjusted the angle of his cock.

“Start with your hands. Stroke it up and down.”

Her fingers crept forward, the tips trembling.

“It won’t bite, Zara,” he added.

She stroked as if he was a slender vine and delicate. It tickled in a pleasant way and his cock twitched.

“Firmer,” he commanded. “Use your whole hand.”

She coiled her hand around the base of his erection and slowly drew it upward. Up and over the glans, then down again. Each pass of her hand drew the blood flow to the tip and he leaked pre-cum. Her confidence grew, as did the tightness of her grasp.

Galen groaned and tipped his head back. If she carried on like this, he would have to come.

“Stop,” he growled. “Rise up and lower your mouth onto it.”

She pressed her hands onto his thighs for support and sank her mouth over the head of his cock. No tickling this time. She was struggling to accommodate the head, never mind any part of his engorged shaft. She would need training.

“Lick it.”

She altered the angle of her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Just as she had done with her hands, she massaged his member with her tongue.

“Faster,” he said, resisting the temptation to grab her hair and force her down onto his balls.