What an insulting remark—it made her sound weak. She humped his lap in protest and drummed her toes on the floor. Her panties joined her pants around her ankles. Now her legs were completely bare.

“You will learn to keep still or these spankings will last longer,” Galen said.

“My ass is fucking on fire, you brute!” she shouted in her mother tongue. She didn’t care if he was a judge or some great warrior, or even whether he understood what she said. Each blow added to the heat and pain. It couldn’t go on much longer—he’d stop soon, wouldn’t he? She was starting to feel the tears drip down her nose and cheeks.

“This is just the start of your ordeal, little human. You need to respect me. By the time I’ve finished with you in two moons, you’ll be begging me to spank you, just so you can feel my firm hand on your soft flesh.”

Bloody arrogant alien!

He was going to be very disappointed if he thought she was going to leap across his lap for this degrading display of submission. What the fuck was she thinking when he told her about the ordeal?

She switched back to speaking his language. “This isn’t fair. I don’t want—”

“Your wants are not relevant. You may ask, but you cannot demand.” He wasn’t slowing down as he spoke and the continuous stream of slaps was weakening her resolve.

With a sudden hiccough, she started to cry in earnest. “Please, please, sir. I’ll be good. I will.”

It hadn’t taken much. Just a few minutes of spanking and she’d cracked apart. What would he think of her? Some pathetic Earthling who weakened the moment she was tested? If this was day one of the Ordeal of Astra, in two moons’ time, she’d be a mess, a blubbering wreck who he couldn’t possibly want to fuck.

She stopped writhing and her body froze as she processed that last wild thought—she actually wanted to be fucked by him. Why was that idea lodged in her mind? She was hating the spanking but loving something else about him. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what that was.

Galen slowed, then paused, rubbing each ass cheek in turn.

“Good girl. Now ten more hard smacks and you’ll take them without me pinning you down.” He removed his leg and released her restrained arm at the same time.

Zara pushed her palms flat on the floor, ready to spring to her feet. Dare she defy him or should she obey?

* * *

Galen raised his hand and waited. Would she stay in position or disobey him?

Her calf muscles seemed to flex, her toes and hands pressed down onto the hard floor as if in readiness to take flight.

A pity if she did, he thought. He would have liked to make progress quickly. Things had started positively with her acquiescence and yet, she’d thrashed about on his lap in response to a mere hand spanking. What would happen if he applied a strap or rod?

Her decision to accept his new sentence had taken less persuasion than he had expected. What he had imagined was the human tendency to be argumentative or excessively inquisitive, as if asking a multitude of questions was going to force a change of decision. Human women were certainly less submissive than Vendu ones and he’d read much about their equality with regard to sexual preferences. Whatever a woman might do outside of the bedroom, inside it, she should submit. Anyone from the warrior classes would expect nothing less.

So, she hadn’t refused or required him to make the decision for her. He was entitled to override her choice and impose his own. In fact, he didn’t have to give her one at all. He could resentence her without her cooperation. Lawful spanking didn’t require her consent and neither did some of the other punishments he had in mind.

Discipline might be his entitlement, but sex wasn’t so straightforward. Technically, by accepting the Ordeal of Astra, she’d given him consent for sex whenever he desired it, regardless of her mood or readiness. It was the law. Nevertheless, it would seem, and given his generous reaction, he couldn’t make her comply. Because of her virginity, he realized she needed to be handled carefully. Force was not an option.

Virginity as a gift was a quaint notion in Vendu society. In their world the first time was less about the occasion and more about necessity. A man or woman of age would want to resolve their inexperience as quickly as possible. A man might fuck many women before being ready to mate, then after offspring had arrived, they would part company and move onto another partner. Life partners were rare.

He’d reassured Zara and she’d accepted his authority. At least, she might have done in her head, but her body would take training, understandably. She was a novice. He would delight in teaching her. Once her mind and body were aligned better, he would take her virginity. He was looking forward to it and he had an idea how to help achieve that goal.

She hadn’t moved. She remained across his lap with her head hung over and her hair flowing onto the floor.

He applied the last ten smacks with a slow rhythm. She stayed anchored to the floor, absorbing each slap with little movement and only a tiny whimper.

“That was much better. Kneel next to the chair.” He helped her slide off his lap and she gingerly lowered herself onto her knees.

She wiped her nose with the back of her hand and sniffed.

“After you have been spanked, you must say thank you. It is our way.” There were many Vendu ways of doing things and she was going to learn all of them.

Her sweet breasts rose and fell. He couldn’t wait to uncover them and ink them with tattoos. Her back, too. Temporary ones that would provide a helpful indicator of her emotional state and prevent her from lying to him. While he worked, she would be inked with the special fluid. His cock grew harder and bulged in his pants. He’d kept it under control, but now, having watched her ass turn red hot and her skin flush with pulsating blood, the need to have her was irrefutable.

She clasped her hands together on her lap, probably to steady them. His request had irked her—she wasn’t looking grateful. “Thank you, sir.”