He frowned. “The whipping is necessary, but as I shall be conducting it, it will be a formality. The focus of your punishment won’t be the whipping. Neither will you be punished in public. I shall hold you accountable in private. You will obey me and disobedience will warrant further punishments.”

“How can I trust you?” Tears threatened again.

He crouched by her chair. “You have my word. And, if it reassures you, my house is kept by my mother’s old nursemaid. Well, my old nurse.” He grinned. “Bisma came with me from Halos.”

“Won’t she be… shocked?”

The judge—Galen, he had a name and she needed to think of him as a fellow humanoid—chuckled. “Bisma? A nurse is not just there to raise children and nurse the sick. She is quite adept at preparing the body for sex.”

“Oh,” she murmured.

It sounded simple. Submit to Galen and pretend to be Astra, the legendary lover of Brynt, and the slate would be wiped clean. Nobody, only the court recorder, would know.

Galen stood and she remained under his shadow; it seemed to embrace her as if the darkness wanted her too.

Nothing made sense any more. She should refuse, be repulsed by his offer, but she wasn’t, because if she cast aside her doubts and pride, she wanted to know what it felt like to have a man take her. Not just any man, but an alien who was capable of fucking for hours without tiring.

She looked up into his bright eyes. They beckoned, called to her. They weren’t evil eyes; they were serious and kind of sexy in a peculiar way.

“I accept the Ordeal of Astra,” she whispered.

“Kneel at my feet and say it,” he commanded.

She sank and knelt. Her voice came out surprisingly clear. “I accept the Ordeal of Astra. I accept I am yours.”

“Good. This pleases me. To ensure you understand, I’m going to take you over my knee and spank you.”

Zara scrambled to her feet. “Now?”

“If you can’t submit to me here and now, then how will you when I take you to my home and shackle you to my bed?”

“Shackle?” What had she agreed to do! A rush of nausea hit her belly. Galen wasn’t going to ease her gently into this ordeal thing he proposed. He meant business and now.

“You’re a prisoner. You will earn my trust. If you behave, then I shall reward you with greater liberties. The first test is to take down your pants and b

end over my lap. Now!”

Her mouth hung open for a few seconds. “But… but why?”

“Your ass needs tempering. And, I want to punish it.” He touched the back of the chair as if to claim it. “It’s time you took responsibility for the trouble you’re in, or have you forgotten what a naughty human you’ve been?”

The reprimand was the sort of silly thing her father might say to her when she’d done something wrong—naughty girl, Zara. Except when Galen said the words, they didn’t sound the slightest bit silly. He’d given them an edge, a hardness in his tone that made her pulse race and her skin tingle.

He pulled her to her feet. Before she could protest, he sat on the chair, drew her down and over his lap, and began to pull down her waistband. He dragged her pants down to her knees and as she wriggled, he did the same to her panties. No cool rush of air hit her skin; she was too hot to feel anything remotely refreshing. She clenched her ass cheeks tight together and went rigid.

Was this any less humiliating than being tied to a post and whipped while the world watched on? Probably, it certainly felt that way.

The smack of his hand on her ass caused her to jump up, so he grabbed her arm and pinned it behind her back, then hooked his leg over hers, preventing her from rising up. The next smack drove her deeper onto his lap until she felt the hard muscles of his thighs.

She squawked as he continued to switch from one buttock to another at a rapid pace and the noise echoed around his office in a horrible way, as if her bottom had been turned into a drum set.

“Oh, ow, ow!” she howled, feeling each slap meet her tense cheeks. She knew she should try to calm down, but she couldn’t. The more she battled against him, the harder his hand came down and the worse it felt.

She’d never been spanked before. It wasn’t horrendously painful or even agonizing, but it still damn well hurt. She tried to twist her bottom to one side, but he’d locked her in place with his firm grip.

“Keep still, little human,” he commanded and rained down a few more smacks.

Little human!