She slipped along the wall away from him. “I promise I’ll come back. It’s just along the corridor, in my master’s study.”

It wasn’t. What was in his drawers were makeshift weapons: whips, paddles, and the things he used to spank her.

“I’ll come with you.” He held her arm once more, making sure she stayed by his side. The strength of his grip wasn’t hampered by his injury.

He released her in the study. To her surprise, he collapsed onto a chair. Maybe he wasn’t as strong as he seemed. The wound might be deep and he could have internal bleeding. She opened a drawer. There was the whip and the spanking stick. Galen had used the rod on her bottom only once. He chosen it after a long session

of lovemaking during which he’d specifically warned her not to come and of course, she had—she smiled wistfully at the brief recollection. He’d used it skillfully and the punishment had left her even needier than ever. God, she wanted Galen; she needed his protection now more than ever.

Karrow groaned and clutched his belly. “Hurry up, human.”

She touched the whip—what could she do with it or the stick? Even if Karrow was wounded, with his training he still had the ability to disarm her. Guile was her friend. Also, she realized, humanity. She closed the drawer.

“I’m sorry. I thought there was something in here, but I’m mistaken. I can bind your wound with my shirt,” she suggested.

“Do it.” The blood seeped through his fingers. “Quickly.”

She pulled off the shirt, revealing her bare, milky white breasts. The extra vulnerability was a risk she’d have to take. As she tore it into strips and tied the ends into one long strip, he ogled her breasts. Kneeling by the chair, she dressed his wound. She coiled the makeshift bandage around his midriff.

“Tighter,” Karrow growled.

He’d tattoos on his ribcage. They looked like worms or snakes with forked tongues and evil eyes. He leaned forward. One of his hands nearly brushed against her nipples. She pulled hard on the bandage. Karrow winced and dropped his hand. She knotted the ends of the cloth together. A small bloodstain spread on the surface as he breathed rapidly.

“That will do.” He slumped back and closed his eyes.

Now, she had a chance. Springing to her feet, she ran to the door. She made it as far as the entrance hall before he caught up with her. He shoved her hard in the back and she sprawled across the floor. She screamed as loud as she could as he grabbed her ankles and began to drag her away from the front door.

The door burst open and in rushed a troop of men armed with weapons and wearing helmets with what looked like metallic antler’s horns fixed to the crown of each one. With their heads bowed, they charged at Karrow, who immediately dropped her legs and ran further into the house.

Zara leapt to her feet and scampered out of the door straight into the arms of a man. Her man—Galen.

“Oh, thank God,” she cried into his shoulder.

“Zara, my girl, you’re safe, now. I’m here.” He swept her up into his arms and held her tight to his chest. She heard his beating heart; the pace like hers, frantic and loud.

“He was going to…” She couldn’t say the words. “I couldn’t fight him off. I wanted to, but—”

Galen kissed her forehead. “Hush. I know. You’ve been very brave, my Zara.” He stroked her bare back. His hand paused between her shoulder blades. “Did he tear off your clothes? Did he actually—”

She shook her head vigorously. “No. He was weakened by a wound. I bound it with my shirt to buy time. I hoped you would come home early, like you do sometimes.”

There were triumphant cries from the house—the huntsmen had their prey.

Galen lowered her to her feet. “Can you stand?”


“Good.” He removed his shirt and draped it over her shoulders. She glimpsed what was emblazoned across his proud chest: the lion tattoo with bloody teeth. She’d never seen his tattoos show rage or aggression. She wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t angry with her.

“What will happen to him?” she asked as Galen led her into the house.

“He will stand trial for sedition and other crimes,” he said, squeezing her hand.

She knew he meant what Karrow had done to her. “Will he die?”

“We don’t execute our warriors, even those that turn against us. He’ll go to a penal colony for the rest of his life.”

“He hates me. Humans.” Tears spilt down her cheeks. What chance did she and Galen have together?