“Obey me,” he commanded. “Obey my wishes, Zara, and you will find yourself.” His hand was unforgiving, even if his tone was reconciliatory.

“Yes, sir,” she murmured.

“I shall not do this again—give you a second chance—do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she said louder.

The fire in her bottom spread down her upper thighs, as he shifted his target to them, then back to the crease between ass and thigh, before lifting his hand above the crest of her lobe and aiming at the firmest part of her bottom with rapid spanks.

“When this is done, you will stand in the corner while I speak to Sentaria about your sister.”

She sobbed. “Thank you, sir,” she managed to gasp as he repeated his circle of spanks—down her thighs and back up to the sorest spots. The heat was centered in those two apexes. With the discomfort too much, she screamed as he spanked. She had to release her pain somehow and it was the only way to do it without leaping off his lap.

Her cries were loud. Galen didn’t command her silence, only her fortitude in keeping still.

“That’s it, little girl, let it out. Let go of that pain and frustration. I’m taking care of you now. I’m your family, too.”

She buried her face in her hands and w


Galen stopped. She’d no idea for how long he’d spanked her, perhaps half an hour without pause. He rested his warm hand on her hot ass and stroked her flaming skin. “It’s done, Zara. I’ve spanked you hard and I’m satisfied you are contrite. Go stand in the corner with your bottom on display. Go,” he urged.

He helped her stand and she tottered over to the corner opposite the door. Reaching behind, she gave her bottom a rub. The heat was immense, as if he’d lit a fire under the skin.

“No, don’t touch. Put your hands on your head.”

The pose was humiliating but she obeyed him. The tears had ceased flowing down her cheeks. Her breathing was still rapid and she hiccoughed occasionally.

“I’ll be back,” he said before leaving the room.

Gradually, she calmed herself down. The soreness continued to grow in her behind as the heat refused to disperse. When her arms grew heavy, she leaned forward and rested her forehead on the wall. What next? He’d called her family, which seemed a wondrous idea; yet, did he know what that meant to her? For a human, it was more than just showing love. Family meant sacrifice. And, most of all, it was a lifelong commitment. If he really meant what he said, where would she go after the ordeal was completed? Home, back to her studies, or stay with Galen?

None of it mattered if she couldn’t help April. Her heart would be broken if she failed her sister.

The door opened behind her. She resisted the temptation to peep over her shoulder.

“Good girl,” Galen said, approaching her quietly.

She sighed with relief.

“Come here and sit on my lap.” He held out his hand. “If you can.”

It wasn’t easy, she had to curl up on one side and lift the weight off her poor ass, but she managed. She snuggled into his chest.

“I’ve spoken to the doctor. Your father will be contacted by our medics and your sister brought over here to a hospital. Sentaria will coordinate her treatment. He can’t promise success—this is an experiment—”

She covered his mouth with a kiss. “Thank you, thank you,” she muttered as she covered his cheeks with kisses.

His cheeks flushed pink with a faint display of bemusement at her gratitude. “Be still, little human,” he said, a little gruffly before smiling at her puzzled face. “This is not going to alter your sentence. However, we shall do this discreetly, so that by the time the arrangements are in place, our governments agreed, then you will be free again.”

“They won’t find out about this ordeal?”

“I promised to expunge your record and it shall be so. Perhaps this kindness will open up new opportunities for both Vendu and Human. Now be still, while I rest. I’ve had a long day.” He sighed, rested the back of his head on the armchair and closed his eyes.

She curled into a ball on his lap and he stroked her hair.

After a few minutes he spoke. “Undo my shirt.”