“Tonight, you will undertake the bountiful pleasures of Astra.”

That didn’t sound too bad, except he was talking about Astra, the princess who had what it took to satisfy her man. Zara’s confidence was plummeting.

“Brynt enjoyed watching her come so much, he required her to orgasm multiple times. Twenty times. In one night.”

Zara’s eyes opened wide. “But… that’s impossible…”

“Sentaria and I wish to prove a human is capable of such a feat. We’ll be able to witness your orgasms visually.”

Zara didn’t need to be told how exactly they would witness her come. All those orgasms would turn her skin into a rainbow of colors. It made no difference. She couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t, not for a stranger. It was humiliating.

Galen’s expression hardened. “Zara, this is part of your sentence. We are in private. There are no cameras. I warned you that the ordeal would involve private acts of humility. You will humble yourself to me, and my guest, and allow us the pleasure of watching you orgasm. If necessary, we will force them from you.”

Her heart skipped a beat and tears filled her eyes. This was a horrible idea.

“This isn’t fair. I won’t do it with him watching!” She forgot her nudity and she didn’t care she was flaring her nostrils and narrowing her eyes at him.

“Fair?” he growled softly, almost inaudibly. Galen burrowed his piercing gaze straight through her and her daring posture shriveled. “This is my decision. I shall punish you and you shall obey.”

“Then get on with it. Try to make me come,” she snapped back.

Galen shot out his hand and grabbed her arm. He propelled her to the bench, and with a firm hand between her shoulder blades, bent her over it. The padding was some kind of foam, like a mattress. It molded itself around her form, and she sank deeper. Her arms were trapped by her side, her belly and breasts captured below. She tried to wriggle and move, but other than breathing, she couldn’t escape the padding.

“I’m stuck!” she squealed, kicking her legs.

“You are,” Galen confirmed. “Stop trying to struggle. This is a special table designed to hold you in place.” He pressed her legs against the sides, and the padding softened around her thighs and knees, locking them in position. She was bent over and stuck to the table, as good as bound. She couldn’t move, only breathe.

“I’m going to remind you that you will obey me.” Galen’s hand smacked against her bottom, covering both ass cheeks.

“Ow, ow.” She tried to kick her legs back, but they were held fast. She couldn’t even wriggle her hips from side to side. She opened her mouth, something she could do as her chin wasn’t glued to the bed, and readied herself to unleash every curse word she could think of.

Galen slapped her ass again. The words failed to materialize. Her mouth hung open. The doctor was invisible, out of her line of sight, but Galen wasn’t. Using her peripheral vision, she could just make him out, standing to one side of the narrow table and methodically, without pausing, he spanked her. He swept back his hand and cracked it against her upturned bottom.

“Good girls don’t talk back.” He punctuated his words with firm swipes. Her ass was on fire.

She blinked, fighting the tears. Stay still, don’t struggle. Her buttocks were clenched tight together, but it didn’t help. With a sob, she had to accept she was fighting a losing battle. Galen would keep going, her bottom would be so hot and sore, she’d not be able to sit for days, and he’d still carry out this ordeal regardless. Punished meant exactly that—punished.

“I expect better from you,” he said sternly with the tone of voice she both feared and secretly adored. There it was—a ripple of warmth and it wasn’t centered on her bottom, but higher up, around her breasts and shoulders. She wanted to ignore it, pretend it wasn’t happening.

She’d been rude. And what was wrong with orgasms? She loved them. Yearned for them. Perhaps she’d been mistaken in resisting. And this man who watched them was a doctor. Wasn’t it important for her to meet a Vendu doctor and make contacts? She muttered a despondent curse under her breath.

Get a grip, Zara, and start submitting like you mean it!

Galen ran his hand down her back and rested it on the base of her spine. He applied no pressure, there wasn’t any need to, because the foam prevented her from jerking up. He smacked her ass and left his broad palm and long fingers cupping the entirety of her flaming cheek. Slowly, he circled it with his palm, distributing the burning. He repeated the act on the other one, allowing her to breathe deeply and exhale between each brisk slap. The change in pace helped. He also altered the measure of force he applied. It sounded less like a thunderous clap and more like a snap of a branch breaking.

“I’ll be good,” she offered as her first attempt at placating him.

He continued his mix of smacks and rubs, which shifted her mood further from shock and anger to submission and acceptance.

“No more naughtiness. I won’t tolerate it, little human.” He eased his finger between her hot cheeks.

“No, sir.” The foam trapping her legs softened.

He probed her with the fingers of one hand while slapping her bottom with the palm of the other.

“You’ll keep yourself focused on pleasing me.” He slid his finger along her slit. Now that she could move her legs, she opened them wider for him.

“Good girl, that’s better.” Galen stroked her bottom. “See, Sentaria?”