Galen sat her on his lap and traced his fingers along the lines on her back. She couldn’t see the tattoo, but she could guess it too was a rainbow of colors and forms.

“So pretty,” he whispered. “The moment you came, you erupted like a fiery volcano.”

He held her close to his chest, and continued to stroke and caress her quivering body.

“I’m so ashamed,” she whispered back. “You made me come when I should be cross and hating you.”

“I know,” he said. “I understand. Truly, I do. But this is an ordeal, Zara. Something for you to endure, for now, but I think you will overcome those negative feelings and thrive under my care.”

“You still plan to whip me. Fuck me?” She rested her hand against his chest. His heartbeats were pounding and beneath her bottom, his cock poked up. She had to admire his self-control.

“Yes. I am a man of my word,” he said solemnly. “Do not be afraid, my Zara. Because you are mine, you will be under my protection. For a Vendu, this is as close as we come to a marriage vow. I shan’t let anything harm you. This ink will be spent from your system in a few weeks’ time. I shall miss it. And think you will come to miss it, too.”

Why did she believe him?

He put her to bed, even tucked a blanket around her and kissed her forehead. “Sleep. Your trials continue tomorrow. Daily, the Ordeal of Astra will make you confront your weaknesses and your strengths, Zara.”

She didn’t doubt that either.

As he rose, he spotted the teddy on the chair. He chortled. “What is this creature?”

“Oh, er,” His interest in Mr. Cuddles flustered her. “A gift. From my sister. We have one each.”

Remembering her sister brought a flood of shame. She’d just had an amazing orgasm while back at home, her family waited for news. She’d nothing to give them.

“Your sister?”

“Yes. She’s younger than me.”

His expression softened. Children were important to the Vendu, even if they raised them differently. At the moment, she was in his favor, so it was worth a try.

“Sir,” she said sweetly. “My studies, my notes. I don’t want to stop learning. Please, may I have access to my computer?”

Galen shook his head. “No.”

Zara’s shoulders slumped onto the pillow. He was adamant, she could tell from the tone of his voice. What hope did she have if he refused to let her have access to the outside world?

He glanced at her, and pursed his lips before speaking. “I shall speak to the university tech and arrange for your notes to be transferred to my private server. You may study using one of my consoles.”

It was a start. It didn’t give her access to her emails, but she might be able to hack his computer and find some way to send a message. She dare not push him any further. His happy mood would quickly end.

“Thank you, sir. Mr. Cuddles thanks you, too.” She grinned, injecting a little humor into the tense conversation.

Galen picked up the teddy bear and squeezed its belly. “Humans,” he said with a shake of his head. “This need for props is not something we Vendu understand.”

“He’s not a prop,” Zara said with indignity. “He’s… a kind of friend.” She grimaced. Hardly the best way to convince Galen the benefits of cuddly toys. It made her feel childish and pathetic. She shrugged. “I like him, okay,” she added lamely.

He laughed. Lifting the blanket, he handed her Mr. Cuddles. “There, have him. He can keep you warm. I guess it’s harmless.”

She still glowed a golden sheen. The tattoos were fading. Each swirl and dot of ink retreating, losing the saturation. Soon she would be pale and untainted by its mark. Until he touched her again.

Glancing up, she caught his gaze. He was staring at her naked body, the corner of the blanket in his hand.

“Beautiful creature,” he murmured.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw it. A shadow of darkness erupted around her nipples. The first of the concentric rings impregnated with ink was reawakening. She gasped.

Galen smiled, briefly, then dropped the blanket. “Don’t touch yourself,” he said with a steely voice. “Or I shall spank you for coming without permission and chain you spread-eagled to the bed while I force you to come with my cock. I will know, won’t I, Zara?” He wagged his finger in her direction.