There, for a second, a fleeting glimpse of it across her bosom. Nothing more than a tease, but there!

With the softest of caresses he drew a line around one of her nipples. A faint shadow followed his fingertip. She swayed slightly, rising up onto her toes then back on her heels as he repeated the circuit. This time the trail of mellow azure remained, bleeding into the skin of her breasts, revealing the tattoo he’d commissioned.

Yes, it was working. It thrilled him, knowing the chemistry of the ink was equally effective in humans as it was in Vendu. Of course his choice of inking had nothing to do with Astra. Such advanced technologies had not existed in her time. However, for his rendition of the ordeal he needed extra clues to Zara’s state of mind. How else would he know she was his? If he was to construct the right blend of punishments and pleasure, he had to understand her to the best of his ability, and that meant revealing everything she might choose to keep from him.

She’d clasped her hands tightly together over her navel, right in the line of his sight. Try as she might to block his view, it was pointless hiding anything from him now.

He continued his experiment and rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb. The nib was the size of a small pebble he might find on a beach. He flicked it with his finger. She winced. A little pain, but the taunt hadn’t altered the hue of the color that surrounded the nipple. Cupping the breast in his palm, he gently squeezed. The azure deepened into indigo. Her jaw lowered and she released a sharp exhale. Bringing up his other hand, he played with both breasts—a slow, measured toying, which alternated between caresses and the occasionally pinch of her nipples.

Her breasts weren’t the only part of her that was altering in color tone. Dropping his hands, he moved to stand behind her. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the spectacle of the emerging tattoo that covered her back.

“Beautiful,” he murmured.

He stepped forward, grasped her upper arms, and drew her closer to his chest until her shoulder blades rested on his pectorals. His heartbeats pounded beneath his breastbone and his blood flowed hotter, thickening his shaft into an erection. Those reactions were due to what he was witnessing.

She stiffened as he reached around and resumed his exploration. Tucked into the apex of her thighs, her knotted fingers guarded her entrance. Stroking her upper belly with the palm of his hand, he felt the warmth and firmness of her stomach. When he kissed her bare shoulder, trailing kisses along it to her neck, she gasped. The concentric circles around her breasts darkened—she couldn’t stop it from happening.

“Move your hands, Zara.”

She hesitated. He heard her swallow hard, then she dropped her arms to her sides. He pushed his hand lower and between her thighs, sliding it upward to where she’d bolted her legs tight together in the hope of dissuading him. It didn’t matter for now; he did not intend to penetrate her tonight. However, regardless of his resolution, her inner thoughts had betrayed her. The pattern on each of her thighs boldly pointed to his destination. As he approached her mound and the exposed nub of her clitoris, she leaned backward and brushed her bottom against his rigid cock, which remained tucked painfully inside his pants.

Immediately, every line, swirl, and dot of the tattoos inked on her body turned nearly black. The blueness of near frigidity was gone. The arrival of purples and indigos indicated her heightened sensitivity. If he were to probe inside her untested pussy while her tattoos stayed steadfastly dark, he would find it slick and

wet, ready for use.

He lifted her off his chest and spun her around. Lowering his lips to her upturned face, he pressed his mouth onto hers. She exhaled into his mouth and he held her there, giving himself the opportunity to explore with his lips and tongue. When he snatched her wrists and pinned them behind her back, the tattoos held their depth and intensity. No hint of paleness or fading.

The harder he kissed, allowing her only the briefest intervals to breathe, the more convinced he was that the ink wasn’t lying to him. She couldn’t hide it—she was his. She’d bent to him and even if she appeared to resist with her mind, her body was already lost to him.

He broke free and licked his lips, tasting her sweet flavor on them.

She was breathing heavily, rocking again on her toes.

It was time to reveal the true purpose of the ink.

He removed the blindfold.

* * *

The light stung her eyes, even though the lighting blended into the surroundings. She blinked several times, attempting to assimilate her splintered thoughts. Something had happened while he touched her. She’d felt an electric buzz pulse beneath the skin of her back, breasts, and thighs; it almost hummed in tune with his teasing caresses. Painless, it had generated a modicum of heat to add to her already hot body. Tentatively, she looked down at her body.

She gazed in wonder at the markings. They seemed to dance across her chest and bosom—a medley of circles forming symmetrical patterns. Something had brought the colors to the surface of her skin and caused the ink to darken into a rainbow of purples, blues, and emeralds.

The ones on her inner thighs reminded her of a thicket of rose stems with thorns. They threaded their way up her leg. However, their destination was thwarted—she’d kept the towel over her mound preventing the inkers from tattooing around her clitoris. Yet, somehow, they’d managed to reach her hipbones.

She peered over her shoulder. It wasn’t as easy to see, but she was tattooed from the nape of her neck to the bottom of her ribcage. The colors were the same, the pattern imitating leaves and vines again. And something else, which she couldn’t make out. Shapes hidden between the lines. How had they done all this in so few hours?

“I can see by your expression you are both shocked and awed,” Galen remarked. He’d given her space and not laid a finger on her as she examined herself.

“It’s some kind of reactive ink? A tactile trigger?” She tapped her skin just above a nipple. Was it as simple as that—the right amount of pressure and boom, the ink appeared. Except, it seemed to be altering. The darkest colors were fading into paler shades of blues and purples.

Galen stepped toward her and lifted her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes. He’d a bemused expression—was he laughing at her? He cocked his head to one side and lowering his head, he blew on one of her pert nipples. The waft of moist breath hit the apex and she shivered with delight at the delicate touch. Immediately, the tattoo ringing her breast bloomed and intensified. The color deepened into a rich indigo.

She stared in disbelief.

No, no!

He’d inked her with something that didn’t simply respond to tactile pressure—it was linked to her libido!