“Nonsense,” said Dr. Han. “I’ve examined countless males. The erect penis is equally fascinating in different species—”

Dr. Curzon folded his arms and interrupted his colleague. “Prisoner sixty-two, do you refuse to submit to your examination?”

“Yes,” she snapped.

“The punishment for refusing to comply is a swift, hard spanking. Since your bottom is already available, I shall commence your spanking immediately. Dr. Han, if you would step aside, there is no reason for you to be involved in this. It is a matter I can deal with on my own.”

Freya lost all ability to speak. She watched as the two medics switched places, leaving Dr. Curzon by her upturned rear. “A few hard swats will remind you of your place.” He raised his hand and swept it backward.

She tried to shift up the table, but the leg cuffs pinned her down. The smack echoed across the room. The sting of his hand was immediate. He’d struck her left buttock, at the meeting point of ass and thigh, and exactly where she sat.

“Ow!” she shouted.

Another slap on the other cheek and she thumped the sides of the table with her fists before grasping the edges with her fingers.

He continued to sweep his hand back and forth, while throughout the spanking, Dr. Han looked on, observing her reaction. The heat built, the soreness too, but it was the shame that gnawed at her. Far from feeling obedient, the spanking enraged her further, bringing out her stubborn streak.

“Will you do as you’re told?” Dr. Curzon asked.

“No,” she hurtled back at him with venom. What use was it to argue with them? She expected pain. Somewhere along the line from the moment she’d been arrested, she assumed there would be pain and here it was, and she was determined to take it. Except her ass was blazing and it hurt like crazy.

The medic frowned. “I will continue to spank you until I have your cooperation.”

“Never. Get off me, you bastard.” She swung her bottom from side to side, trying to avoid his hand.

The door opened and in strode a familiar, if unexpected figure. Dr. Curzon lowered his hand and straightened his back. “Who are you?”

* * *

Marco explored the corridors, familiarizing himself with the layout of the reception center. The transporter he had arrived on had brought in a fresh stock of soldiers for guard duties. In a few days, the next consignment was due: a motley collection of prisoners from a rogue planet that continued to resist the Vendu. The shipment was expected to be significant. There was much to do in preparation.

Having discussed the issues with reception manager, who’d snapped his heels at the end of every sentence, Marco had decided to visit the medics. Two were currently on duty, including Dr. Han, a visiting physician sent by a high-ranking official on Vendu’s home world—Halos. An ageing planet Marcus had never visited, since he’d been born on another one of Vendu’s colonies. His father, now deceased, had been a general and his elegant mother was the daughter of a distant relative of the emperor himself. He’d had a varied upbringing involving much travel and little opportunity to form a lasting relationship with a female companion. Each assignment to a distant colony had brought him new knowledge, a new bedfellow, but no stability or sense of purpose in life until his latest promotion. His new position would no longer involve disciplining wayward Vendus sentenced to swift and often brutal punishments, but aliens. A concept he was anticipating he would find challenging and possibly enjoyable, given the powers he’d been awarded.

He turned a corner and the muffled voice shouted out, “Never, get off me, you bastard.”

A woman’s voice and somewhat distressed. The guard outside the nearby exam room saluted and jerked his thumb over his shoulder and smirked. “She’s having her ass whooped.”

Marco frowned and the guard wiped the grin off his face.

“Go,” Marco growled before opening the door.

She lay naked on the table with her pussy exposed and her legs splayed wide and bound in place. A medic was standing between her legs with his hand raised in mid-spank.

“Who are you?” asked the doctor.

“What’s going on here?” Marco demanded. Her ass with its spread cheeks was glowing red and showed a smattering of handprints.

The doctor eyed him, examining the badge on his lapels. “Governor Marco?” he stuttered and folded his arm behind his back.

“Yes,” Marco snapped back. “I asked a question.”

“I’m Dr. Curzon. This is my colleague Dr. Han of the AHD.” He pointed to the medic holding the clamp. “She is the Earthling.”

She lifted her head and two angry eyes rimmed with unshed tears peeped out. Her lower lip was trembling and she clenched the side of the table with whitened knuckles. It was the girl on the transporter—Freya. The spy. He stepped nearer, availing himself of the view between her thighs. He was unable to take his eyes of the flushed folds around her pussy entrance. They glistened with her nectar and he sniffed. The smell of her dainty musk was intoxicating, almost irresistible. Like most Vendu on Earth, he’d had no contact with Earthlings in the flesh. Nobody questioned why; it was the law and he obeyed the law. However, the Vendu’s data retrieval bots had intercepted images showing humans to be adept at sex and quite adventurous too. He’d not watched many. Just enough to understand what he saw between her legs was undeniable lust.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“She has a fascinating external clitoris,” said Dr. Han, who held a clamp in his hand. “We’re going to stimulate it and induce an intense orgasm. We wish to further our understanding of this Earthling’s physiology. Her sexual abilities. However, she has refused to cooperate and Dr. Curzon has been spanking her.”