“But we didn’t conquer your territories. We also brokered peace treaties with Lucilla’s people. Usually the Vendu crush any rebellions and force the indigenous population into servitude. On Earth that didn’t happen. You see,” Marco inhaled deeply before continuing, “not only is our planet dying, so are we.” He uttered sentence with a voice of doom.

“I don’t understand. You’re the great Vendu, an empire.”

“We’ve spread our people too thinly across the galaxy, and due to our military’s preference for self-sacrifice rather than captivity, our numbers are not as strong as you might believe—hence the secrecy. We might have explored numerous planets, but in reality, we’ve laid claim to only a few because most have environments that are too harsh for even our terraforming technology. And, our search hasn’t just been for a new home world, it’s also for a compatible race to extend our bloodline. Without the help of humans, we might not survive into the next millennium.”

Freya guffawed. The idea that the Vendu could simply announce their intention to breed with humans and expect her people to comply was ludicrous. “We’ll resist you. No human would allow this to happen. What incentive could you possibly…” She halted. Marco’s eyes widened and he bolted upright in bed.

“Terraforming,” they said in unison.

She shook her head. “It can’t be done. I mean, would that really be something worth trading for?”

“We’d never give up military technology, but other things, like terraforming and renewable technologies, these we would part with if it ensured cooperation from Earthlings. Yes, you know, it might be something to negotiate.”

“You’d have to prove that there is more than procreation involved. You see how important it is for us to bond with our children, to maintain those family ties. We need love, Marco, and can’t just be turned into baby factories.”

Marco nodded. “We’re proof of that. We can show both the Vendu and humans. Once we’ve ensured your innocence, you and I can work toward convincing our people there is hope for us. The emperor is tired of expansion and war. He’s ready to consider alternatives. I know this from mother.”

“Then I shouldn’t lose hope?”

“On the contrary, you must live in hope.” He tipped her chin toward his and moved to kiss her.

Freya sensed the residue of stickiness between her legs and elsewhere. “Marco,” she murmured as he grazed his lips along her neck.


“When you’re working, what will I do?”

He leaned back and shrugged. “I suppose you’ll do what you did in the Volta.”

She chewed her lips. “Could I help out with those projects you’ve initiated? The theater—”

“We’ll see. You’ll have to be good. Not get involved in prisoners’ affairs and problems. I can just see you trying to fix everything down there.” He cocked an eyebrow.

“I’ll try. I’ll be good,” she added swiftly. She was glad to be out of the Volta, but she’d miss the company of other women. “My maid, Gellis, will not miss fighting my hair every morning.”

Marco laughed and combed his fingers through her tangled hair. “We’ll appoint another servant. Someone who can take care of you. Keep you in the state fit for the ruler of Tagra.”


“Sadly, she’s in the Volta and Lalita will keep her there. You can pick somebody else.”

Freya pondered, but the decision came easily. “Tally. She was the one who welcomed me when I arrived here. She deserves a break from making those ghastly crackers.”

Marco guffawed. “Those crackers are what the Vendu army march upon.”

“Poor soldiers,” she gasped in a mock fashion, rolling her eyes upwards. “I should make you cornbread instead.”

“Cook for me?” He resumed his petting and aimed his face toward her nipple. “That might be the best thing you could ever do for me.”

Freya leaned away from his ticklish tongue and gave him a real pout of indignation. “The best? I’ve just given you my best—”

He laughed. “A joke, sweetness. I’m learning too!”


The view out of the window appeared unchanged. The prisoners still roamed from building to building, the guards still marched when on patrol. The heat of the sun roasted the backs of tho

se who labored outside and the wind swept up the sand, blowing it across the rooftops. Freya pursed her lips and commiserated with those in the canyon. However, her fortunes were much different.