The fire rabbit tattoo moved into its next pose, always moving in circles around her back. It had faded a little. It would need renewing soon. He didn’t doubt she would agree to the procedure.

“Answer me, Freya,” he chided, strengthening the tone of his voice. “Do you want me to pleasure you, or fuck you hard? So hard you’ll not walk for days.” As he said the words, she clenched his finger in a pincer grasp. He’d no intention of leaving her crippled. However, he’d given her a message and she’d responded positively.

“Very well. Just so you know, you don’t get to change your mind. Understood?” He ramped up the sexual tension, but how far to push her before she shouted out fire rabbit?

She nodded—another breach in etiquette. He couldn’t see her face, but she wasn’t distressed by his declaration. He suspected that beneath the veneer of the trained jenjin there was a soft smile waiting to emerge.

He slapped a buttock with the flat of his hand and she jerked with a gasp. “Yes, sir.”

“Then we’ll start, I’m ravenous. Let’s see how deep my tongue will reach inside this pussy. Let me eat you out.”

She came on his finger. A spontaneous, uncontrolled orgasm. He slapped her bottom as she contracted her muscles and he thrust repeatedly in time to his swift smacks. The orgasm evolved from a small beginning into a violent awakening, which charged into every muscle of her body. Her quivering legs gave out from under her. He stayed with her, agitating his finger until she erupted again with another wave of spasms.

“Oh, no!” She bunched her knees together and tried to evict his hand from between her legs. “I’m sorry.”

He thrust two fingers inside her. “Why are you sorry?”

She squealed. “I didn’t ask for permission.”

“No, you didn’t. How naughty of you. Perhaps I should take you over my knee and remind you of my rules.” He emphasized the my. They were his rules, not the Volta’s or Lalita’s. His to control, and he would devise new ones, especially to keep her safe while she lived with him.

She flailed her arms about and her bottom bucked up and down on his fingers.

“Naughty little Earthling,” he growled. “Very well. Over my knee.” He settled back on the bed and patted his thigh.

Freya crawled toward him, lifting her flushed face and she pouted, puckering her lips together. He laughed. It was a fine attempt at the frown, but he could see it was a lie.

She lay with overt reluctance over his lap and then proceeded to holler excessively loud with each smack. However, she giggled occasionally, too, betraying her true thoughts and she squirmed when he reminded her she was not to come without permission.

“Sir. I’ll be good,” she squeaked between spanks.

The pretense at discipline was over. It wasn’t what either of them truly desired. The stiffness in her body had eased. She was ready.

He ramped up the hardness, pinned her under his arm, and rattled off a series of spanks on each sit spot until each one had turned crimson. Her response was to cease struggling and she moaned. A long, soft sound of satisfaction. This, her submission, was his goal, and it was everything he needed from his companion, his woman. Finally, he’d found her.

* * *

He’d fucked her mouth and forced her to orgasm with only his fingers. Her clitoris was in such a sensitive state that if he tickled it, she would come hard. She lacked mental discipline, Lalita would have reminded her and the verdict was probably true. With Marco watching over her, she’d always be at risk of a spanking, but she didn’t mind in the slightest, not if it felt as wonderful as this.

He’d shifted from mild reprimand into the kind of spanking she really needed. The hard kiss of each slap resounded in her ears and jarred her hips into his meaty thighs. It hurt, boy, did it sting like crazy when he landed them in quick succession The burning flare followed by the spike of pain as each smack merged into a pool of heat. Over and over, he aimed at the same two little spots. Her ass yielded, then like a row of dominoes toppling over, so did the rest of her.

Free of the Volta, she had his undivided attention. No more kowtowing to Lalita and the other overseers, she would only have one person directing her. The spanking continued, gradually becoming a fog of pain and she ground her hips down into his lap, feeling his erection beneath her bones.

Words weren’t necessary any longer. When he finished, he rubbed the hot spots briefly, then fingered her again. She held her breath, working hard on holding back another orgasm, which waited in the wings, desperate to come out onto the stage.

She drifted, happy to let Marco do as he pleased and he did.

Bending her over the edge of the bed, her blazing ass on display alongside her throbbing sex, he molded his body over hers. The head of his cock nudged once, twice, then entered her pussy, pushing aside the residual effect of her unending spasms. Marco stilled, keeping himself in check as she stretched around his steely rod.

Holding her wrists above her head, he pinned her to the bed and she wore his body like a coat—her smaller, slender frame draped by his muscular shell. What lay inside him, his beating heart, thumpe

d against her shoulder blades. The weight of his chest pressed her down and she sank into the mattress. He’d taken ownership of her.

The way he overwhelmed her, made his presence felt after the horrible encounter with Dr. Han calmed her. It was the opposite effect to what anyone might expect if they witnessed the scene. If she’d written a play describing the dominance of an unyielding governor over his captive prisoner, spanking her, directing her with cool commands, nobody would believe it was her wish to bend to his demands.

The passage of time had no bearing. Nobody interrupted them. If she needed food or drink, she would wait. With his cock pounding and his hips slapping against her bottom, Marco fucked her with unrelenting passion until he pumped his cum into her pussy. The mix of juices, his and her copious offering, provided sufficient lubrication for him to coat his shaft and prepare her bum hole.

“Relax,” he soothed as he probed, checking her readiness.